The Month in Moments: May

My friend Polly took this picture. I am a horrible skateboarder, yes, but I am willing to eat shit trying which is basically my MO for life. If at first you don't succeed, eat shit trying. 
My other MO for life is the word NO and finding new ways to use it. For so many years I assumed "YES" was the way to go because confrontation is the worst and it's so much easier to just do the things that people tell you to do and help everyone when they need help and be like YES I WILL BE THERE. Getting older is pretty liberating in that you realize that NO is POWER and YES must ONLY be reserved for times when it is TRULY AND FULLY FELT. Anyway, I'll write more about "the power of NO" sometime soon when I have time to sit and really suss out my thoughts on the matter. In the meantime, I have one hour to sit down and do computer-y things today and these monthly posts make me feel extremely grateful for MOMENTS and how spectacularly fleeting they all are.
Also, just because I LOOK like I know what I'm doing in that first picture, doesn't make it true. (Not even close.)  Sometimes people say to me, "Your life looks so _________." It's not  ________ , actually. But it is ________ and _________ and also ______________. And capturing moments that move me brings me joy, even relief. This is what I choose to see and how I choose to see it...  
That's the magic of photography. One can choose what she wants to focus on, crop out, memorize...
Because life's a goddamn three-ring circus of chaotic insanity until you slooooooooowwww it waaaaaaaaayyyyy downnnnn and study every (other) frame.
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This is what May looked like from behind my camera... not everywhere, but in certain places -- bits and pieces of bits and pieces.... and sometimes peace(s).  xoxo
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P.S. My Great Aunt Dot took this picture of me earlier this month:
I am a pendulum swinging back and forth over grass that is green on every side... because, today, that is how I choose to see it...
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