TOTW: Tribe Singapore Sling (& Giveaway)

updated with winner, below!
A few weeks ago I transferred all of my daily diaper items from my (beloved and humongous) MJ bag to a smaller, more transportable TRIBE Singapore Sling c/o Tribe who sent me a sample several months ago. My large bag is still my go-to for non-school days but on the weekdays, I was having a hard time transporting that bad boy while juggling many babies. So? A downsize was in order. A super chic (water resistant!) downsize with plenty of room for essentials c/o many zippered compartments. BAM:
I'm also using it as a purse when I'm solo because it totally looks like one:
P.S. Hal took these pictures of me on a ChildStyle shoot day. (I do NOT wear anything with a heel when I'm home with my kids because I would fall on my face and it would be terrible.)

Anyway. I love this bag. It's the perfect non-diaperbag looking diaperbag. And thanks to the ladies at Tribe, you can snag yourself the same one ($500 value).
singapore-sling-seablue singapore-sling-seablue

To win? Leave a comment below. I'll pick one winner via next Friday, September 7th. (Don't forget to leave your contact info!) Good luck and happy Labor Day Weekend!



p.s. jeans are ernest sewn, top is from anthro and shoes are dolce vita.

UPDATED: Apologies for the lag in updating this contest's winner! Because I'm now using disqus and comments aren't numbered (nor do they show up chronologically) I had to use a different kind of randomizer (which disqus has assisted me with these past few days. Thanks, disqus!) 

I've included screen grabs (below) of the NEW randomizer to show how I'll be picking contest winners from now on. That being said, and without further ado...

Congratulations to Amber who is expecting a baby girl in October! HOORAY and congratulations, Amber! 


And thank you all FOR participating! Much love and thanks for your patience on getting this new comments system up, running and figured out! xo, Bec. 


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Claire | 12:32 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.
julie. | 12:33 PM

for me? oh, that would be wonderful!! :) i am the same way with heels, too. they just don't happen at home.

Ann Lienemann | 12:36 PM

I love this bag! I have struggled with finding the perfect diaper bag and usually just end up with something ugly and boring. frustrating!

Jesse | 12:38 PM

Amazing bag. LURVE.

Chrissyfeen | 12:39 PM

Can a girl get some outfit details? Those pants! Those shoes! I want that bag! xoxo

Anonymous | 12:40 PM

Oh how I covet that bag.

Please add me to the draw - thanks!


Anonymous | 12:41 PM

That bag is gorgeous~~

Lin | 12:41 PM

That bag is SO cute - would never suspect it as diaper bag!

Tina c. | 12:42 PM

Ah! I adore that bag! I've been using an old backpack so I'm really hoping to win this.
Tinaotherworld (at) yahoo (.) com

hetherington | 12:44 PM

love it! thanks SO much for the opportunity, i really appreciate it.

sarahvaneck at gmail dot com

bmislan | 12:46 PM

Looking for the perfect bag before our little guys arrive in a few months. This might be it!

Sarah | 12:46 PM

Oooooh my sister is due in January and would LOVE that bag. I would be so happy to be able to win it for her!

Jen | 12:47 PM

Is it strange that I think this bag is awesome even not as a diaper bag? I don't think I've ever said that about a diaper bag.

Anonymous | 12:48 PM

Love it!


Christina | 12:48 PM

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! That is such a cute bag! I'm due in October and would love it!

Love your style!

L | 12:49 PM

Oooh! So beautiful! I hope they ship to the UK :|

liinajb at gmail dot com

Amanda M | 12:49 PM

What a beautiful bag! I made our diaper bag, and while I love it, its more in the "looks like a diaper bag" camp. Which is fine most times. But sometimes it would be nice to have some class. Also I'm a sucker for a gorgeous bag.

gretchen | 12:51 PM

That is a very cute bag.

Cali | 12:51 PM

Pretty! I really thought it was just a purse from the photos!

Unknown | 12:52 PM

What a great bag!

Fig | 12:52 PM

That's a fantastic bag! My baby is two and I would straight use that as a bag bag, not a diaper bag.

thatfig at gmail dot com

Cali | 12:52 PM

Pretty! I really thought it was just a purse from the photos!

Mommara | 12:54 PM

Love it and yes, please. This would be perfect for #2 coming soon.

Elizabeth | 12:54 PM


Pineapple | 12:55 PM

So much nicer than the boring black diaper bag we have for our upcoming babe!

Nikki | 12:55 PM

Holy guacamole, that's a cute bag!

Kristen | 12:57 PM

Ooh, I love that bag! Such a great color!

