TOTW: Tribe Singapore Sling (& Giveaway)

updated with winner, below!
A few weeks ago I transferred all of my daily diaper items from my (beloved and humongous) MJ bag to a smaller, more transportable TRIBE Singapore Sling c/o Tribe who sent me a sample several months ago. My large bag is still my go-to for non-school days but on the weekdays, I was having a hard time transporting that bad boy while juggling many babies. So? A downsize was in order. A super chic (water resistant!) downsize with plenty of room for essentials c/o many zippered compartments. BAM:
I'm also using it as a purse when I'm solo because it totally looks like one:
P.S. Hal took these pictures of me on a ChildStyle shoot day. (I do NOT wear anything with a heel when I'm home with my kids because I would fall on my face and it would be terrible.)

Anyway. I love this bag. It's the perfect non-diaperbag looking diaperbag. And thanks to the ladies at Tribe, you can snag yourself the same one ($500 value).
singapore-sling-seablue singapore-sling-seablue

To win? Leave a comment below. I'll pick one winner via next Friday, September 7th. (Don't forget to leave your contact info!) Good luck and happy Labor Day Weekend!



p.s. jeans are ernest sewn, top is from anthro and shoes are dolce vita.

UPDATED: Apologies for the lag in updating this contest's winner! Because I'm now using disqus and comments aren't numbered (nor do they show up chronologically) I had to use a different kind of randomizer (which disqus has assisted me with these past few days. Thanks, disqus!) 

I've included screen grabs (below) of the NEW randomizer to show how I'll be picking contest winners from now on. That being said, and without further ado...

Congratulations to Amber who is expecting a baby girl in October! HOORAY and congratulations, Amber! 


And thank you all FOR participating! Much love and thanks for your patience on getting this new comments system up, running and figured out! xo, Bec. 


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chisparoja | 1:07 PM

very cute bag. would love to have now that I need a bag for two babies! yikes! semantics AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous | 1:25 PM

amazing bag- i must have one!


Keely | 1:27 PM

My bag is huge too, would love this one!

Shiri | 1:32 PM

Please please please? My sister in law is having the HARDEST time finding a diaper bag and I think she'd love this! And come on, it would be a great gift :) Thank you!!

ashley d! | 1:38 PM

heels don't happen at all right now, i have pregnant feet! hah! ashleyarsenic ATGMAIL dotcom

Swedeland | 1:38 PM

78yes! love that bag. | 1:40 PM

Pleez oh pleeez desperate seeking bag!
Thank you.

Anonymous | 1:46 PM

Love it! As I am just venturing into my third pregnancy, I think this is a necessity.

sadevol82 @ yahoo dot com

Brooke | 1:49 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brooke | 1:51 PM

Super cute! Would love to give this to my sister who is pregnant with my first niece/nephew.

bhailey {at} att {dot} net

Fuchs Family | 1:54 PM

Love it. Want it.

Theresa329 | 1:59 PM

I am due with surprise number 4 in a few days and since it has been almost 5 years, no diaper bag yet. This would make Malcolm's mama look very cool.


Melissa | 2:08 PM

I would love to win. My diaper bag is fugly.

Allikitten | 2:20 PM

very cool bag. love the outfit.

a.m.holder85 at gmail dot com

Nemaine | 2:23 PM

This bag would bring a little rock star glamour into a life awash with baby poop and sticky fingers! hannahperks(at)gmail(dot)com

BonJoey | 3:10 PM

Love your bohemian inventive/original style! That bag is seriously badass. It would look eons cooler than my current diaperbag! Looks great on you!

Unknown | 3:14 PM

LOVE functional.

Also---I would fall and die in heels at home. Plus the hubs shall I say it graciously...short

mama of the year | 3:17 PM

I want!

Anonymous | 3:19 PM

GORGEOUS! I want. A thousand times better than the three diaper bags I have used and discarded in favor of a reusable grocery sack from Whole Foods.


Unknown | 3:22 PM

I HEART it! and i forgot my contact info on the last one :)

Anonymous | 3:27 PM

ooh such a cute bag! love it!


Valerie | 3:41 PM

I'm expecting in a few months and I have recently begun the diaper bag quest. Holy crap are there a lot of different bags to choose from!

Bryn | 3:48 PM

Beautiful bag! My diaper bag is enormous (and homemade) so I'd be very excited for a trade.

Crystal Ponti | 3:53 PM

I have a bag that we snag at a local department store. So basic, so unflattering. LOL This bag is awe-to-the-some! You look great in those red shoes, btw! Love!

Jess T | 4:32 PM

Love this!!

Maat | 4:39 PM

Great bag! Would love to use it for my two kids. We are in desperate need of a new diaper bag and this would ABSOLUTELY do the trick :)

Andy | 4:50 PM

Oh, how I need a bag like that! After 6 kiddos - this last one 3 mos - a new bag is in order!:) I am really enjoying your blog and your pics! Please visit me anytime at! I am currently being held captive by my groupies - I post pirated updates every few days!

