Do More with Less: The One Product Makeover (Sponsored)

*updated with winner, below!*
Today's post is all about "doing more with less." For instance, this past weekend I was in Vegas doing more fun with less sleep... but that's for another post. Ahem. Today I thought it fun to "create a makeup look using as few products as possible."

At first I thought I'd do three products: An eyeshadow, lipstick and mascara - then I realized that those three products are typically all I wear and HARDLY impressive grounds for a post, let alone a post about "doing more with less" .... More like, "doing more with medium" which doesn't particularly have the same ring to it.


I decided to come up with an entire makeup look with ONE. PRODUCT. ONLY. DUNDUNDUUUUUUUUUUUUN!

That's right. I like a challenge. A good old-fashioned Mission Impossible.

Cue M:i theme!

It took some late night sketching and serious brain wracking to decide which product would work for eyes, cheeks and lips without looking catastrophic. Finally, after a quick huddle with my associate in makeup fun, I decided to go with "cabernet" eyeshadow from Josie Maran's "Eye Love You" Eyeshadow Palette to use for full-makeup look including eyes, face and lips.

I knew not using mascara would be a challenge because my eyelashes are blonde and very short. I also knew that lipstick would be an issue because there is no moisture in eyeshadow and there is nothing worse than a dry lip. Still. If MacGyver could escape a windowless cell with a piece of string and an idea then OH HELL YES, I could create a wearable look with but a few pinches of purple "cabernet" eyeshadow dust.

Just call me MakeupGyver, ladies and gentlemen. And now I'm officially mixing and matching my psuedo-classy well-maned action heroes. Oh well.

Theme song #2! Go!

Empowering, that. Anyway. Here's how it all went down.

(unmasked and unedited! My TRUE FACE! HIDE YO KIDS!)
Now, let's try and hopefully? Maybe? make magic happen!

Apply light layer of cabernet shadow to both lids.
Using your trusty eyeliner brush, apply cabernet shadow as eyeliner, above and below eye:
Use finger (or blush brush) to apply cabernet shadow to apples of cheeks:
Rub in.
Apply (heavier amounts) of cabernet shadow to crease and sides of lid:
Apply (recently used) lip-brush to shadow before spreading on lips.

Voila! An entire look with ONE cabernet eyeshadow! YES!
"One product!"
"thumbs up!"
"Thanks, MakeupGyver!"

And thank you Windows 7 for hooking one lucky GGC reader up with a BRAND NEW WINDOWS 7 PHONE. Woo! Will it be you? Quite possibly so! For eligibility, just tell me in the comments below how YOU do more with less. Contest ends (Monday) November 29th. I will choose one lucky winner then (via For extended rules and regs go here.

Good luck and happy do-more-with-lessing!


*Updated: Congrats to commenter #80, Ida Mae! You just won yourself a pretty little telephone, lady! Congrats! And thanks to all for participating!*

Disclosure: This giveaway brought to you by the new Windows Phone 7. Learn more about Windows Phone online and/or see it in person at local T-Mobile stores today.


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Kait | 8:42 AM

I do way more (groceries, rent, gas, etc) with way less money lately. I don't think that's what you're talking about though.

With makeup, instead of doing everything, I make sure I get mascara and chapstick on. That's good enough for me! It's less makeup but I wear it with more confidence, so I'm calling it good.

Mrs. Melberry | 8:51 AM

I pack leftovers from dinner for lunches most days of the week.

With makeup, I often use eye shadow as eyeliner for a softer look than using liquid eyeliner or even a eyeliner pencil.

lisafoose | 8:53 AM

Not sure I can pull off just ONE product (very nice!!) but my "less is more" includes an eyelash curler and Diorlash mascara (the BEST mascara) and eye brightener stick from origins - put a bit under the lower lashes and some to highlight the bones under the eyebrows and l'occitane tinted shea butter balm for lips/cheeks.

Mammy P | 8:56 AM

If I was involved in some hideous domestic accident in which I needed to be rushed to the hospital to stem the flow of blood pumping all over the house from a recently severed artery, I WOULD STILL STOP AND PUT MASCARA ON. Mine are like... white. It's a curse.

Julia G | 8:58 AM

How do I do more with less?
Well, I dilute my juice with water before drinking it. It lasts longer, is still flavorful, and is not as sugary!

Ashley | 8:58 AM

I rearrange the same few articles of clothing in my closet to invent new looks. I don't have a lot of money, so I've got to work with what I have! Thrift stores help.

Unknown | 8:59 AM

As a result of this craptastic economy my husband lost his well paying but unsatisfying job about 6 months ago. So after a few months of unemployment we figured out that we can make 40% of our former income work miracles and we can make that much on our own... blindfolded.

I get a husband who gets to do something he loves, I still get to spend my time at home with my kids while helping with our new business, and what do you know, we still eat just as well, pay all our bills, and have fun together.

This may have not been what you meant, but I'm SO proud of us right now, I just had to share. :) Love the makeup, very impressive!

Liz | 9:02 AM

I've used blush as eyeshadow & lipstick (you need just the right shade). I might try this today with my Nars Orgasm... I don't know if I can go without mascara though. I'm a bit vain about my long eyelashes, but the tips are blond, so only look amazing if I actually wear mascara.

Also, thanks for turning me on to Josie Maran, I love her products.

Roxanne | 9:02 AM

I "do more with less" by using leftovers from dinners for lunches every work day, I carpool with the ex-husband on days we both work, and I only run 2 loads of laundry per week (we don't have all that many clothes).

Kim | 9:04 AM

I cut up my credit card! If that's not living with less (but in a smart, responsible kind of way) then I don't know what is. :)

beyond | 9:16 AM

love the make-up!
more with less... i cook a larger portion once and then we feast on it a couple of times. (or it becomes one dinner and two lunches.) that way i save time and money.

cora d | 9:22 AM

Who knew?!? Well, obviously you did. Fantastic tutorial.

As I've mentioned before, I was laid off in May, so my hubby and I have cut back on our expenses. The biggest difference is we traded in our newer, fancier cars (with big car payments) for two older, cheaper cars with one smallish car payment. We don't miss the fancier cars and we certainly don't miss the car payments.

Also, I've been shopping almost exclusively at consignment shops and second hand stores and have made out like a bandit! Plus, when I get tired of the clothes after a couple of months - no guilt!


Cora - TOTALLY almost posted about "do more shopping with less money" and YES, consignment shops. I BARELY buy new clothes anymore. Once you've mastered the art of thrifting there's really no need. I have to LOVE something tremendously to buy it new.