Tara | 12:58 PM

Beautiful bag. And it suits you.

Natalie | 1:03 PM

Cool color, cool bag.

Erin | 1:03 PM

I love that bag!

mR | 1:05 PM

I love that bag, ive been looking for a sweet lil number like that!!
Mary Rose

Jenny | 1:08 PM

Love the bag!

Heather | 1:09 PM

I love that bag too! Pick me!!


Sarah Elizabeth M | 1:09 PM

love it love it!

Anonymous | 1:09 PM

love that bag, love that color!

julia dot sell at gmail dot com

Wading Patiently | 1:12 PM

I have to have this!! It looks perfect! joannawade1 at gmail dot com

Amy | 1:12 PM

Oh wow - that bag is the SHIT. I love the color, size and zippers!

Liz | 1:12 PM

Wow, that is an amazing bag! Would love it for the new baby I have coming in 7 weeks. So fashion!

lizzie | 1:13 PM

Love it. I'd use it as a purse, too. For sure.

lizzie at motherrunner dot com

Anonymous | 1:13 PM

That's one hot diaper bag - certainly more stylish than the one my MIL made for my son (shhh!)

Unknown | 1:15 PM


Unknown | 1:16 PM

I'd love to win one for my friend!

jenifer | 1:18 PM

Ahhh, I would love it! I am in the dumps today because I found out I am borderline pre-e with my next baby, now 31 weeks. Its a cute bag!

Robyn Devine | 1:20 PM

Holy crapolie, i'd love this! Our diaper bag is on it's last legs, which is super sad as Owen is just a year old! What an amazing gift for whomever wins it!

Sara Dill | 1:20 PM

This bag is so nice!

Jessica Kaye | 1:20 PM

Liking the bag and LOVING the shoes!! :-)

Milou's Mama | 1:20 PM

I'm SO in. That is such a cute bag!

Amelia | 1:21 PM

I followed your original diaper bag choice pretty closely because it's kind of a big deal, and when you know that the only thing pretty that's coming your way with regards to post-partum style is a bag...well, it counts even more. I want this for that moment! :)

pezonk | 1:21 PM

I love it! Would love to replace my current diaper bag.:-) Rachel --

Bree | 1:23 PM

You can't even tell that's a diaper bag it's so chic! I'm so glad I know about this now.

Anonymous | 1:24 PM

I love this bag!!
or on the Twitters

Meg | 1:24 PM


Andrea | 1:25 PM

GORGEOUS bag, and my absolute favorite color!

Unknown | 1:25 PM

Love the bag! Perfect for fall!

Diurla | 1:26 PM

umm. how can I say this... I LOVE THIS BAG! ahh. crossing my fingers.

Karen | 1:26 PM

That bag is absolutely adorable and despite the size looks quite roomy! Would never think of it as a diaper bag. :) I'd definitely love to win, it's super cute. Love your blog and your sense of style!

email is karenbyrne8190 at gmail dot com.

J | 1:26 PM

I love it!

Christy | 1:26 PM

Um, I would totally use this as a purse too. I am due in March and would love to have this diaper bag. Thanks for the chance!

christyeolsen at gmail dot com

Gina | 1:27 PM

Love that bag!

Khadijeh | 1:28 PM

That is gorgeous! I'm expecting my first and I have been searching for the perfect non-diaper looking diaper bag!

Anonymous | 1:29 PM

That bag looks awesome!

Lauren of Better In Real Life | 1:29 PM

YAY!!!! Stylish and useful. My two favorite words combined.

teh_Duchess | 1:31 PM

HI! I'm due in October (which seems far away until random people ask me my due date and then say "Oh that's SO SOON!") and I would smother this bag with love and kisses because it's just so beautiful.

Anonymous | 1:33 PM

I love that bag! Great color, too.

Tracey | 1:34 PM

OMG gorgeous!!! ((((fingers crossed!)))))

Sabrina | 1:35 PM

Lookin good mama!!? Nice bag too

Mrs-S | 1:37 PM

I would totally use that a purse!

Amy A. | 1:37 PM

The perfect non-diaper bag! Would LOVE one :)

Sarah | 1:37 PM

Oh my days, it is GORGEOUS!!!

P.S. You look fabulous. :-)

Tilly | 1:38 PM

Eep! This bag is just what I'm looking for!

BexH | 1:41 PM

I've been looking for a non-diaper bag looking diaper bag! This would be perfect for me when baby no.2 arrives in February.

Kate | 1:47 PM

I hate my Effing diaper bag. The skiphop duo is "practical" in that it hauls enough for two babies, but it's U.G.L.Y. and not particularly comfy to tote around either. Oh, twin godess, take pity on me and give me this bag through a random number generator!