Unknown | 5:03 PM

That's a seriously great bag.

Justine B | 5:13 PM

Oooo pick me! I adore the color!

Unknown | 5:16 PM

I am in need of a downsize!

Amanda | 6:11 PM
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Amanda | 6:14 PM

What a fun purse! I have no need for a diaper bag and I still want this purse. attoad (at) yahoo (dot) com

Kate | 6:17 PM

In desperate need of a functional, stylish bag such as this...fingers crossed!

kate dot peaslee at gmail dot com

Zoƫ | 7:08 PM

Oh no! I forgot to leave my contact info... I hope this doesn't disqualify me for leaving multiple entries, I will go find and delete the other just in case!! :)

Heather | 7:29 PM

Love the bag! Would be perfect for my one year old and baby on the way!

Lindsay | 7:44 PM

Love - yes please I'll take one!

anne | 7:58 PM

New diaper bag? Perfect reason to postpone potty training my youngest.

Nancy@ifevolution | 8:33 PM

Very Cute!!

Ali Tong | 8:37 PM

I would love that bag! It's beautiful!

Kellie | 8:38 PM

Pick me.... please.

Unknown | 8:39 PM
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Unknown | 8:40 PM

You look so good in the most funky of things. Love this ensemble!


em | 8:44 PM

Holy shit, yes please? My kid 2 diaper bag is pathetic. It is full of crumbs and spit up from kid 1 that I was too lazy to clean. I am nasty.

Jordan Baker | 9:51 PM

I would definitely have another baby for this bag! So awesome.

Jordan Baker | 9:51 PM

I would definitely have another baby for this bag!

unfounddoor | 11:16 PM

But.... the bag is quite ugly?!

I much prefer your Marc Jacobs - you looked great with that.

Then again, I couldn't bring myself to go the ugly nappy bag route so opted out (*i have a keen suspicion that the diaper bag industry isjust another marketing campaign to part new parents with their cash*) so have been using an Eastpak rucksack (or, when I want to be a little smarter, a largish black leather tote from Zara)... So what do I know ;)

Unknown | 4:41 AM

I love this diaper bag! Totally stylish, and something that I can use even after baby is older.

Anonymous | 6:43 AM

Would LOVE this! As a mom of three girls w/ a new little boy on the way, I could put this to good use & look chic at the same time - Thanks for the chance & the blog, I love your writing :)
Crysty Nurse

Nia Tatum | 7:19 AM

you always look so pretty! Bag's cute too.

Courtney | 8:16 AM

super cute bag, and I love the shoes. Your pants remind me of leggings, have you checked them out? They have great style but are on the pricey side. Cute!!

Jeanentt | 8:19 AM

This bag looks awesome! Would love to have one.

Leilani | 8:57 AM

Love it

Julia | 9:08 AM

Love it. With number 3 and 4 on the way I'm gonna need some new supplies!

Julia dot sell at gmail dot com

c | 9:10 AM

That bag is amazing. Hope I win!

tiff | 9:22 AM

My (ugly) diaper bag just died, and boy would I love this beauty.

Anonymous | 9:27 AM

Awesome bag!!!!!!

Unknown | 9:31 AM

Love it! It can definitely do double duty as a purse

Anonymous | 9:33 AM

Beautiful bag!

monica | 9:43 AM

That bag is gorgeous, it's like an undercover diaper bag. For secret agent mamas.

Anonymous | 9:46 AM

wonderful diaper bag!

lonek8 | 10:32 AM

This bag would be such a blessing right now! My diaper bag is insanely heavy and it only has a shoulder strap - I need a cross body one to alternate so at least I'm jacking up both shoulders equally. Don't want to take it too easy on my chiropractor

Leah DelRosario | 11:05 AM

I would love something like that. Even with my girls being 3 I still pack/carry a ton!


Deb and Mike | 11:18 AM

Love it! And GGC!

Kristina S | 11:55 AM

Heels? What are heels?

Would love a great new fancy diaper bag.

kmsilbajoris at hotmail dot com

bombastic | 12:01 PM

Oh my, this bag is gorgeous! Would love to win!!

Unknown | 12:11 PM

i love it! pick me,

Unknown | 12:12 PM

love the bag! pick me,!

Anonymous | 12:26 PM

Love this bag!!!

Laura | 12:47 PM

I would love to downsize and style-up with this bag! Current purse/work/diaper bag switching nonsense is lame!

Courtney | 1:17 PM

sling me! :)

courtney dot thompson dot 82 at gmail dot com


Chelsea | 1:24 PM

OH MY GOSH, what a cute bag!!!! i hope I'm not too late for the give a way! I love it! it would work really well for a camera bag maybe too!!!

ps, the twins look so cute dressed alike!

Madeline Wilson | 1:31 PM

This is the prettiest bestest diaper bag ever.

Maranda McAllister | 1:44 PM

This is the stealthiest diaper bag I've ever seen. How wonderful!

