a few quick things

1. For those who missed the update on my post, I wanted to thank all of you for donating to The Small Things and Nkoranga Orphanage. Because of your generation donations Dainessi and Stevie will be attending school next year AND with the extra money raised, Nkoranga will be able to hire a new orphanage "mama" for the entire year! So THANK YOU all so much! Per usual I'm completely blown away by your awesome. P.S. If you or someone you know represents a small non-profit looking to raise money/awareness for your cause, you can email me: rebeccawoolf (at) gmail.

2. Over on my my Babble Voices blog I'm giving away a a Dell Inspiron fancypants computer! To win? Just leave a comment on one or both of the following posts:

- Te(a)ch Your Children Well: Are tablets in first grade really necessary?
- Shop Til' You Drop Signal: On buying shoes on cell phones and other such shopping sprees.

...I'll also be posting two more posts this week so be sure to comment on those as well to up your chances of winning!

3. I'm thrilled to be one of Olympus' PENready photographers and will be updating my photographs on the PEN ready site as photographer #773. I'll also be posting a few series of shots here on GGC. Very exciting as it's been years since I've shot on a camera other than my Canon Powershot (which I LOVE by the way). Still, kind of fun to shoot on something a little fancier. Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend!
