Dear friends. If you aren't already following A'Driane Nieves, you should absolutely do so now. The above painting stopped me in my tracks and her words are just as striking and important. She recently launched Create Resistance Collaborative, a collaborative of WOC multidisciplinary artists creating and utilizing art for advocacy, protest and social change which you can follow, here. Addye's artwork is available for sale, here and she also has a newsletter.
Am I angry?
You ask am I angry?
And I'm at a loss for words..."
Thank you, Sara Bareilles and Leslie Odem Jr. And thank you, Alicia for sharing it with me.
This song is currently available for free download, here.
I also wanted to share this incredible (and hopeful!) must-read piece by Baratunde Thurston. If you haven't yet read it, please do. And if you've already read it, read it again.
Let's keep doing.And doing.
And doing...
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