The babies are crawling. They're crawling! Well, Revi is crawling (army) and Bo sits on all fours and then army crawls except Revi is a thousand times faster than Bo AKA she always gets to the good toys first and then Bo cries and then we have to have a conversation about sharing and then eventually Revi drops the little ball with the face on it and Bo gets so excited she bangs herself in the face and then she cries and then Revi cries and this is pretty much our life.
For all the craziness that is having suddenly-mobile twins, there's nothing better than watching two chunky seven-monthers play "Courthouse" in matching frocks (that I totally bought when I was pregnant and now they're wearing them sigh).
"Prosecutor Rev? You may now approach the bench!"
"Thank you, your honor."
For all the craziness that is having suddenly-mobile twins, there's nothing better than watching two chunky seven-monthers play "Courthouse" in matching frocks (that I totally bought when I was pregnant and now they're wearing them sigh).
"Prosecutor Rev? You may now approach the bench!"
"Thank you, your honor."

Or an Amelia Bedelia party.
This week was good. I feel good. Like, really good. Happy good. I'm still not sleeping but I'm in a very different place today than I was when I sat down to write last Monday's post. I put on lipstick this morning and clothes that aren't leggings and now I feel mildly attractive.
Is that all it takes?
Or perhaps it has to do with my spending the last seven days working outside of my house, wearing clothes that aren't 100% spandex, socializing with people who aren't my husband, children and mom.
I love my family times infinity infinityfin but WOW, does it feel good to leave sometimes. I've spent the majority of the last year home. Working from home. Parenting from home. Socializing from home... And sometimes it sucks. Sometimes it sucks a big, fat, humongous one.
Things that do not suck:
1. Setting your car GPS and then going a completely different direction just to piss off THE MAN. Yeah. The man is pissed.
2. Hot Pink lipstick (I forgot how awesome...)
3. Surprise flower bouquets from supportive husbands.
Last week I got to leave. I got to wear makeup and dresses and hang out with people in a work-type setting and it felt awesome. Like a vacation I got to come home from every day. It only felt like work when I realized I had sweat circles down to my ankles and had to arrange my body in creative ways as not to reveal my giant sweat stains to camera. (We shot several episodes of ChildStyle last week = very fun/exciting.)
It made me realize that as much as I crave alone time so do I also need to interact with other adults (who aren't my immediate family) on a regular basis in order to feel happy and human.
Partially human, anyway.

(Hours after the babies were born, we started talking about birth control. I've been quietly regretting not having my tubes tied during my C-section, but in the moment, emotional and puking, I was not in my right head to make any informed (intelligent) decisions.)
I love my family times infinity infinityfin but WOW, does it feel good to leave sometimes. I've spent the majority of the last year home. Working from home. Parenting from home. Socializing from home... And sometimes it sucks. Sometimes it sucks a big, fat, humongous one.
Things that do not suck:
1. Setting your car GPS and then going a completely different direction just to piss off THE MAN. Yeah. The man is pissed.
2. Hot Pink lipstick (I forgot how awesome...)
3. Surprise flower bouquets from supportive husbands.

It made me realize that as much as I crave alone time so do I also need to interact with other adults (who aren't my immediate family) on a regular basis in order to feel happy and human.
with Daphne Brogden, shooting a mom thing TBA
It's why I've spent the last thirteen years (on and off) writing in coffee shops. And why I intend to start doing so again. Because even though the last few months have been amazing - working from home - being a room away from my babies... mama needs some space as well.
Honestly, though. Sometimes I need to get the hell out of the house. For an hour or ten, so that I can look forward to coming home. That's who I am and I'm good with that.
Hal's the same way. The only difference? He's a man so he doesn't have to explain himself.

Speaking of Hal and manhood... Six months ago, he made an appointment to get a consultation (bump bump BUMP) for a vasectomy.
What's done is done, of course, and since six months have now passed since Hal's vasectomy consultation with no plans for a follow-up, I decided, this morning, to grab the uterus by the horns.
I will soon be the proud owner of another IUD, this time one without hormones. (Cough, Mirena, cough.) I cannot deal with hormonal birth control right now/ever. My hair is finally coming back and my sex drive has kicked into some kind of crazy overdrive, which? Awesome. So long as I have a few hairs to whip back and forth at the local sex party.
Anyway. I feel empowered by my decision. I hate to feel passive, especially when it comes to birth control, I don't care how married I am.
Anyway. I feel empowered by my decision. I hate to feel passive, especially when it comes to birth control, I don't care how married I am.

We took the big kids to see Chimpanzee on Sunday which was awesome. Highly recommended. All four of us adored.
Archer and Fable discovered the wonderful world of the Whoopee Cushion after cashing in their good behavior at the dentist's office and OH. HOLY. SHIT. How had I possibly forgotten?
Archer and Fable discovered the wonderful world of the Whoopee Cushion after cashing in their good behavior at the dentist's office and OH. HOLY. SHIT. How had I possibly forgotten?
I don't think there is a more worthwhile laugh in all the land than The Cushion that Whoopees, and the six of us, (eight, including my parents who were visiting over the weekend) spent a total of 78798123 hours laughing and farting, farting and laughing all. week. long. It was a good time, you guys.