Every day I look at myself, my life and think, "you're so lucky."
"Crazy lucky."
"Insane lucky."
"Holy shit, how did I get so lucky," lucky.
The very luckiest.

(Because) Every day I get to wake up in love.
I'm in love.
I'm in love.
I'm in love.

(Because) Every day I get to wake up in love.

No need to blow out candles to make a wish.
I want your life! ( is that super creepy or what?!)
You are the very luckiest!
But aren't we all, if we would just ait down and think about it!
you are lucky because you know how to cherish and appreciate what you have. Most people are ungrateful and negative..
So many mothers with wonderful kids nagging all day about tiredness and kids being mischievous. why did they have them then if you didn t want the hard work?
Is it your bday??
Happy Bday!!
Happy birthday?
I know what you mean about waking up in love. Especially easy when the baby ends up in bed with us every morning!
Seems like a happy birthday is in order? Have a great day!!
Happy Birthday!
you seem like an amazing mum and as always Archer and Fable looks happy and beautiful! Enjoy your day you definately deserve it.
Crazy lucky! Me too. :)
Happy Birthday!
What a lovely outlook on life you have. :-)
It's your birthday? It's my son's birthday today! He's turning 2! Happy Birthday!
Have a very happy birthday! Sounds like you already did.
just gorgeous!
have a fabulous day!!
hey! what does your tattoo say on your arm? and on your hips! i love them!
Happy Birthday! Your optimistism and attitude are refreshing..keep up the good work :)
Sometimes it's just overwhelming how perfect everything is. And sometimes it's not. Glad you're having one of those days.
Happy Birthday!
Happiest Birthday to the luckiest girl! Your kiddos are also the luckiest to have a mom who loves them as much as you do. Best wishes for another year of love and happiness!
Happy happy birthday! Sounds like you already are having a great day. Love your pics!
Oh Happy Birthday. Isn't it great that you get to a point in your life that you can look around and be happy with things exactly as they are?
Your family is lucky to have YOU! Hope your day is fabulous!
So true - happy birthday lucky lady!
Happy Birthday, Rebecca. It's a pleasure reading your blog. You're lucky, and so are we!
Happy (LUCKY) birthday!!!! I hope you enjoy it =)
Happy Birthday, Becca! What a great day to be alive.
Beautiful post - I love when you recognize your blessings and express gratitude. Out loud. Grace indeed. Oh, and happy birthday!
You are indeed very lucky - but you've also worked really hard to get, keep, and maintain what you have.
Happy Birthday!
Thank you! You're amazingly wonderful, all.
Happy Birthday!
Hope you enjoy the day with your gorgeous family!
Happy Birthday! What beautiful gifts you have. Thanks for sharing them in your blog.
You always remind me to sit back and really take a look at what I have. It is so easy to get down, but such a waste of time. The good stuff is what should be taken into account and obsessed over, not the crap. Happy birthday!
Aww :)
Happy Birthday, lady!
(BTW, Hi! I'm Lara. I'm relatively new to your blog. I found you through momversation a few weeks ago and have been a regular ever since :) )
It's so easy for most to find the bad in things and so difficult to find the good. Congrats on always being the latter.
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday! Enjoy your special day :)
Is Fable nursing in that top photo? SO beautiful and precious!
Before you (or I, at least) have kids, you think you understand the mechanics of the whole enterprise,the ins and outs, the diapers and sippy cups. And you know on some level, that you will love them. But. There is NO WAY to grasp the sheer scope, the depth, the intensity of the love they will make you feel- not only for them but for life itself. Lucky, indeed.
Happy birthday! Love the pictures of you nursing, such a special bond!
Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday, Rebecca! I love reading your blog. You're outlook is inspirational. Have a wonderful day with your lovely family!
I know! Sometimes I have to pinch myself because I'm young and smokin' hawt and my kids are so gorgeous and my husband is smokin' hawt and he has a great job and our house is the envy of all our friends and we take amazing vacations to Thailand and Malaysia and France and we are totally, totally deeply in love. For reals!
I know you're not supposed to brag on yourself and all, but I can't help it. Being me is like some incredible fantasy come true.
Plus, I'm all about real serious issues like the environment and discrimination and how to keep my hair from frizzing up on humid days.
Wishing you all good things and the happiest birthday yet. You definitely have the right idea. So glad you're sharing the love!
Happy birthday to a fellow Gemini. :)
happy birthday lucky lady
I think the anonymous person at 9:25 may be on crack cocaine. ;)
But yes, seriously lucky... your babies are just gorgeous and life is fabulous.
Did you turn 28? I thought you mentioned something in a post awhile back about 28 being near... I turn 28 in August. Gah. How did this all happen so quickly?
Happy birthday. Looooong time reader, first time I comment. Love your blogs, your writing, your life.