Thanks for sharing, guys! These are great!

Krista Walton Potter | 9:28 AM

"Shopping in my closet" is my favorite way to do more with less. Rediscovering neglected clothes is a great opportunity to save money instead of buying new stuff. And if I really feel like all my gear is tired, I might buy a cheap accessory, like a scarf, new tights, or a necklace, that help me wear my old stuff in a new way.

Hope I win! I'm still rocking a very unSmart cellphone...

Lauren | 9:36 AM

We do more with less by making double of cheap, healthy meals and freezing them. One of our favorites is frozen burritos - dried beans, brown rice, whole wheat tortillas, cheese and spices are the only ingredients. We roll them in aluminum foil and freeze in a vacuum bag for a quick dinner on a busy night - just pop in the oven for an hour and dinner is served!

Anonymous | 9:37 AM

I do more with less by shopping at the thrift stores. I can achieve a vintage but put together look when combining with other pieces in my wardrobe.

As for makeup, I sometimes put a little eye-shadow on my pouter, cover with a lip balm or gloss, and viola!

Sheila | 9:38 AM

I am a freelance writer and photographer, which means that there are some LEAN times round here! I don't have a credit card and have learned that sometimes it's about enjoying what I have instead of buying something new. It's a good feeling to repurpose old stuff!

Amanda | 9:39 AM

My husband and I recently purchased a home so I'm finding myself making do with less of everything, especially makeup. I am finding that I enjoy actually using eye shadow colors that came in compacts that I never thought I would use!

Stef | 9:46 AM

I recently stopped working about the same time that my husband and I relocated to a new, more expensive city, which necessitated us downsizing our digs. So I have more time to engage in one of my passions, cooking from scratch, but much less space. Our kitchen here is well-equipped but tiny.

I have gotten the process of fitting everything I need in there down to a science. I pared out some kitchen gear we barely use to get us down to essentials, and I changed my shopping habits so the pantry doesn't overflow with unused items. I also use Tetris-like precision to organize all of the pots, pans, dishes, utensils, and gadgets in the cabinets and drawers.

Now my kitchen is efficient, and though it is small, it sees plenty of use each and every day.

Melt Momma's Heart | 9:47 AM

Cream blush is my one-stop-wonder of choice. And, I can make pizza dough stretch for miles!

Barb | 9:51 AM

My favorite do more with less tip is kind of silly but I love it. I use baby wipes to take off my makeup and then use the same one to wipe out the sink. Keeps the sink clean and I am not wasting expensive wipes!

Lou Lou Belle | 10:02 AM

Love the less is more look with one product!!! As someone who doesn't wear so much as lipgloss I'm so impressed! and it's so easy!

we do MORE live music by spending LESS on other things - less on eating out, less on going to the movies and other outing/entertainment sorts of things so we can do MORE of the thing we really really love. I always say to my friends after a great show that Heaven will be a Rock'n'Roll concert or even a music festival. :)

Rachel | 10:02 AM

Doing more with seems like everyone is doing that lately. I am spending a lot more money on "fun activities" with my daughter, and instead having ACTUAL fun in places like the park or zoo or backyard. More fun and less money!

she_blinks | 10:04 AM

Instead of buying those cute little reusable bags I make my own from my already in-use tank tops! Love that I can get 2 uses from one item :-)

Emily | 10:08 AM

Since I had my son a year ago, I feel like all I do is more with less. I have less time and money and yet more responsibilities, more needs and more dreams. I wouldn't change it for anything in the world but I can drive myself crazy thinking about how I'm going to fit it all in!

Liz | 10:08 AM

Does reusing the bread bag as sandwich bags count? We haven't bought plastic baggies in a year!

Cave Momma | 10:09 AM

I do all sorts using the "more is less" method! Mainly with money since we are down to 1 income with 2 kids (1 still in diapers). We still manage to eat well and play awesome AND pay our bills. Go US!

Anyway, regarding makeup, I have always been that type of girl. I'm super white and cursed with dark circles (thanks mom) so dark purple-ish makeup just makes it look like I'm a zombie. And although that isn't too far off from how I feel (thanks kids) I don't want to look it. So my 1 product is blush. It works really well for my skin tone as an eyeshadow, blush and sometimes lipstick. Sometimes I'll add some mascara into that but not as much as I should.

Jess | 10:16 AM


Those bad boys can do quesadillas, pizza, rollups, crispy snacks, and sugar-cinnamon breakfast rolls. With 3.25 kids, I need to keep it simple. Plus, I'm lazy. And pregnant. And nauseous. So really, I just want to crawl in bed and make more sleep out of less time, but I'm pretty sure that's not really the point here.

gmiles2020 | 10:20 AM

Before my husband and I had kids, we made tons of money. 2 kids later, we are down to my salary. And we do fine. We definitely do more and we have less. Whether we have more or less, we are a happy family.

kerrie | 10:23 AM

I water down my dish soap...doesn't need to be that thick and lasts much longer.

Also..I buy used laptops, cameras, phones etc. Great deals and you can still find the latest and greatest!

Steph | 10:24 AM

I wash my face with my shampoo hands! Haha! No fancy face washes here :)

Amanda | 10:28 AM

To do more with less, I have started recycling. I know I'm waaaay behind here, but I am proud of my progress.

Martha | 10:33 AM

More with less in the name of a very famous Mennonite cookbook - my people are famous for that. I've been trying to cook better with less money - I'm in graduate school now, so I'm trying to cook o ur own beans, rather than buy canned beans, etc. We don't have a lot of money and I also don't have a lot of time so I'm making lots of use of the slow cooker!

Liesel | 10:37 AM

I more for my home for much, much less!

L.L. | 10:43 AM

Making my own baby food! I was on the fence about whether to buy or make, but was persuaded to make by mama friends who hailed how easy & economical it was. One organic sweet potato costs less than a dollar and I made 4 days worth of baby food with it! Same with organic bananas, and its waste not want not because my husband & I can eat what we dont use, whereas unused premade baby food usually gets trashed.

mathilda Dunn | 11:01 AM

I loved this spoke to my frugal side. I try to "do more with less" in lots of ways. I cook on the weekends and use leftovers for weeknight meals and lunches at work. That way, the only thing I have to buy during the week is fresh produce.
For makeup, I use one product for cheeks and lips. It keeps my daily makeup to: tinted face lotion, cheek/lip stain and mascara (oh, and chapstick, but that is a must!).
Other "more for less" beauty tips I use: Jojoba oil to soften skin and nourish hair and scalp.

