Gone Style: I Dream of Josie

Gone Style is BACK by popular demand! This time I'm getting schooled by Josie Maran who is a gentewoman and a (makeup*) scholar, and was kind enough to teach me (and you) an amazing 60's inspired cat-eyed party look (Mad Men, anyone?) using her incredible non-animal-tested, all-organic, environmentally BFFriendly products.

Products used in the tutorial are...

Fiction (Blush) from Natural Wonder Palette
Pinkalicious (eyeshadow)
Magic (eyeshadow)
Pewter (eyeshadow)
Tulip (eyeshadow)
Trance (eyeshadow, from Natural Wonder Palette)
Black eyeliner
Black mascara
Lipstick - Birthday Suit (available Summer 2010)

Also, excited to announce that starting next week Gone Style will be making YOU over on YOUR budget, with a little help from Josie/Josie Maran and Sarah/Hair Thursday.

More to come, beautiful yous. Stay tuned!

rocking the "I dream of Josie" cat-eye with Josie who is Rarrr


*Coupon Alert! 20% off all Josie Maran Cosmetics with code: ggcreader at the register.


Unknown | 9:39 PM

This comment is unrelated to this post. I just wanted to say that I read your book and I loved it!! It was such an entertaining read, I think I read it in two nights. And that's saying a lot because I have a 6 mo. old boy. Congrats!

Rebecca | 9:45 PM

My heart broke a little bit when you said no more Gone Style, so thanks for bringing it back!!! I absolutely love your style, looking forward to more fashion and makeup tips.

Brooke - Little Miss Moi | 3:52 AM

Wow looking great! So glamourous and your hair looks great up. Hope you had a great date. We just got a babysitter for the third time in 16 mos (god I wish we lived near our parents) and we went to see avatar. I didn't wear makeup but it was a surprisingly worthy date. Anyway, great tute. Have always wanted to know how to do smokey eyes.

Prasti | 6:54 AM

awesomeness. i love the cat eyes :). thanks for the tutorial.

Becka @Studio222 Photography | 7:19 AM

I adore her! (and you) and I"m so jealous that you get to hang out doing makeup together. *jealous* ;)

Anonymous | 7:39 AM

Love the tutorial! Thanks, keep 'em coming.

samantha | 8:29 AM

Yeah it's back! Woo!

And OMG I want a make-over so badly, especially from you Josie and Whoorl! TRIFECTA OF AWESOME!

(Sorry about all the exclamation marks but I'm a wee bit excited)

SoccerMom | 9:51 AM

I vote that anyone that has just hit their 40's should be #1 in line for the make over. Cause we need it most!


First off - thank you so much, Melissa! I'm so glad you enjoyed the book and am grateful for your support in purchasing it!! Means so much to me!

Second - We have our first makeover candidate and I will be taking applicants next week after the first posting of our little bitty segment.

So if you're interested, awesome!!! Stay tuned!!! xo!

Leball | 10:05 AM

This is awesome! Fantabulous!!!! Looking hot ladies.

Anonymous | 10:05 AM

Dude, I know you live in LA and all but how do you know Josie Maran? At any rate, super cool and fun, and I so wish Josie would come to my house to play with makeup!

Estelle Hayes | 11:06 AM

Ah, love your pockets. Pockets rock.

Amanda | 11:16 AM

The cat's eye= insta sexy! I'm obsessed with Prestige's liquid liner. It gives you such a defined line and major pop. And it's flattering for everyone.

Love that your sticking with GGS and the occasional tutorial!

FM | 12:33 PM

You guys look like Seventeen models lol.

Jen | 1:04 PM

Oh, I wish I lived in LA so I could play with makeup with you guys. I'm a million years pregnant and I forgot what it feels like to be cute. (The beached whale look doesn't really work for me.)

My question is: I used to line the inner rims of my eyes (obviously, prior to the preggo, beached whale, you can probably see me coming a mile away thing that I'm rocking right now) but after a night of going out, it would slide out of my rims and make me look like a racoon. Are there any good products to set that liner? And will that make it impossible to remove later? No one wants to go to work with their "going out" liner the next day. It makes you look trashy. I'm trying to go for a happy medium here!

LindaB | 3:28 PM

Love it! I was surprised to learn a new technique--the lavender shadow line down the center of the eye. Good stuff and can't wait to try it out. Please keep making these types of videos!!!
To Jen above me...if you use waterproof eyeliner, it stays on the rim longer. Chanel liner is great for this--not the pencil, but the kind that you swivel up (does that make sense?).

Meagan | 6:29 PM

Thanks, Rebecca, for these awesome videos! I am seriously challenged when it comes to make-up application so the tutorials have been inspiring. Just bought Josie's Smoky Eye Kit with the coupon. Keep the style tips coming!

Unknown | 7:05 PM

Ummm, so now you're hanging out with supermodels, sheesh, you're soooooo L.A. ;) miss you lovey!

The Beckster | 9:47 PM

I like! I just spent way too much at Sephora but was inspired by your eyeshadow from the last make up tutorial!

tracey clark | 10:41 PM

mad men! yes!

agatha | 10:49 PM

why is josie maran stalking mommy blogs? it's weirding me out

Heather Gray | 9:47 AM

agatha: um, probably because she's a mom. why do you do it?

lupine | 11:03 PM

I love her argan oil! My skin starting breaking out really bad after my son was born, and after a few weeks of using the argan oil, my skin was completely clear. BTW, does anyone recognize Josie's boots cuz they're awesome?

Unknown | 10:26 AM

Rebecca, I love how your eyes pop! So I tried using my eyeliner on the rim of my eye the way you do and goodness does it make a huge difference. Love it!

Unknown | 9:06 PM

You're welcome...look forward to reading your future blog entries!

Sarah | 6:36 AM

oh girl's gone child ... you are such a doll.