Natalie | 1:47 PM

LOVE this bag!

Anonymous | 1:48 PM

I love it! I am dreading trying to find the perfect diaper bag by December. This one is gorgeous.

Emily | 1:48 PM

I've had the same (boring!) diaper bag for three years ... I think it's time for an upgrade!! :)

Jobonga | 1:49 PM

I'd love to give this to my with-child friend as a new mom present.
PS - I love your sweater/shirt! Where can I get my hands on one?

Anonymous | 1:49 PM

Love the colour!

Nili | 1:49 PM

This bag looks so awesome! I love baby bags that look like normal ones.

Anabelle | 1:49 PM

Ce sac, c'est de la bombe! (And that, translated in English, means that it is AWSOME)
Heels and babies don't go along too well, unfortunately...

The Hojo Family | 1:50 PM

Oh my goodness! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this bag and it would be PERFECT because I am expecting my third baby this November!!


Anabelle | 1:50 PM

I meant "AWESOME" ;)
(don't count that comment of course)

May Gunsul Photography | 1:51 PM

Yes, please! My toddler & baby would def appreciate a more fashionable mommy ;)

krista | 1:52 PM

i've been using my purse as a diaper bag and it looks horrendous. but i don't want to carry a diaper bag instead of a regular bag. THIS bag is perfection.

Martha | 1:52 PM

OOO, I want! Love the color. Last time I used a laptop bag as a diaper bag, a pretty leather one. But the zipper broke because I crammed too much stuff into it all the time. I really need a new one!

Risa | 1:54 PM

You look amazeballs... and how cute is that bag! Email me at risa payant gmail com when I win ;)

Unknown | 1:56 PM

Sure glad this is a random give away lol! That bag looks amazing!!!

chantalart | 1:58 PM

What a gorgeous bag! Love the color- finally, a non- diaper diaper bag.

Choice Crackers | 1:58 PM

Wow. That bag is gorgeous, and I would love an alternative to our jumbo daily bag, much as I love and need it. Thanks!

SharonT | 2:00 PM

Beautiful bag! I would love it!

Stacey B | 2:01 PM

That is the sexiest diaper bag I have ever seen! Thanks for the giveaway!


nadia | 2:01 PM

I'm definitely ready to downsize from the large diaper bag!

superhappyjohi | 2:01 PM

really love this bag! and your outfit too...

DiJe | 2:03 PM

I love the blue!!!

totalxindecision AT gmail DOT com

Claire | 2:07 PM

I LOVE the bag! Love blue accessories. Fingers crossed!!!

Rebecca | 2:08 PM

Love it!

Anonymous | 2:08 PM

I would LOVE this bag.

Caitlacybecker at gmail dot com

Mindy | 2:13 PM

Love it. And I'm totally in the market :)

kgavzy | 2:16 PM

Great Color!

Anonymous | 2:16 PM

After following your diaper bag escapades with the girls, I am presently undergoing my own, to no such luck! This is a great idea and were it not $500 (eeek!) I'd be all over it. But I sure wouldn't mind winning one!

Rachel | 2:18 PM

I am in love! What a gorgeous shade of blue!

Anyavieve @ yahoo. com

UW Nutrition | 2:19 PM
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Anonymous | 2:21 PM

I love it!
Kate (winnekat at gmail)

Marie | 2:23 PM

ooh, what a gorgeous bag!

Anonymous | 2:31 PM

I would love to win this for a friend of mine who is pregnant!

Fadgey (@) gmail (dot) com

eec | 2:34 PM

I LOVE this bag!! Pick me!

Entwined Essentials | 2:40 PM

Love it and your outfit too!

Anonymous | 2:43 PM

Don't need the bag-though it is lovely. Just want to see you look so beautiful, happy, and confident. That confidence in your pics has returned- have a great weekend!


Anonymous | 2:45 PM

i would love to rock this bag!! baby 4 due to come in the next 2-4 weeks. thanks!!

Qzer | 2:48 PM

That blue is lovely, and the bag is sharp. Add me to the draw, please!

ehennagin | 2:49 PM

Drool... Looking for a new diaper bag for #2, perfect!!!

sonja | 2:51 PM

cool bag! we got our diaper bag with the mr. in mind, so it's just a boring black nylon columbia one... would love to shlep this one around!

Lindsey | 2:54 PM

I find I end up throwing everything in my purse instead of my diaper bag. With a new baby I use the big bag religiously for a few months but you get to a certain point after you've gotten over the fear of 'am I prepared enough' that scaling back is totally freeing!

