Today on True Mom Confessions Radio: "The M Word"
Join us today at 2pm Pacific Standard time on for an oh-so touching conversation about all things masturbatory, including how-to tips for talking to your kids about the blush-inducing topic. Romi and I will be chatting with special guest, Neal Pollack, creator and founder of and author of Alternadad and hopefully you!
Call in with your "touching tales", questions, words of advice, horror stories or just to lend a hand to the conversation @ 310.984.7600.
You can also tune in via radio chat, here, subscribe to our weekly podcast via Itunes, or click the below box for live stream:

In the meantime, if you haven't already, check out True Mom Confessions and stay tuned for True Dad Confessions arriving just in time for Father's Day.
Apparently there was a technical glitch today with the streaming, so our podcast is only 15 minutes long... If you're still interested in listening to the "tail end" of our chat, click here. Sorry about that, people.