Sorry it's been a little on the quiet side, here, this week but I've been sick these last few days... trying to rest up for a weekend away, my first time all alone since... I mean... ten years? (For my birthday, my parents gave me the gift of a weekend alone to write/finish a project I am very close to finishing at a B&B. So! In a couple of hours, I head for the hills to experience peace, quiet, and (hopefully!) a bolt of inspiration to put me over the hump and finish this draft that has been consuming me for the last... many... years. I'M SO CLOSE, THOUGH! IT'S RIGHT THERE! I CAN FEEL IT! COME AT ME, UNIVERSE!)
In the meantime, I have this week's Mom.me column to share with you, here. It's about "raising strong girls" as per the most requested in the comments.
You can read the whole column/or comment, here. Can't wait to hear from you guys on this one...

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