Laura | 11:02 AM

Awesome! I do more with less when it comes to meal planning. I try to make several meals out of the same ingredients without it getting blah. Like grilled chicken sandwiches, chicken quesadillas, and chicken salads in one week. All use some of the same ingredients (chicken, lettuce, tomato, cheese) but are totally different tastes.

Kailee | 11:15 AM

Right after college, some girlfriends and I would take turns hosting game nights. This usually entailed the hostess providing wine, snacks and some sort of board game.

One week, I completely glossed over an email chain swapping my game night the following week with a friend's for the current week. On Thursday, the designated game day, I get an email asking what kind of wine I was serving.


I had a long commute home, so I had no time to duck into a store for snacks. With very little in my fridge, I whipped up a batch of biscuits and threw together a sad fruit salad. My wine reserves had run low too, so my measly bottle of red was complemented with some Bailey's and Maker's.

It was probably the best game night ever. My friends found the situation hysterical and we all learned charades get much more raunchy when liquor is involved.

Amy K | 11:18 AM

I buy most of my books at thrift stores for $0.50, and then when I'm finished with several I do a book exchange with another member of my book club or my mother-in-law. It's easier than hauling my screeching toddler to the library all the time, and it's so much cheaper than buying new books.

Elise Hanna | 11:26 AM

hilarious...and informative! as usual. love it. i feel like i'm doing everything with less these days, and loving everything more....with less. simplicity=creativity. ta da!

DuMei | 11:26 AM

I do more with less by subbing in beans for protein in recipes- does more for my wallet and my waistline.
dumei42 gmail com

Melissa | 11:28 AM

I thrift store shop and love accessories. It's amazing how cool your most basic pieces can look if you have a few fun accessories to spice things up. :)


Jaci | 11:35 AM

We have four kids and a small budget. More on less?...I own it!

First off, I rarely buy new for big ticket items (sports equipment/furniture/etc). I always check Craigs List first.

I cut back on things like cleaning supplies by diluting heavy cleaners and using only a half of a dryer sheet in each load. I'm heavy on the coupons too, and also buy restaurant certificates on when they have sales (I can get $25 coupons for 3 or 4 bucks!). Plus, we're big on the "cheap eats" circuit here in Prov, RI!

janie | 11:38 AM

I do everything with Vit E capsules. Once I was stuck on an airplane transatlantic flight sans make-up bag and due to excessive pre-trip packing I had packed all items in the make-up bag! (including ziplocked liquids, a genius I am not)

So on the trip I discovered that using Vit E capsules you can moisturize your face, lips, add glow to eyelids, tame hair frizz and use extra capsules on dry hands. At the end of the trip I popped one in my mouth and followed it with an enticing airplane breakfast.

Suz | 11:41 AM

Love you post. I have never commented but adore your blog. I just had to comment here because doing more with less is my life. We live on an island in the Caribbean where water and electicity and well, pretty much everything is extemely expensive. So, we wash dishes the old fashion way, we don't have an air conditioner, we eat as much locally grown food as possible, and I hang most of our clothes outside to dry on the line. We take short showers and then kids take shallow baths.
Life is different but simpler and once I got used to doing more with less it brings me much pride. The breeze is amazing here which also makes it all possible.

Helen Amanda | 11:47 AM

We are doing more with less this year for Christmas by capitalizing on our church's free toy trade! We all have toys sitting around (used and new) that get ignored - parents get together to trade and viola! Free Christmas!

Elizabeth | 12:06 PM

I rock out my mascara only when I'm feeling rushed.

Ashley | 12:11 PM

With a new baby, a part time job and full time grad school, I have less time than ever before. I've started renting children's books on CD from the library so my little one and I can hear a great story while we're traveling to and fro. She's already a big fan of Harry Potter. Both of us are being read to and it makes our lives much more enjoyable!

Courtney | 12:11 PM

Since I've had my daughter, my "getting ready" routine looks a lot like yours. I do more with less washing my hair. I use dry shampoo/baby powder to get the most out of my washing. I have now downsized to just mascara and a mineral foundation. No more eye shadow, liner, etc. I do more with my shoes, I wear mostly flats, and make them work with more outfits than I used to.
Babies simplify much of your life, and complicate the shit out of the rest of it. :-)

Head table | 12:12 PM

I'm a habitual garage saler...95.5% of my children's clothes come from garage sales or hand me downs!

Sarah | 12:12 PM

Beans. I do more dinner with less meat by adding beans to meals with meat whenever possible. Healthy, cheap, and tasty!

Lisa | 12:13 PM

My husband makes my dinners last for several meals!! That way we spend less on lunches for him and I don't have to eat nasty leftovers.

Anonymous | 12:22 PM

I do more with less by taking leftovers for lunch, reducing the setting on the thermostat, etc.

My biggest savings is from styling my home in a modern vintage decor -a lot of the stuff from thrifting, estate sales, etc. A little imagination and some spray paint can do wonders!
jdmcompton at gmail dot com

SWJ + LRB | 12:29 PM

When it comes to cleaning, I can make our whole house shine with a cloth, water and vinegar. No fancy products, no waste - just some straight up natural cleaning goods!

And maybe now I will clean while rocking a face done up with just one product - love it!

Rosie | 12:32 PM

I hate shopping and spending money on clothes, so I just steal all of my husband's clothes. He's more fashionable than I am, anyway.

jess | 1:06 PM

hmmmm...i do more with less by adding water to my daughter's shampoo & conditioner when it starts getting low. Saves a little bit when we need it!

Kim | 1:19 PM

Awesome post! I do more with less by trading in all my used entertainment ( books, movies, ect.) for new entertainment. You may not get as much, but hey, no reason to buy new if you can get new for you stuff for free right? As for makeup, I double my eyeshadow for lipstick when I want a new color, but don't want to buy it! Just throw a bit if gloss over the top, and your ready to go!!

atout | 1:42 PM

Not the most enthralling answer, but we recently started doing away with all cleaners and using a vinegar/water solution. I know, totally sexy.

EB | 1:44 PM

This one may seem counterintuitive, but I think it's something most people probably need to hear: getting MORE sleep allows anyone to get more accomplished during the day.

In grad school, I was one of those crazy masochists who went around bragging about how little sleep I got. But dragging myself through the day meant that nothing really got my full energies/efforts.

Now that I'm pregnant, I can easily fall asleep at 8 p.m., and when my alarm goes off NINE hours later, I'm ready to tackle the day head-on. I get a lot more done in fewer hours because I'm well-rested.

(Please don't feel the need to disillusion me by reminding me that this luxurious sleep will be ending soon. I'm fully aware. And in complete denial.)

