Caspian: this was our for-sure boy name until Narnia reared its cinematic head and I cried because I thought, Caspian and Archer sounded so fabulous together. One by land and one by sea! Ahoy! My tears led to Hal's "I hate to break it to you, Bec, but you aren't original" which is actually quite true. I'm not original. None of us are but sofuckingwhat, I love this name. Anyway, so long Caspian. Thanks for being my "other name" for the past three years and then falling off the boat and into the vastness of your own sea.
Rex: This is Hal's favorite name, but only because he claims his parents were going to name him Rex so he has this sort of dreamy-love-thing going on. I do agree that Rex is one awesome name, it's just a little (oh, I dunno!?) too... REXY for a first name. As a middle it could have worked, though.
Miller: After my hero, this was what I wanted to name Archer but I
big time lost. This time around, I begged Hal to gimme Miller for a middle name. He said, no, but he would have eventually caved, I know it.
Noble: This was, after Caspian, my first runner-up boy babyname. I think it's strong and bold and special. And it sounds well with Archer and Archer/Hal's last name.
Zephyr: I don't care what anyone says. Zephyr Miller is a badass name. And Zephyr is one of my all-time favorite words so naturally...
Other boy names we/I really liked that didn't make the shortlist: Cyprus, Dashiell, Gideon and Merrick.

Paisley: It sounds like Daisy and I adore the name, Daisy, I think mainly because of the song,
Daisy Bell, which is what I sing to Archer, and my mother sang to me. (One of my dogs is named,
Zadie because of its similarity to Daisy.) I also think Paisley is a sweet, eccentric, beautiful name.
Bijou: Bijou is one of those great french names that make me happy. Like GiGi and Coco and Cherie! It's sweet and chic and Bi (Bee) is cute for short (Bijou means Jewel) but my mom turned me off when she told me it reminded her of a frou-frou dog. Fucking moms screwing with my babynames, man!
Lyric: I adore this as a name even though its a somewhat recent phenomenon. I think it's feminine and perfect. And not to sound totally cheese, but I liked the idea of mixing the love of music (Hal) with (my) love of words and getting... Lyric.
Mirabelle: It's a lovely, feminine name. Pretty as a picture.
Chloe: This was one of those names I grew up adoring and yes, it's popular, I do realize but still, I do adore it. It's a perfect girl's name and Hal and I had it on our short list since the beginning. The name will live on in memory, however. After all, I named each and every one of my broken-legged
Breyer horses, Chloe, when I was a girl.
Luella: This name means, "girl warrior" which kind of matches the whole Archer "bowman" thing we got going. Luella came closest to becoming our first choice for girl name (after the Salome debacle)... I still adore it as a name. It's feminine, strong and sounds like wind when you say it aloud.
Other names I liked that didn't make the shortlist: Zelda, Indigo, Tabitha and Muse.
Edited to add: Daisy and Tallulah were also fierce contenders. So were Lucca and Persephone. I love these names. Hal wasn't so much a fan and, well, it's gotta be a compromised effort...
What about you? What names were/are on your babyname shortlist? And if you are planning on having more kids, would you use any of your shortlist names next time or does your taste in names vary from child to child?