Standing for Santa

Fable stands (and dances a bit) for Santa
...I love caroling and dressing the Christmas tree and wrapping gifts in the home-made wrap I make out of recycled back-issues of Vogue. I listen to Christmas music the entire month of December and wear my Christmas socks year round. I love Christmas lights and wreaths and mistletoe and elves and bows and fake snow on the rooftops of nativity scenes. I love IT ALL.
So when Hal said to me, “No Christmas!” I said. “Okay, cool. I totally understand,” but inside I was screaming, “NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!”
After many tears and much debate we compromised on celebrating Hanukkah in our house and Christmas with my family, which was fine with me and totally awesome because I would our kids would have the best of both worlds, I’d still get to inhale pine for one week out of the month and Archer could experience the magic of Christmas morning c/o presents from my parents.
We both agreed Santa was out of the question...
"Why would we lie to our kid about Santa? How lame!"
"Right? Stupid, stupid. So very silly."
That was, of course, before Archer was old enough to understand who Santa Claus truly was...
(More, here.)