Whitney | 2:08 PM

I invent new outfits using pieces of clothes I've had for years. I'll wear a top as a tank top one day, and as a vest over a long-sleeve shirt the next. It's a good way to keep my closet feeling fresh when I don't have money to keep up with buying new clothes every season.

Christy | 2:22 PM

With recent unemployment and a new baby, doing more with less means improving my cooking skills exponentially!

Emily | 2:34 PM

my friends and I share our clothes and jewelry.

Robin | 2:36 PM

Since we are still recovering (almost there, so so close) from the great lay off of 09 I've learned to do more with less of EVERYTHING. I haven't bought new makeup in about a year so I've learned to make it last by going without on days where I don't necessarily need to be made-up. Using the eyeshadow as liner is genius and you can be very versatile! Never tried the lips, though!

TheGirl | 2:41 PM

Does it count that since losing the baby weight, I have only 1 pair of jeans that fits, so I wear them every time I leave the house? I pair them with different shoes or say, a long shirt vs a t and sweater trying to mask the fact that yes, you only ever see me in this one pair of jeans, sorry playgroup moms! haha.

For makeup, like you, I'm a shadow, lip color, mascara kind of girl.

And literally everyday is a test of doing more with less money around here. Not to mention the fact that I put up with my broken phone because we can't afford a new one :) I would love to win this!

Strange Attractor | 2:54 PM

Two words: NARS Orgasm

Alyssa | 2:55 PM

I do more with less by using the makeup samples that my mom gets when she purchases her makeup.

Erin | 3:05 PM

I stretch and stretch and stretch our dollars!
And for makeup I heart the cheap stuff!!
I also love lipgloss at a blush.

Erin | 3:05 PM

I stretch and stretch and stretch our dollars!
And for makeup I heart the cheap stuff!!
I also love lipgloss at a blush.

Sandra Pree | 3:07 PM

I do more with less when it come to my clothes! I would love to have some new clothes/accessories, but always seem to buy the kiddos stuff. Instead I put together different outfits with what I have! Most people think my stuff is new when I re-vamp it!

Single In NJ | 3:31 PM

I lean more towards cream eyeshadow.. which make EXCELLENT One product faces. I am a huge fan of the Benefit Creaseless Cream Shadows.. and use their Get Figgy in almost exactly the way you have here today. I've never gone so far as to use it for my lips.. but you might have just given me my next challenge!

Dea | 3:49 PM

I have a reeeally short hair cut. Plus my sister cuts it for me. So, no money spent on hair cuts. Its easy and fast to style and I use almost no product on it anymore. Saves time and money and I look awesome. :)

Unknown | 3:57 PM

These days, we all do more with less!
I make lipstick last longer by mixing it with Chapstick (more moisturizing too).

K | 4:59 PM

I do more with less by cutting out and laminating old calendar pictures to use as decorations in my classroom. :)

Andi | 5:03 PM

I do more with less time, lately. I've mastered the art of speed cleaning (only clean the things that make the biggest impact!) so that I can spend more time on the things that I like - being with my son, cooking, writing.

I'll do a big "deep clean" every once and a while so nothing gets out of hand - but a few swishes and swipes here and there throughout the day really do keep most of the dirt away.

mexi | 5:07 PM

Our family is doing more with less by switching our budget to the envelope system. It's amazing how it's taught us the difference between wanting something and needing it when we pay with cash.

Unknown | 5:11 PM

I add water to the last dregs of hand soap and shampoo to get the last bits out. I Ctrl+F the pants off of my graduate school readings so I can get around actually reading 1,000+ pages/week yet still sound like I did my homework.

Doing more with less... it's an artform! :)

stargazermama | 5:17 PM

Love this post! you are so gorgeous.

I recently found out that I am both corn and gluten intolerant so I am learning to make due with less food options. It's kind of a bummer because corn is in EVERYTHING (and gluten is in everything else) and I loooooove food but if it means I will feel better and be able to enjoy my life with an energetic little boy more then it's all worth it. less food more good days.

Unknown | 5:18 PM

Im so fortunate to have a brother who was a makeup artist for MAC and now DIOR.. I have never had to purchase cosmetics or perfume!
One thing that saves me? I do not have a cell phone. *GASP!*

xo from Omaha

Ida Mae | 5:33 PM

The motto is: Waste Not, Want Not" and always has been. I find uses for most things that are taxed. Old bits of clothes are now cleaning rags. Glass jars are re-used as storage for left-overs, buttons, small bits, or even batteries. Instead of buying new, I like to recycle old furniture by refinishing. If something loses it's use in one room, (like our previous microwave cart/table which we refashioned into my son's new changing table, now it holds my (thrift bought) sewing machine.

thanks for the chance to win!

Tiffany | 5:39 PM

Not bad, not bad at all.

Peace, Love and Chocolate

Kimmy | 5:50 PM

Definitely eye shadow as eye liner!

Abbey | 5:53 PM

I've learned to ask friends for help with projects and always return the favor because between us all we have lots of talents.

emily bilbrey | 5:55 PM

so fun! and for the record, your face is completely lovely sans-makeup!

that being said, i'm a lady who never leaves the house without some makeup on! haha! one of my time & product-saving tricks is to dot concealer around my face right after applying moisturizer, and blend. that saves the need to wear any foundation! i just brush on a sheer powder and i'm good to go. (;

i would love to win the iphone - to be honest i'd probably give it to my awesome husband! i'm pretty happy with my regular old iphone and he'd absolutely soil himself with excitement if he got his hands on the new one. heehee!


Ellen | 6:07 PM

Dropped the expensive gym membership and started working out at home - I actually workout more without the hassle of going to the gym/having to look decent. Good for my bod, good for my wallet.

Greg Gandenberger | 6:13 PM

I use vinegar for my household cleaning! It is natural, cheap, and does a great job!

Anonymous | 6:17 PM

bike riding makes me spend less. my husband lost his job a few months ago, and we started doing more free thing with our daughter. we realized after a few tries that all our activities revolved around our bikes - ridig the ferry across the river, riding to the park for a picnic, riding to the blues festival down the street. somehow, it slows us down and makes us want less - makes us spend less money.

Andrea S. | 6:17 PM

I use sugar as a facial scrub, learned this trick from a make-up artist, mix a couple of teaspoons of sugar with a drop or two of olive oil and you are on your way to baby soft skin without spending money on overpriced ready made scrubs.

Jack's Mama | 6:18 PM

I wear no make up because luckily most of my life i have been a "natural beauty" but pregnancy has changed my skin so I am desperately trying to learn a few things about make-up to help return to my "natural" state. I am shocked though about the cost of make-up! So thanks for showing your trick of how to make more with less!

