Other than a small variety of Hal's childhood clothes, Archer never wore hand-me-downs. We didn't have any friends with children and our local consignment situation was virtually non-existent. Same situation when Fable was born. That was, until, a child's consignment shop hatched around the corner from our house and I started shopping there pretty much exclusively, saving all of Fable's baby clothes for a "potential" third child. Ahem. Which was very smart of me because Bo and Revi wear all of Fable's hand-me-downs. And yet... every few months, I remove a new set of "gently used" too small clothes to pass down to friends and/or consign in exchange for new (old) clothes. And it's all very emotional because this is it. But it's also exciting because passing things on is what life's all about.
"Godspeed, little sweaters! May you be cherished, cuddled, kept and then passed on..."
Most of my wardrobe is a hand-me-down from someone. I wear my great grandmothers' jewelry and my Nana's boots and my Grandmother's coat. But mostly I wear clothes that once belonged to strangers. They're the things in my closet that bring me most joy and because of that, more compliments... because I feel happy and beautiful and interesting wrapped up in the whispers of other women's stories. And, yes, I realize that sounds very "peace sign necklace" but it's true.
I feel the same with my kids' clothes. I love that they get to trample around in the clothes of children who trampled before them.... dresses that shall continue trampling! Jumpers that will jump again!
Which is why I was so excited to sit down to write this post, today. Because consignment is my favorite way to shop and it's how we've been shopping since Fable was a baby and how I've been shopping since forever and not only is it awesome on the environment, but swell on the wallet AND perhaps most importantly, flattering to the soul. And clothes should flatter the inside of a person I think. (Fable taught me that one.)
I was given $50 toward Moxie Jean to shop and, of course, went (ahem) over budget because I (ahem) stumbled into the "designer room" and everything was gorgeous and story-like and I am a sucker. Well worth it though, because these are the pieces I chose and they are my new favorites (well, close second after WWW and Grandma Susan's homemade pieces.)
And these are the ones currently for sale that I am obsessed with oh good gracious wow.
And also these for boys I mean THIS WHAT I AM DYING RIGHT NOW WHO HAS A TODDLER SON PLEASE BUY THIS AND THIS and I am now pasting all of my favorite boy things right here because I am so in love and it's so hard to find boy stuff that rocks and holy delicious, dudes...

One of the four pieces I bought is too big for Bo and Revi to wear just yet but I couldn't resist. Layered over a sailor dress, perhaps? I can't wait.
Actually that's not true. I can wait.
I am happy to be waiting.
I am in no rush for anyone to grow out of anything just yet. But when they do... we'll do what we did for Archer. We'll box a giant tupperware of our favorite pieces and give the rest away. And it will be heartbreaking and a little bit wonderful, too. Like giving away memories... only to welcome new ones in their place.
Moxie Jean is giving away (one) $50 Moxie Jean credit to a GGC reader. To win? Tell me about your most memorable childhood ensemble. Mine was a very fancy dress with a built-in heart-purse with rhinestones on it and shoulder-pads. Behold:
I'll pick one winner at random next Thursday, May 2nd. In the meantime, you can shop Moxie Jean here (25% off and free shipping on orders over $50 between now and May 31st! Code: GGC25 at register) and/or find out how to sell your children's gently worn clothes by going here.
UPDATED: Congrats to Gianni for winning the $50 credit to Moxie Jean! And thanks to all of you for sharing your stories on this post. Lovely, all.
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