Not to mention the fact that Archer's nap time is my blog time and therefore without a nap there is no blog.
Hence the following Archerfilm which illustrates perfectly how annoying it is that dude's so friggin cute when he's pissing me off:
So... my dear readers, please standby... I'm thinking positive and hoping that naps will return asap on the double. Or else. Something.

...stunning photographic images of pregnancy coupled with inspirational text and uplifting quotations. Speaks honestly and realistically all the while honoring the transcending metamorphosis that occurs in every woman when she becomes a mother. The message within is to empower every soon to be or new mom and give her the tools to navigate this huge transformation.
Take a look. Buy a copy. For yourself or as a gift for your friend, the mommy-to-be. You can sample the first few pages here by clicking the book preview.
The book is gorgeous and unique just like its author, my dear friend, Pascale.
Did you take down the video? It says that it's no longer available...
It seems Youtube is being bitchy. Please standby.
He's very cute. My kids have blackout shades on their windows. Archer's room is so bright! Good luck with the nap thing. Don't give up on it just yet.
Even if he doesn't nap, the little guy has to stay in his crib/room and read books with the lights low. That usually is enough for him to conk out. Sometimes, though, it's just enough time for mommy to go lie down and weep... Sigh. These cute little buggers. Good thing we love 'em.
Omg that was hilarious. My four year old made me replay it several times and she was cracking herself up each time. She thinks Archer is adorable :) Here's hoping naptime returns soon for your sake!
wait until he figures out how to get out of the crib...that's when the real fun starts! He is so cute, you can just hear him saying...naps are for suckers mom.
I love it: "Archer! Where are your pants?"
"Pants! Pants pants pants! Where? Pants!"
It's like every single conversation I have with Max, who's just a couple weeks younger than Archer.
ah! He's so cute. Please feel free to stop by my blog, two or three posts back "Naptime Shmaptime" displays installed diaper cream art in LP's room during what I like to call naptime. Hope those sleepy afternoons return to you soon!
Just keep putting him down. Caleb went through this and we are back to regular napping. He won't go sleep if I put him down before 2pm, but if we wait until 2 I get a consistent 1-2 hour nap. Whatever you do, don't give in! Kids see us as slot machines. . . they keep trying until they get the payoff. . . and if they win. . . they keep trying. I learned this lesson the hard way!
Bossy remembers when nap time disappeared. Both her's and her kid's.
Many years ago, Robert Ardrey wrote a book called the "Territorial Imperative" and that was my immediate thought when I saw Archer flinging everything away from HIS territory. The interior of that crib is the spacial equivalent of a well policed border.
Maybe a doll passport is needed to keep things inside???
move over archman, grandma east can't wait to jump in your crib with you and help you make a mess!!! just two more weeks...get ready for hugs, kisses and lots of fun. xoxo, ecg
We can't wait to see you guys! Whoopeee!
My son is almost 4. The child has rarely if ever taken a nap. Still doesn't take a nap. But I recently read that instead of a nap, give them quiet play time in their room for a specified amount of time. This might lead to the child truly falling asleep or at least 45 minutes of some peace. Good luck.
First time poster- have stopped by a few times- must say the video cracked me up- my daughter earned her big girl bed at 2 because she'd climb out of it so I was afraid she'd hurt her noggin'!
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