Unknown | 6:20 PM

My husband and I have recently gone to just one car. Thankfully our schedules work around it perfectly. And it's kind of nice not having to drive in the mornings.

robin | 6:43 PM

Hand-me-downs galore over here! I have 2 girls, and of course girl #2 used (uses) all of girl #1's clothes, then we give them to our friend who has an even younger kiddo. We also passed on all our baby toys and other goods (swing, sling, etc). And as I'm currently expecting #3 (boy this time, yay!), we are getting all stuff from both friend with kiddo and bro/sis in law with 2 boys. Plus doing cloth diapers w/out service this time, and getting all too-small diapers from our friends. Then we'll pass it all back or onto someone else! Yay.

As for makeup, I can't say I do more with less, but I basically do nothing with nothing most days. And when I'm feeling "pretty" I throw on some mascara and maybe cover up. I can't work miracles like you and your macgyver-ness!

Dele O | 6:45 PM

Doing more with less...Lately, doing more with less has involved staying up into the wee hours of the night (or is it morning), working, with less time to sleep. I guess that's still technically, doing more with less

ericah | 7:02 PM

i'm not nearly as creative as you are with your makeup! i do always make sure to have mascara and a tinted lipgloss on, though. and while i would typically like to wear more, most days that's all i get away with!

Kiki | 7:08 PM

I'm doing more with less lately by using all the hair/face/body products I have stored up instead of buying new ones.
I'm also recycling now. I hope to do more shopping with less plastic bags used.

kim {the non-mom blogger} | 7:10 PM

No credit. Nothing simpler than paying with cash ;)

Erin | 7:11 PM

vaseline! uses: as a mascara, for diaper rash, mix with a little blush for a lipgloss, apply around hairline before dying hair to prevent hair dye stains, rub a bit into shoes/purses for a quick shine, mix with sea salt and essential oils to make a scrub, removes makeup.....and on and on.

Claire | 7:17 PM

With make-up, I recently gave up on foundation. It only looks good for the first few hours on my dry here, oily there skin. I bought some cheap-o CoverGirl powder, and dab on a little undereye concealor, then just do a little swipe with the powder puff. Can't go out without mascara, so still quite married to that. I have blonde, short lashes, too. I use Maybelline Big Lash in the pink and green tube.

Economically, we are getting pretty good at doing more with less. My husband is a middle school theatre teacher, and as such makes a pretty meager salary. All the same, we live pretty frugally and I am a stay at home mom. We've never gone hungry and turn on the heat whenever we want. We are very blessed, and wouldn't have it any other way. It was fun to go out to eat and shop back when I was working too, but I can't imagine missing out on my 2 year old's life just so I could go blow $100 at Target.

We have great city parks in our town (Tallahassee) and I am an assistant organizer of a moms club that strives to find fun free or super cheap things to do with your kids.

Donna Y | 7:23 PM

I make as much of our food from scratch as my skills and time allow! I'm also trying use my time wisely so that I have more time for me to get healthier even though I have very little "free" time (e.g. going to counseling, doing journaling, and exercising).

theopenletterlady | 7:38 PM

Well, I have TWO kids now, so I do more (everything) with less (time). I don't get to shower in the mornings anymore, so I make sure to have a big long pamper session of steam room plus a loooong shower with all the good products at the gym in the evenings. As a consequence, I no longer watch TV or talk to my husband. Such is life.

Abbe's Road | 7:41 PM

One woman's trash is another woman's treasure. I've had great success at clothing swap parties with girlfriends and their friends. Everyone brings along clothes they are sick of, don't fit in anymore or want to get rid of, and we gather at someone's home. We try on everyone else's clothes - it's like friendly thrifting, but totally free. At the end of the night, someone usually offers to drop all the leftovers that no one wants at a donation place. It's a win-win. I got my new favorite jeans at a swap a few months ago.

Anna | 7:43 PM

I cloth-diaper, and end up doing more laundry and more bum-coverin'. (Heyyyoooooooooo!)

Kila Bell | 7:47 PM

Neutrogena has/had this cream that I could use on eyes, cheeks and lips! I like the bronze creams or pinks and use them for the more is less look.

amanda | 8:14 PM

I bring my lunch to work most days, and to save ziploc bags and reduce waste, I wash them and reuse!

E | 8:31 PM

I'm going to stick with the makeup/grooming theme. My favorite new product is apple cider vinegar as a toner- it helps get rid of the last of my makeup after I wash my face.

Probably best if you're not sleeping with anyone at the time, though. It's definitely a little... salad-y.

Veronica | 8:58 PM

I get way more and spend way less at the thrift store. My closet has never been so full. Best part is that when I get tired of something, I have no guilt associated with purging.

W | 11:06 PM

At first, I felt like young babies required lugging so much STUFF just to go outside for a walk, or to go shopping. Until I realized that this is what slings are for. ditch the huge baby carriage, throw a few diapers and wipes in my purse, and we were set to go (probably easier cause I was also breastfeeding, so I didn't have to pack bottles and formula). Bonus: we both enjoyed cuddle time, and I got more exercise.

Melissa Collins | 11:08 PM

I do more with buying chicken in bulk and preparing meals all in one day and freezing them for a whole months worth of meals. It takes alot of time while preparing but is also a way to spend quality time with your love.

P.T. | 1:21 AM

I'm a voracious reader, but I couldn't buy as many books as I used to anymore. Then I discovered a book swapping site where I could trade all those books I'd bought and read and didn't want anymore for ones I now wanted. Saved me tons of money and brought me hours of enjoyment reading (and also cleared up much needed space around the house lol).

tannawings | 2:51 AM

Doing more with less? "less" is my middle name- I was 'green' when green was just a color in a Crayola box and not some catch phrase to sell stuff ;)
I garden/compost/recycle/take in metal etc. As far as makeup if that's where youre at, I just never have worn much except when going out- and its like you- lipgloss,mascara and some blush.

Unknown | 2:56 AM

I love using combo make up palettes, saves me money and easier to pack.

Cara | 4:27 AM

Since I live in France where space is a luxury, I do more with less by sharing beauty products with the fam... face wash with my hubby, lotion & shower gel with the little ones. I have a few reserved just for me though : )

Tearsong_Twin | 5:08 AM

Budget wise, we cook a months worth of dinner meals and freeze them. Sometimes it's just the meat or sauces for different dishes, but it's saved a bundle with our grocery bill

Anonymous | 5:18 AM

I rearrange the small amount of things in my tiny room almost every day, quite compulsively, and get large amounts of pleasure from sitting in the center and looking around.I'm also doing a lot more than I ever thought I'd have the strength for, with far less love than I need.