I will now have the song "The Lukiest" by Ben Folds on repeat in my head all day long. But it's OK, I love that song.
*hugs* (If that's not creepy, if it is, ignore it.)
Happy Birthday, Baby! Enjoy it.
Happy happy happy happy happy happy birthday!!!
And yeah, I have an idea about what you mean--ever since I had my little daughter, I've been on this love-high. It's AMAZING.
Happy Birthday Rebecca. You are the luckiest just like Ben Folds says. You are happy, healthy and have an amazing family!
Happy Birthday! You are absolutely right! You have an amazing family. Thank you for your blog. It's one of the lovely things that keep me sane.
Feeding your baby and her hand on your chest is the best b-day present ever. ever. ever.
Happy Day to you.
Such a beautiful family. Bottle up that "in love" and save it for all time. Happiest of birthdays!
Happy Birthday, I just started reading your blog and I can't get enough! You have such a great perspective on life. I love how in the first picture, you can see your tattoo that says, "Tell your story until it comes true," while you're holding Fable. Awesome.
Happy, happy birthday!
Happy Birthday, gemini. Our Bdays are only a few days (and many, many years) apart. Enjoy!
Happy birthday, magical you!
Happy birthday!!
Beautiful post. And beautiful children (but you knew that).
you are such a lovely person and example for us all!
You are lucky- but what is so beautiful is that you KNOW it. Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Another gemini mama taking over the world? Me & MiniMe both are. She was born 2 days before mine & I say all the time that she's the best present I ever got.
Happy days, Bec. Bless you for not taking any of it for granted.
This is such a beautiful entry. I love, love the photos and of course the captions below. The captions that are filled with love and greatfulness (your heart must be BURSTING with happiness & love of course).
You are the luckiest. I hope one day (if I decide to have children and get married) that I'll be that lucky as well.
Happy birthday. :)
You rock, but I am dying to know how the room switch went!!!
Happy Birthday!! You're so lucky.
I'm thrilled for you:)
CUTE. happy birthday!!! Two beautiful presents :)
lucky lady!
can you look at all 204 pages of GGC flicker photos in one day?
yes, yes you can.
best procrastination ever.
Make you feel like your heart might actually burst lucky. Happy Birthday lucky lady! I feel pretty lucky that you share your life so openly, you are such an inspiration to me. Thank you.
Happiest of Birthdays to you! I agree, you are one heck of a lucky and loved woman!
You are lucky, and you deserve all that happiness! I love you, in a non creepy non stalker-y way, or course.
And I am jealous, Rebecca. Very, very jealous. I hope I someday have such a beautiful family, and can appreciate being bathed in love:)
Thank you all so much for your birthday wishes. You're wonderful. I adore you.
And re: the big move. OMG. There is NO AFTER pictures yet. Just a whole lot of shit everywhere. After pictures to come next week (I HOPE!) In the meantime, I'm slowly dismantling. Slooooowly.
I think the "luckiest" in this equation are your two amazing children! They couldn't ever dream of a more loving, more fabulous mommy! Congrats and Happy Birthday!
Aw! Happy Happy Birthday, Girl!
Happy Birthday! Lovely post.
Delurking to say Happy Birthday! You are a great writer and you have a beautiful family!
this is beautiful!! i can always count on your blog to make me smile and appreciate my lovely babes. And that pic of you bfing-omg!! made me miss it so much.
What is tattooed on your arm??
Yes, you are.
Many happy birthday wishes!!
Happy Birthday! I've read your blog for a couple years now...and I think you nailed it- you are lucky!
p.s. Did you make Fable's adorable headband? I was going to make some for my little girl, but I'm awful lazy when it comes to the crafts and will most likely order one if I find them for sale :)
I'm late to the party, but happy birthday! much love to you.
awww happy EVERYday. loving life is the best ;)
i love your tattoo! very cool.
It is great to be reminded of that. Thanks a hell a bunch.
I know what you mean by being in love. That's a great way of putting it. I'm going on month four of life with baby Oscar and I couldn't have said it better. What beautiful children.
This lolcat seemed fitting. I really suggest pushing to get him in a 6+ program in addition to private lessons. Also I think this is what you are looking for in regards to a charter school:
Ahhh... the Power of Small. Especially potent your life, I think. Enjoy!
Damn you! You gave me the chills & made me cry at work AGAIN!! Happy birthday and just FYI I feel just as lucky when I look at my baby (now 5years old!)
Aww, it is the best, isn't it? I wake up beside my baby boy every day and it's the best ever. And cuddling with my almost 4 year old, and just watching them be together.. heaven on earth, I tell ya. Your posts are magic, Rebecca. I'm going to start bugging you for an interview on my blog again soon. To me that would be like you scoring an interview with _______ (fill in your favourite person you want to interview there).
Happy Birthday, hon!
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