
The following is a video I first saw on my friend Ryan's blog, (via booooooom) last week. (If you're not already following Ryan's blog, you absolutely should. His "Walk to 40 Weeks" maternity series is especially inspiring.)

I'm pretty sure I've watched this video 87682618476187 times since I first saw it - so blown away was I by its genius-amazingness.

Thanks for the heads-up, Ryan.

Thanks for bringing the brill, Hold Your Horses !:

39. 70 Million by Hold Your Horses !


And speaking of things that inspire and are awesome, a quick PSA on behalf of my mother:
As a child, my mother often volunteered at my schools. She did so with my brother and sister and now works as a science educator, art educator, music educator and composer/music director for children's theatre. She's passionate about nurturing children, specifically those overlooked and under-appreciated. She's an incredible teacher - devoted and loving and wise and amazingincrediblewow. And this weekend? Her troupe will be putting on a very special play based on a very special book to raise money and awareness for a very special cause.

Show times: 19th & 20th: 7:30 pm & 21st at 3:30 pm (@ Ocean Knoll in Encinitas, CA). For more information and tickets go here and click on "Armando & the Blue Tarp School."