Karen | 5:53 AM

More with less? I turn bargain hunting into an adventure sport. I can't recall the last time I paid full price for something. If I can find it used, on clearance, for free, with a coupon... whatever. That's how I do it.

I have expensive taste and we have a beer budget, but the process of finding the deals distracts me from wanting to shop more, and when I find the deals, that satisfies the shopping urge just enough.

CKL | 6:03 AM

I love Laura Mercier's blush stick, which is great for cheeks and lips alike.

Althea | 6:13 AM

Girl...girrrrrlllll....I do shittons with less...less money, less space, less time...
Becoming a mommy has taught me that we have reserves we never knew existed. Reserves of resourcefulness, love, creativity.
As far as makeup goes, behbeh...I feel lucky if I have time to do concealer on my hell dark undereye circles and mascara on my blonde but long lashes.
Word. I need a new-ass phone...
Ps, working on a good wear days post WITH THE NEW SHADES SO AMAZING....

Tori | 6:52 AM

I found a light brown eye shadow that had some glimmer to it. I use it as an eye shadow, then wet a Q-tip and use it as an eye liner, and also use my finger to put it on lightly as an overall face highlighter. Lovely.

Sarahd | 6:57 AM

What mom doesn't do more with less TIME. I do my makeup at stop lights on the way to work!

Houpley | 7:12 AM

I like to call myself a pantry chef. I efficiently use things in my pantry so that I am not out at the grocery store every night or even week. I make an effort to make great meals with a few items hidden somewhere in the pantry that I never even knew I had!

wanderingbella | 7:14 AM

My more with less makeup approach: I use the Benefit 10 bronzer (which I actually picked up at your recommendation - love it!)with no foundation on face, and then I use it as eyeshadow. Pop on some mascara, and I'm less scary in 25 seconds or less!

k | 7:36 AM

I try to do so much more with less, in all aspects of life! I can leave the house with only some mascara (I have so many, so it's whatever one I feel like that day) and my Benetint pocket pal (gloss and tint). With those three things, I am feeling confident enough to leave my house...

Berlyns Mommy | 7:47 AM

My less is more look is Benefit Benetint for lips and cheeks, 1 eyeshadow...color depends on what I'm feeling for the day, mascara and a little e.l.f gloss(gotta love $1 makeup that actually works!) on the lips over the Benetint. 5 minutes and you are ready to go!

Ashley | 7:48 AM

I stretch a teensy little bit of money a loooooong, long way every month. And I could SO use a new phone.

Laura | 8:17 AM

More with lessing by using vinegar for everything - amazing cleaning powers and no nasty chemicals!

Anonymous | 8:41 AM

THANK YOU! This post + the Good Wear Days posts inspired me to clean out my closet/drawers and keep only what I really need. Just made some money at Buffalo Exchange and put it into my daughter's savings account. I'm not kidding!!

ALC | 8:52 AM

I buy food and plan my meals according to what is on sale at the grocery store, then buy excess, cook all weekend, and find different ways to use the leftovers the rest of the week, from steak, to steak sandwiches or wraps, and burritos to round it out. They're all yummy too!

Pixel | 9:53 AM

Most of the gifts I give are handmade. They're more thoughtful and, well, they're cheaper!

I do what you did with eyeliner so often. I use my black shadow as an eyeliner almost every day. I use a primer first, so it stays all day.

Liz | 9:58 AM

We're a one-car family, and though there are times when it would be sweet to have a second vehicle, mostly we enjoy doing errands on foot around the neighborhood. Oh, and saving $$ on less insurance, less gas, fewer repairs, etc.

BlackberryGirl | 10:04 AM

My "Less Is More" approach to life? Two things I do/did.

One: As much as I adored babies and children and wanted a whole house full, we stopped at two. Those two boys have been amazing amounts of fun, love, and rewards. (High school, college make early parenting seem inexpensive and leisurely.)

Two: Quit working and learned to live on one salary.

With make-up: Very good quality foundation/powder with lots and lots of mascara.

Oh, one car, really does less with more too.

Taryn | 10:25 AM

Since we are on the college student budget, I refuse to buy anything that isn't on sale, or with a coupon, or some kind of incentive. I think that sites like are the best thing ever!

Carra | 10:30 AM

I've learned to live without my daily frappucino. My life is so boring now.

lyndsey | 10:42 AM

I use my leftovers in creative new dishes!

Anna | 10:46 AM

I can't win because I'm Canadian - but thought I should warn everyone... I tried the one-product look once with wine-coloured lip gloss, which was great except it was peppermint flavoured and made my eyelids sting!

Logan Square Freeborns | 11:06 AM

I spend way less money using cloth diapers. Yeah, it's a little bit more work (and can get a bit messy at times) but I love not spending $$ on something that will sit in a landfill for years. Instead, I can use the extra cash on something we will use or have fun with!!!

Mandy | 11:25 AM

That is absolutely incredible. Lately, lipgloss has taken over for lipstick, and I think its going to become a permanent change.

Sarah | 11:32 AM

I'm trying the more with less makeup route myself! Concealer or foundation on the eyelids instead of a shadow base, only two shadows instead of far it's working out well!

ashley d! | 11:33 AM

i do more with less by not flushing every time i go pee! hah!!

lonek8 | 11:36 AM

good job making that work and look so pretty! when I'm trying to look presentable without doing any "real" makeup, I always spread a bit of the vaseline I use on my lips on my eyelids as well. the slight shine somehow makes my eyes pop the same way mascara does, and it has the added benefit of moisturizing as well.

Abigail | 12:30 PM

Sad but true, I haven't really gone shopping for clothes in a year. I'm definitely looking forward to 2011 when I can break my self-imposed fast!

Emily | 1:05 PM

As a pale, colorless girl, I have 1 rule:

Must. Have. Lipstain!

I especially like the ones that have a balm built-in, like Revlon Just Bitten. That way I don't have to make sure I have chapstick, too.

Unknown | 1:06 PM

I'm doing more with less lately because I chopped about 18" of hair off!

sarah | 1:09 PM

More with less? Hmmmm, what to illustrate. We recently traded cable for Netflix. Now we watch way more movies (less TV though) and it sure costs a lot less! Also I've been spending less time in front of the TV, so it's been great.

Clara Womack Barksdale | 1:12 PM

Bargain shopping -- groceries, clothes, entertainment, furniture, electronics. I try to never pay full price for new (or new to us) things and prefer to repurpose things that we already have.