Also this bag is adorable!

Tracy | 2:57 PM

Expecting a wee one in October and jonesin' for an update from my outdated diaper bag. Would be so psyched to win this one!

Unknown | 2:58 PM

Well, that bag is so chic I wouldn't ever suspect it's a diaper bag!

Anonymous | 2:58 PM

I love this bag!!!

Heather R

Candace | 3:03 PM

I so need a purse upgrade, very cool!


DuMei | 3:04 PM

Didn't even realize it was a diaper bag- super cute!

Anonymous | 3:09 PM

This would be awesome to have!

laura prpich | 3:10 PM


info (at)

MissScientistSF | 3:11 PM

Such a gorgeous bag, I will keep my fingers crossed. You look great btw, total mama inspiration. Keep up the great work!
Jean - jeanmdavidson @

Berlyns Mommy | 3:13 PM

Would be perfect for my best friend who is currently pregnant with her first!!

traberlee | 3:14 PM

So cute!

sara wolf | 3:14 PM

Great giveaway!! I love this bag and have been trying to find the perfect diaper bag since my son was born.

Jacki | 3:18 PM

I've been looking to downsize in the diaper bag department - this looks perfect.

Deanna | 3:21 PM


Jen | 3:24 PM

I love that bag!! I just had a baby boy last month and could really use a diaper bag update! Using my old one from my first son 5 years ago. SO outdated. :-)

Jen Cox

Cassie | 3:26 PM

Love it and I'm in desperate need of a new diaper bag for my 2 week old babe. Would be stoked if chosen!


Abi | 3:29 PM

I love the shoes! I'd never be able to wear them, but they're gorge!

I'd love to win a new bag! Baby #3 is almost 1 and soon I won't have to carry formula anymore! Definitely time to downsize the purse/diaper bag!

bellastitch at gmail dot com

Anonymous | 3:29 PM

yes please!

The Musings of Another Mama | 3:30 PM

Super cute bag. Also those heels are HOT!

Inspired | 3:37 PM

Very cool bag. I'm a Singaporean living in Boston and this is the first time I've ever heard of the company.

Unknown | 3:37 PM

Got a bambino on the way in February and would love a new bag to put my formula in :)

Anonymous | 3:40 PM

Oh man, love that bag! I'm slgraham at gmail. Thanks for offering a giveaway!

Brooke | 3:44 PM

The timing on this giveaway is amazing since my current diaper bag smells like mystery funk. I washed it, lysoled the shit out of it, Clorox wiped no avail. I have no idea what invisible thing died in my bag but I can't use it anymore.

JachiCue | 3:45 PM

I'm not even sure I could carry a bag around that wasn't large. Cute bag too

weathergirl | 3:47 PM

IT'S PURPLE!!!! I love it, it is just the right size for a diaper bag, without totally looking like a diaper bag (not an aquamarine bunny to be seen!). Also, I like your shoes.

kanupped | 3:50 PM

that bag is totes adorbs.

Jamie Kasprovitz | 3:51 PM

I too have a giant diaper bag and could use a downgrade for some days. My email is

Unknown | 3:55 PM

Ooh. I likes me that bag.

P.S. Thanks for that link to the NPR sugar thing!

Anonymous | 3:55 PM

i want!

Anonymous | 4:05 PM

oops! my email is not vhall@yahoo, dur.

Marcela | 4:08 PM

Great bag! You model it well.

I seem to struggle with diaper bags as hard to find the perfect one...

Angela | 4:20 PM

I've been looking for a diaper bag and that one looks perfect! Good find :)

Mama D | 4:25 PM

I'm so picky about diaper bags, and I finally tossed the one from kiddos 1 and 2. Due in January with #3, so I've been on the lookout for a great one!

devonvorse (at) gmail

Rebecca | 4:26 PM

Love the bag...beautiful! And you look so great!

Anonymous | 4:39 PM

Super cute, I would love it! Erikaw47 - at -

Megan | 4:47 PM

What an awesome bag!

megan_e_snelgrove at yahoo dot com

Kahs | 4:48 PM

Love it!!

Carly | 4:49 PM

Beautiful bag - I would give it to my sister who is due with her first in Feb.

Kwiksatik | 4:50 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kwiksatik | 4:50 PM

Love the bag, love the color!

Megan | 4:51 PM

Love that bag!

beyond | 4:52 PM

great bag. LOVE the color.

Devon Wilson | 4:53 PM

I just found out I'm pregnant & I would love to rock this diaper bag!

Alena Rakovska | 4:54 PM

Oh baggie baggie be mine!! Compliments on your entire outfit, tres jolie.

