I grew up thinking I was two-sided. Like a coin. Like that Us Poem by Shel Silverstein.
"Me and
There are two types of girls in the world, I once wrote... and I was both of them... (Just like everyone else, but I didn't know that at the time. I believed in horoscopes with all my might. I believed I was this person -- who was unable to live a singular life. I was heads and tails and I could not stop flipping my coin. Flip. Flip. Flip...)
"Girl, what's your sign?"
"Isn't it obvious?"

The "twins," as referred to in Gemini horoscopes, are not supposed to be the same or even similar. They are supposed to be different. Complements and contradictions. Strength and softness, light and dark... Twins are hands that touch but do not cling -- they are brothers and sisters who spar and love and fight and fall asleep with noses touching. Push, pull, push, pull, reach, chase, dance, pow. (POW! POW!)
"It's a sign."
"What's your sign?"
"All signs point to..."
There are two sides of your story, Gemini. Which twin are you today? Who will end up with the invisible necklace?
I will never know what it is like to be a twin. But I have collected horoscopes. I know how to find Castor and Pollux in the sky. I know how to turn one invisible necklace into two.
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