Amanda | 1:23 PM

I stopped buying new clothing and went through what I did have to donate what I no longer wore. It will still take me weeks to wear everything once and I am so much happier being able to actually get things into my closet!

Anonymous | 1:30 PM

haha - hide yo kids!

Erin | 2:11 PM

That is pretty impressive! My suspicion is that when it comes to makeup, I typically do less with less. Mascara, though, is a must.

Anonymous | 2:39 PM

Pretty much all of my clothes are secondhand so that we can use our money to eat out at restaurants!! Food wins out over fashion every time in our house :)

Teresa Tebbe | 3:02 PM

I just finished a few volunteer projects that too a lot of time & a little money. Lately, I'm doing a lot more with the family for absolutely FREE! Hiking with the dog, rewatching favorite movies, homemade meals, and trips to the library for new books to share!

Andrea | 3:09 PM

I recently reduced the amount of clothes in my closet by half. I find myself being more brave and creative with my outfits now.

Some of Me | 4:13 PM

I do more with less by only eating out on kids eat fre nights and finding fun things to do around our city that are free.

rachel | 4:44 PM

More with less. I've decided that instead of purchasing new clothes that I will only purchase belts, scarves, and cheap jewelry to liven up my "old" outfits :) It's pretty fun too.

W | 4:46 PM

When we move into our new place, we installed a high efficiency washer and dryer, and only do loads when it's a full machine. This saves money on water, electricity, and laundry detergent.

Marie | 4:50 PM

public transit instead of driving. it's a great way to get some reading done!

Sarah | 6:55 PM

We recently moved half-way across the country, and I am now a stay at home mom. So I am learning to do more with only one pay check.
I am getting better about coupons, and have found stores that let me use multiple ones for the same item. Stores also give a discount for bringing your own bags.
And being far away from family, we love Skype so everyone can talk to and see our 14 month old daughter--no long distance--it's free!

Germerican | 6:58 PM

My more with less: the library.

I am a HUGE fan, and we have an awesome one here. I can rent movies, find any book I need or want, books on CD, how to repair the car, whatever. Now that I volunteer there once a week, I really know my way around! They are connected to several libraries in the area, so I not only have to local "harvest", I also can order books from about 15 more locations. I love their cookbook selection and hey, they have your book, too! What's not to love!

Donna J. | 7:57 PM


I use in my cooking, in the rinse cycle of cloth diapers, mixed with isopropyl alcohol for a window cleaner, and straight up for an all purpose cleaner on counters, sinks, etc...

Jamie | 7:59 PM

More with less? Garage Sales!!! The best place to find kids clothes!

Elizabeth | 8:24 PM

I'm doing more things with less me (I've lost almost 30 pounds this year & did the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in NYC this past October)!

For make up the $1 all over stick from E.L.F. is awesome, comes in 6 different colors and smells good... I use it for my cheeks, eyes & lips (sometimes under a different lip stick to not look so matchy matchy other times applied with a finger instead of the stick) and on my collar bone/nose forehead as a bronzer (i use persimmon and am dying to try the golden peach). for a dollar you can do much worse!

kelli | 10:48 PM

Ugh, I use way too much--I have 5 things in my hands for my eyes--2 mascaras, 2 eyeliners (1 liquid 1 pencil) and eyeshadow. Then blush. Then lips. Not to mention the extensive concealing beforehand. Acne, STILL. Help...?
I DEFINITELY need to do less with more. And to win a new phone! :)

Liliana | 10:55 PM

I like to have just a few standard things in my fridge/pantry that can be made into many different meals, my fav way of less is more. Beans, rice/quiona, peppers, onions, garlic, cilantro, potatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, and local beef and chicken. Amazing things are made from these items.

GypsyDG | 11:24 PM

Ha! I used to do the very same thing with my eyeshadow when I was in high school! Only, I was into the goth look back then and it was all just so hideous and wrong I tell you...I looked more like a clown and I'm thankful there are no pictures of that time period floating around haha

Unknown | 11:30 PM

i reuse a lot of jars and bottles and then i recycle them :)

mrsgryphon | 11:50 PM

This week I went to the grocery store with just one child (the one that still sits in the cart and can't sneak in $8 boxes of cereal!) and bought our groceries for the week for a little over half of what I usually spend. Trying to make do with what we have in the fridge and not feel like I need to have all the "just in case" stuff. I need to start doing meal plans again, because we definitely ate better on less when I was diligent with that!

Olivia Singleton | 12:10 AM

I've been...ahem... unemployed since June. (That doesn't hurt my pride even a little bit. Nope.) So doing more with less has become my life. My bangs that had to be cut every other week? They are now side sweeping bangs to avoid spending money at a salon. Rice can be reworked into every possible meal. And my blush doubles as my eye shadow.

Anonymous | 4:54 AM

I never wear any makeup and recently was given some heavy eyeliner for a wedding and received RAVE reviews. Now I"m trying to rock the eyeliner, just not as heavy. So far, so good!

Anonymous | 4:55 AM

I rock some black eyeliner. Simple but just enough pop.

Jamie | 6:04 AM

lip gloss and mascara and im out!! i feel naked without those two things so in a pinch those are all i need and honestly, ive recieved the most compliments when i wear less makeup anyways...

Great Googely Moogely | 8:35 AM

moisturizer mixed with foundation is easy, cheap and makes both last a lot longer. I also eek out every bit of mascara by using the old wands to tame unruly eyebrows. I use Japonesque brand eyelash curler b/c they send you free refill pads for free, for life. Score!

Great Googely Moogely | 8:37 AM

I also trade off clothes with same size friends who also take good care of their things. Doubled wardrobe in mere seconds!

Unknown | 8:39 AM

When doing my daily makeup routine, instead of using an eye shadow, highlighter, eyeliner, etc. I just take a highlighter and dot it along my brow bone, inner eye, and cheekbones to highlight my best features and minimize the amount of makeup I use.

Mandy | 9:18 AM

I love stealing clothes from my sister! Instant extend-a-wardrobe, and its free!

Alison | 9:34 AM

My husband and I recently moved in (temporarily, I hope) with my parents. We are having to live out of boxes and suitcases so with little room I had to think very carefully with what we NEEDED. There are things in storage that I wish I could get to and use because I WANT them but we are getting by just fine without the extras. Makes me wonder what we are going to do when we do have all of our loot back.

Rina | 10:09 AM

How do I do more with less. Well I shop and save by doing my homework, finding the good deals.