Amandacita | 1:57 PM


Abbe | 3:21 PM

baby is that bag would make mama VERY happy! :)

Tara | 3:28 PM

amaze face. yes please!

Anonymous | 4:46 PM

That is the cutest diaper bag I have ever seen!

mc | 4:48 PM


Andi | 4:54 PM

That's a fine bag. lobsterandi, using gmail's lovely email services. I almost wrote cervixes. Ew.

Andi | 4:55 PM
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Unknown | 5:25 PM

I want to go to there!

Anonymous | 5:25 PM

I ADORE this bag!!! Love, love , love it! My youngest son turns one 3 days before your twins. Yay!, happy birthday!
I hope I win this!

Also where are your pants from? The ones in the picture with the bag? I love them

ursula | 6:38 PM

love love love that bag!!!!
yes please.

Anonymous | 6:44 PM

Love the bag! Need one now that we have baby number 3 coming next year! Hurray!

Mondocurio | 6:49 PM

Gorgeous! !! Would love it
Mondocurio. At gmail dot com

Anonymous | 7:33 PM

My diaper bag is also way TOO BIG and I'd love this stylish downsize!!
phatgroove at hotmail dot com

Anonymous | 7:35 PM

Arg. the email in the above comment should read:
phat_groove at hotmail dot com

Shiri | 7:50 PM

Please? As a gift for my pregnant sister in law? Please!

Christine McIntyre | 8:48 PM

I need a new bag. Dog peed on the last one and am now using shopping bags. I look like a friggen hobo but cant find the energy or time to fix this sad, sad situation. This maybe the best way to fix it. Have someone give me a bag and tell me to use it. Plus I wanna win it 'cause its cute.

Paula | 9:03 PM

Hello, luve the bag! Blue soo pretty.

jillymags | 9:25 PM

LOVE! I juggle twin 7 mo old boys and NEED this!

jillymags | 9:28 PM

Love! I have twin 7 mo boys and NEED this!

Unknown | 9:53 PM

Love it! Such a happy color.

ahlea Armstrong | 10:04 PM

Love the bag, LOVE your ruby slippers, love you.

Melissa | 6:20 AM

Gorgeous!! Would be most ideal for the 2 small people arriving after Christmas! melissa1611 at gmail dot com :)

Giselle Taminez | 7:09 AM

After 11 years I'm ready to have my second child and I believe the occasion merits a kick ass diaper bag!

Giselle Taminez | 7:11 AM

After 11 years I'm having my second and I think the occasion merits a kick ass diaper bag like this one!

Giselle Taminez | 7:12 AM

After 11 years I'm having my second and I think the occasion merits a kick ass diaper bag like this one!

Giselle Taminez | 7:12 AM

After 11 years I'm having my second and I think the occasion merits a kick ass diaper bag like this one!

Giselle Taminez | 7:13 AM

After 11 years I'm having my second and I think the occasion merits a kick ass diaper bag like this one!

Adrienne | 8:29 AM

I just had baby #2 and I need a new bag to match! ;)


Aimee | 8:30 AM

oh ma gawwwd. choose me!

sal | 11:56 AM

Downsize and outsource perfection.

Michelle | 12:27 PM

This would make an excellent gift for my expecting friend! Her old diaper bag is super fug!!!

chefmichelle at gmail

Stephanie | 1:04 PM

Ooooh, it's lovely! Thank you please! :)
(PS - You've now lost all of your babyweight, yes? You look fab.)
stefpie AT gmail DoT com

Anonymous | 1:10 PM

Awesome Giveaway! LOVE it.

Buttercup | 1:12 PM

Oh, that would be totally awesome to have a cool diaper bag for me (my husband got to choose our current one since he drops our daughter off every day!).

Rebecca N | 2:01 PM

You look fabulous!

Anonymous | 2:29 PM

I want I want I want!


nataramason (at) gmail dot com

Love x

Christine S. | 2:30 PM

I could definitely love this bag, it would be pretty easy - especially if it was free! I've got three kids on the go, 4 years, 2 years, and 3 months old. I'm a busy mama.


Unknown | 4:25 PM

Thanks for this opportunity! I'm in my 3rd pregnancy, but have had 2 miscarriages, so this will be my first baby. Because of my history of miscarriages I've been too afraid to buy anything yet for myself or the baby. I'm due February 5, so I think I've mustered up the courage to at least try to win something that celebrates my baby! So here we go... wish me luck! ~Cherie @

Betsy | 5:36 PM

i want a hot girl diaper bag!!!!

Unknown | 2:35 AM

OOH, pretty please!

Jen H | 6:02 AM

I would love to carry one of these! Jenhansen74 at yahoo dot com

Cathy | 7:21 AM

Awesome bag!

Elizabeth | 8:57 AM

This bag is great! I could really use a better lookin one that can pass as a purse!

Elizabeth | 9:00 AM

I love this! I am in desperate need of a diaper bag that can pass as a purse!

Katya | 2:44 PM

Must have this bag!

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