Resale is my JAM. Consignment is my boyfriend. In fact, here is a picture of what I am wearing right this very second as I write this post. It's vintage. It's a doily. It's a vintage doily dress and my necklace was also purchased on consignment and so was my soul.
(You can't really tell how awesome the dress is in the picture so I am going to show what it looks like without a body inside of it.)
Pretty epic, right?
Bo is like Archer in that she wears the same pair of pink light-up shoes every. single. day. even though they are basically too small for her now.
My love for all things resale, consignment, buy + sell +trade, is the impetus behind our new "Holiday" exchange wherein my cousins and I have agreed that instead of buying new gifts for each other (and our kids) this year, we will pull things from our own closets and toy chests, costume boxes and miscellany and rewrap, regift, reduce, reuse, recycle...
Anyway, I signed up for Kidizen last week and have already ordered two items.
1. This amazing pair of boots for Fable for $25.
2. This adorable dress for the twins for $15.
Mind you, I am not in the market for anything at the moment. But I could not resist, you see. I could not resist. Although, I did manage to resist this adorable little number (none of my kids have ever been into skirts, particularly.)
I have also created a shop with a few things my kids have recently outgrown, including four pairs of Archer's jeans that are a size 9-10. Which is insane because Archer is only 9 but he's the tallest person I know, so they no longer fit him. (He literally wore those bad boys, like, twice.)
Here are a few more items for sale in my shop:

Sailor dress worn by 3/3 of my girls. Sniff. $15 (includes shipping)

Halter dress in 3T (but really, more like 2T) $15 (includes shipping)

Two piece cute-overload $15 (includes shipping)
And, for the holidays...
Anyway, if you're interested in shopping my store, I'm GirlsGoneChild on Kidizen. (Go download the app on your phone, here! It's free!) I have been building a "favorites page" in my profile as well (many of the pieces are not my kids' sizes but they were so cute I had to add them to my faves. You should buy them. Especially the booties.)
In the meantime, Kidizen is giving away a $200 PAYPAL voucher to spend on Kidizen merch. To win? Comment below and tell me why Kidizen and/or resale shopping excites you. Are you more of a buyer or a seller? (I am totally a buyer, btw. And a trader. This is my first time selling my kids' clothes on any kind of mobile app and the only reason I'm doing it is because Hal has agreed to mail everything out for me because I am very afraid of post offices. So, thank you, Hal. It takes a village.)
Thanks, again to Kidizen for sponsoring this post + giveaway. Happy Shopping, friends!
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