Loved the eyeshadow bit! I am so lacking in that area.

Tasha | 10:31 AM

My husband, son and I use the same bottle of shampoo and hair product. I know that seems like a silly "more with less" but trust me, we all have curly, thick but varied textured (we're a mixed-race family) hair and were always buying different products for ourselves. Now we all use one product and we save so much money--not to mention waste!

Ashley | 11:24 AM

I wear sweatshirts and pile on the blankets instead of hitting the heat the second it gets cold!

rebecca | 12:15 PM

I always bring leftovers for lunch... those $10 lunches add up! I wear a hat in the house when I'm cold... a couple cooler on the thermostat saves money and resources. Just a couple things I do to do more with less.

jdavissquared | 2:28 PM

I do more with less by meal planning. No wasted food, no flying by the seat of my pants. Saves time and money!

Clare | 3:49 PM

I thrift/dig through friend's closets for about 80% of my wardrobe. I also take full advantage of my discount as a girlfriend of an employee at both Urban Outfitters and Anthropologie (places that I normally wouldn't afford, but can get great deals with sales + discount card).

Most of all, I make groceries last a million times longer by utilizing my freezer. Out freezer is packed full with healthy, frozen, homemade meals (think veggie lasagna, vegan chili, black bean and sweet potato burritos), sectioned out into one meal portions-- fruit that's ripe but not going to be eaten gets chopped up and frozen for smoothies. We waste a lot less money than we used to, and rarely throw food away.

You should see the JANKY phone I have right now. It's like cell phone looks like a Fischer Price version of a cell phone. I need this phone bad!

Anastasiya Ivanova | 3:53 PM

I use conditioner as a shampoo. It saves me money and doesn't dry out my hair.

Clare | 5:27 PM

Oh, I forgot, we are a zero car household: we ride our bikes everywhere. Great exercise, we save a TON on gas, and we save ourselves the headaches of parking tickets and dealing with towed cars (which happens ALL THE TIME in our neighborhood). When the weather gets frigid (as it's bound to here in Wisconsin), I ride the bus.

The best part? We've made a ton of friends who also ride bikes. I can't tell you how much fun group night bike rides are.

Rochelle | 6:24 PM

My sister inspires me, she does SO much more with less. She reuses almost everything in the most creative ways. She recently just built a shelf to store comforters using some old 2x4s from a bed frame she was no longer using.

Pam | 9:24 PM

Doing more with less = purchasing my 5 and 2 year old kids clothing at used thrift shops and interesting boutiques, cooking a huge vat of chili and cornbread and eating it nightly for 4 days and reading my kids books day and night because I can't stand the crap on tv. As far as make-up I don't wear it but at age 43 I think it wouldn't hurt me to start...

Anonymous | 9:50 PM

Switching to water bottles saves me so much money by not having to purchase bottled water. Less waste/less plastic and less space used in my fridge/cabinets storing bottled water. (or course you need a stash for emergencies, but for daily use, a resusable water bottle is the way to go!) I stay so much more hydrated!

Unknown | 11:36 PM

i love tinted stains. you can use it for your cheeks and your lips just to add a bit of color

Pastor Jim | 6:38 AM

I do more with less by learning how and when to say "no".

Mell-o | 7:13 AM

Having two daughters, and a husband who constantly travels with the military, I am always trying to do more with less, be it less money, one less parent/adult, or less sanity. I take a deep breath, focus on one thing at a time and try to look for multiple uses of things. For example, cheerios are not just food, they are a craft project, a dog treat and a baby distracter.

Anonymous | 7:31 AM

I try to skip makeup as much as possible. It makes the before bed routine much simpler (I just wash my face and apply moisturizer) and it makes the times I DO wear makeup that much more special.

Anonymous | 8:21 AM

When you have less you spend more time doing the things that you love. I think I innately love less because I hate clutter so I have no problem having less.

Ashley | 8:45 AM

I use leftovers to invent creative new dishes. My boyfriend is a loyal taste tester :)

bethie | 9:01 AM

I going to go ahead and admit that I do not do more with less when it comes to my make-up, BUT in other areas I do better. Like left-overs for lunch & bringing my own coffee when I leave the house instead of stopping at the coffee shop. We've also cut back on laundry much of that stuff gets trapped in your clothes!

Megan Stuke | 9:13 AM

I used to pretty much use blush for everything. I would buy a good russet colored blush, flick it on the cheeks and eyelids, and a bit under the lashes. But then, I did use lipgloss, too. My friends thought it was nuts, but I was very low-maint back then. Still am, but now I carry gloss, blush, AND mascara. Because I'm so grown up.

missamandabear | 11:20 AM

Make up wise I do more with less by not wearing much- foundation, mascara and I'm good to go. Otherwise we have a very small food budget, and my husband and I do just fine on about $200 a month... You have to get creative and watch the sales.

Dele O | 11:34 AM

Doing more with less sometimes means working on the go. Which is where my laptop and a good smartphone comes in handy. Go windows phone

Anonymous | 12:01 PM

That was awesome! I loved it! I am always looking for a quick fix expecially when not at home and i need something while out. Keep up the good work!


Jim Reid | 12:48 PM

I stay organized with Microsoft OneNote, which helps me do more with less time.

Mandy | 2:15 PM

I do more with less by using Goody hair bands not only for ponytails but to extend the life of my pre-pregnancy pants...problem is they only stretch so far.

Erin | 5:20 PM

My husband & I decided on “less” when we bought a small house. Less to take care of (read: one bathroom) means more time for the long list of things we’d rather be doing.

jenny | 7:57 PM

i carpool to save on gas money and save our planet! :)

Jenn Bo | 10:03 PM

I've been decluttering my life (my husband has a mantra of "simplify"). It has taken a few years, but I've finally bought in. It feels GOOD to purge!

Jamie | 11:32 PM

Rarely, rarely do makeup, but always have to have the plain CO Bigelow lipbalm from Bath and Body Works. At like $7 a tube, these seems very expensive to me (ha!) but since I don't really ever buy any other make-up (besides perfume! love the medium-expensive ones, but they last forever!!) I don't feel too bad about it - only other product semi-frequently used is one of the Lash Blast mascaras.

In other less-is-more-ness, we've eaten out a lot less lately, hardly ever go to the movies, and just generally stay home more. This is all partly caused by budget issues, but with a wild 2 yr old, going out can really be just plain frustrating. Hate to always leave him at home, but to include him everytime we go out can cause some serious headaches :/

Unknown | 11:50 PM

i love using wax paper for everything, lining dishes, easily move sifted flour, so useful

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