Amber | 4:56 PM

I love this bag! Such style which would be perfect for my new little lady arriving in October :)

Anonymous | 4:57 PM

Heels went out the window when I left LA... totally okay with that.

That bag needs me:).

Amber P. | 4:57 PM

super cute bag!

Gabriela | 4:57 PM

Awesome - I didn't even think it *was* a diaper bag. Come to mama!

Michele S. | 5:00 PM

Amazing bag, amazing color! Planning for a new baby (#3) at the moment, but I still need to carry around extra undies and pants for my 3 year old boy (as well as the little extras it takes to entertain a 5 year old girl).
Love the style! Thank you Bec!

Michele S. | 5:01 PM
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Katie | 5:04 PM

amazing bag!

DJP | 5:08 PM

My husband and I are gearing up for baby #3 and I would LOVE that amazing bag! Does the cool outfit come with it too? :)

Tara Vuono | 5:16 PM

Ooh, great bag! And great outfit!

Leah | 5:18 PM

It totes looks like a purse. I love that you can be styling and also a kick ass mom :)

AppleTree | 5:18 PM

Best color EVER.


(My captcha below is "ho talent." Seriously!)

cd0103 | 5:19 PM

I need this!

Cassie | 5:21 PM

Love it, I'm ready to downsize from the big diaper bag too. Perfect timing!

it matters not | 5:22 PM

I swear, unless you have 500 dollars to spare (and I don't,) cute diaper bags are hard to find! Nearly impossible If it weren't for fun giveaways!

Team Shep | 5:30 PM

I need this bag in my life!!

Anonymous | 5:31 PM

Gorgeous! I would love one. Please! :-)

rachel at conky dot org

Anonymous | 5:32 PM

Love a versatile AND fashionable accessory. Especially when it comes to baby gear!!!

julie underscore presley at hotmail dot come
please title tribe giveaway or something similar

Tori | 5:32 PM

I love it! yay!

leah | 5:34 PM

I love the bag, and that the photos of you outside a door are back!

Jessica V. | 5:35 PM

It doesn't even look like a diaper bag!

Kayley Maybe | 5:37 PM

I have yet to find a diaper bag that I absolutely love - would love to try this one!

Bianca | 5:41 PM

I'm entering myself.

Biancasiders at yahoo dot com

Mpressnorton | 5:42 PM

Great bag! Love that color and it can definitely double as a purse.

Amanda | 5:43 PM

This bag is gorgeous and would be perfect for the surprise third baby joining us in a couple of months.

Tirzah | 5:55 PM

GOSH you are just a fabulous mama. I love those shoes! I could never do it but they are magnificent.
And I will totally take that bag!

Anonymous | 5:56 PM

Amazing bag! I would put it to good use.


Bunny | 5:56 PM

I adore this bag! Please make it mine. Love love love!

Kamberdawn at gmail dot com

carri z. | 5:57 PM

love. love. LOVE.
i can carry my impending baby
in that gorgeousness
come nov!

Aliesha | 5:58 PM

So beautiful!!!

Kris | 6:03 PM

That's the best diaper bag I've seen yet!

MissusB | 6:08 PM

Oh! Pretty pretty please! I'm tired of using my old backpack!

erin dot biglia at gmail dot com

Liz | 6:08 PM

This would be so great!

Emily | 6:11 PM

This is super cute! I keep thinking I want to replace my diaper bag (which is almost 10 years old) :-)

Katie | 6:12 PM

I love this bag!

Lindsey H | 6:12 PM

I didn't even realize that it was a diaper bag until you said so. Would love one!

Kristin | 6:12 PM

I'm due February and that would be a great bag to add to my collection!

Jo | 6:13 PM

I love that bag! Would come in so handy with my 6 month old twins and handful of other littles! Your blog keeps me going as a twin mama. Thank you!

Kristi H. | 6:13 PM
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Kristi H. | 6:16 PM

I love this bag! Expecting my first in ~a month and it would be great to have!

Paige | 6:16 PM

Oh that is downright covetable. I am due for a downsize as well!

Unknown | 6:31 PM

Oh, wow, that sure is a pretty bag! I would totally use that bag daily even though I am done with the diaper days!

Anonymous | 6:32 PM

Yes please! I need a little more style in my life.

Anonymous | 6:33 PM

My quest for the perfect diaper bag has been ongoing for six years. This bag looks awesome!
hollygoscha at gmail dot com

Anonymous | 6:34 PM

Love it! Way cooler than my old backpack.


Unknown | 6:39 PM

I would very much like to downsize also, please.

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