Yes, that's right. I am voting with my vagina. AND IT FEELS GLORIOUS. It feels EXCEPTIONAL. IT FEELS LIKE I MUST DANCE AND SING RIGHT NOW AS I TYPE THIS. Because, here's the thing. It has become increasingly clear that this election has EVERYTHING to do with gender and what it means to be a woman today, yesterday and most importantly, tomorrow.
1. I am voting with my vagina because I CANNOT VOTE without one. I am a woman and a mother and I will ALWAYS vote as a woman and a mother first. And the issues that are most important to me as a HUMAN are also the issues that are most important to me as a woman and mother. Issues like, K-12 Education and LGBT rights, gun violence protection and racial justice, universal health care that includes mental health services, prison and criminal-justice reform, campus sexual assault, women's reproductive rights, and of course, the environment.
2. I am voting with my vagina because I am appalled and disgusted by men like Trump. And Pence. And Paul Ryan who are anti-woman, anti-equality and anti-choice to the point of criminalization. Because MY BODY is not up for debate. Nor are my sisters' bodies. My daughters' bodies. ANY. WOMAN'S. BODY.
3. I am voting with my vagina because Hillary will continue to fight for women's reproductive freedom, repeal the Hyde amendment to ensure low-income women have access to safe reproductive care and promote sexual education across america.
4. I am voting with my vagina because Hillary's opponent thinks vaginas are his to grab, that bragging about sexual assault is "locker room banter," and that as a man in a position of power, he has the right to undermine, harass, insult and humiliate women PUBLICLY. AND THAT IS NOT OKAY. EVER.
5. I am voting with my vagina because have friends who have had to go back to work before they have even healed from their C-sections. Because 12 weeks of paid-leave SHOULD BE A BASIC HUMAN RIGHT.
6. I am voting with my vagina because while "gender shouldn't play a role in politics," it does. It plays a role in every aspect of every woman and girl's life and this election is PROOF. OF THAT. AT. EVERY. TURN.
7. I am voting with my vagina because I have been raped. I have been assaulted. Because I AM RAISING THREE DAUGHTERS knowing that I cannot protect them from either. Meanwhile, Hillary has plans in place to INCREASE PREVENTION WITH CONSENT EDUCATION and that, in my opinion, is LONG LONGLONGLONG overdue.
8. I am voting with my vagina because as a society we have have empowered assholes like Trump with our enabling. And now we must work together to dismantle the culture that created him. And that starts with flexing our V power at the polls...
My entire post is up on and you can read it, here.
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