Straight From the Bottle Recaps:
Believe it or Not, We'll Still be Mothers Tomorrow: Mother's Day needs to check itself before it rigiddy-riggidy wrecks itself.
And the Heat Goes On: Quick question-- What do you do with your kids when it's a thousand degrees outside and your house doesn't have AC?
But please tell me you don't let them lick a cracker off your tongue.
Ewwwwww! but I guess they need love, too. :)
I kiss my dogs too. I have 2 boxers and they are so cute I can't help but kiss them.
I kiss my dog on the mouth too... she is so lovable, I can't help it. I don't care if other people don't like it.
I kiss my dog on the mouth too. Why wouldn't I? I don't let her lick anything off my tongue, but I do put one of the ends of her cookie in my mouth and let her take it from me to debunk the "rottweilers are vicious" nonsense. She's an angel!
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