Cover Me

This may not be my arm. Or my sleeping baby. But goddamnit, this IS my book cover. Coo! Coo-coo!

*P.S. Release date is March 2008, not January. I lied. Sometimes I lie to make friends.

**P.P.S. Blogher photos to come, I promise. I have sqillions.



Elissa L. | 1:14 PM

beautiful cover. can't wait for the book!

B | 1:15 PM

Gorgeous! I love it! Congrats on your hard work.

Anonymous | 1:22 PM

your name should be bigger. (and where's my slash? what the...?)

so fucking proud. look out matt lauer, mama's going on a book tour.


Anonymous | 1:48 PM

LOVE LOVE LOVE it and can't wait to read it. CONGRATS!

Shelli | 2:19 PM

Can't wait to get my own copy! Congrats!

divrchk | 6:00 PM

Beautifully done. Congrats!

Everydaytreats | 6:29 PM

The cover is perfect! Congrats! Woooo!

Promise me that when your book tour brings you to Boston (because it will, right?) you'll let me take you out for a celebratory drink. Or two.

Reluctant Housewife

Fairly Odd Mother | 6:32 PM

Absolutely striking book cover! You must be so excited---it's like giving birth again, without the stretch marks.

Anonymous | 6:33 PM

That would certainly catch my eye in a bookstore. I'll be reading it when it comes out.

Major Bedhead | 7:08 PM

Whoa, that's great! Congratulations.

Bringing Up Ben | 8:11 PM

It's bee-YOO-ti-full!!
I love it!

Cristina | 9:40 PM

Wow. I LOVE it! Can't wait to get a copy!

piper | 10:41 PM

ooh la la! it looks hardcore in a very nurturing kind of way...perfect I mean.

I dig your blog!

smallspiralnotebook | 5:23 AM

love the cover & i'm so glad to have finally met you!
Cheers, felicia

Anonymous | 5:27 AM

Wicked! I'm so excited for you. It's a GREAT cover.


Thank you all so much!!! So glad you like!

PetiteMommy | 9:21 AM

The cover is beautiful! Wow! Your famous now or WILL BE for sure!

Scar | 10:17 AM

i love it! Don't lie to me!

Jessi Louise | 11:44 AM

This is very cool. A definite attention-grabber.

Anonymous | 8:05 PM

Gorgeous! And when you come to DC for the book tour, we'll have to host a Blogger Book Party to celebrate!

motherbumper | 11:29 PM

I can't wait, can't wait, can't wait! Fantastic cover GGC.

toyfoto | 5:58 AM

outstanding. can't wait to read it.

metro mama | 6:33 AM

It's gorgeous. I'll be buying a copy.

It was great meeting you.

kittenpie | 8:38 AM

You must be so excited!


Sweet! I'll take six.

Anonymous | 9:22 AM

awesome. I would totally buy that book. as I'm sure many many others will :)

PunditMom | 9:30 AM

Excellent cover! Now, we need to think of product placement on those Barnes & Noble book tables!

Lisa Dunick | 11:40 AM

Can't wait to read it!

Anonymous | 4:49 PM

It's beautiful! I freaking love it.

Gina | 7:45 PM

I can't wait to buy your book! The cover is perfect!

Robin | 9:14 PM

I love the cover too. Congrats!

The Mommy | 1:14 PM

What a gorgeous cover! Congrats!

la2ny | 9:28 PM

Designers done good. Congratulations and happy to celebrate you and the book when you make your way east. sss

Namito | 4:02 PM

THAT is a wonderful design. It will look so nice on my shelves...

moosh in indy. | 5:11 PM

I'm a total cover whore and would buy this even if I didn't know you to be so devastatingly awesome.

Anonymous | 10:02 AM

Oh, that is GORGEOUS. Just perfect for you--spiky-cool girly and tender. CONGRATS, LUCKY GIRL!