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Thursday, May 25, 2017
We are in the home-stretch with just over four days to go of our Kickstarter campaign and as of this morning we have TWO angel backers who are EACH coming through with 5k if we can get 250 more backers by Saturday, 9:30am PST. So! If you haven't backed PANS, please consider doing so today for as low as $1. Or ask a friend!? We also have some really incredible rewards for those of you who want to chip in more.
Here are a few items we have available for the next four days: click here for ALL available rewards! Massive thanks to my amazing friends and teammates who have contributed their time, art and expertise to our backer rewards, including Angela Boatwright, Danielle Hull, Desiree Falcon, Jolie Ankrom and Sydney Park.
Every dollar raised goes directly to the production of our film and the employment of actors, crew, designers, music supervisor and so on... I have been working on this project for ten years, with the goal to employ as close to an all-female crew as possible, to cast inclusively so that girls can SEE THEMSELVES and recognize their stories on screen. I believe that we ALL have the power within us to change the narrative, to flip the script and these last few weeks have been life-changing and inspiring and exhausting and motivating and WE ARE SO CLOSE to making this story come true, thanks to you. THANK YOU for giving me the space and support to ASK and receive assistance in making this movie.
Thank you for standing with me with love and solidarity. I am so grateful for this community, the love you have so generously offered me and my family through the years. Thank you for rooting me on as I pursue this next chapter. I am so humbled. So excited to make this film. So grateful to have your support and solidarity.
Here's to the generosity of 1105 backers so far. Here's to an additional 300 backers by Saturday!
Here's to our generous angel donors who have come through for me and my team these past few weeks.
Here's to YOU for cheering me on with your kind words and messages and reposts and art. I'm so incredibly grateful. With Love and Gratitude,Rebecca
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