Today/night is Babble launch-day/night which means I'm once again, shamefully plugging because I'm nervous and excited and when I get nervous and excited I talk really fast and pace and click refresh like a mofo.
Between the Babble.com launch and the BMC baby watch, (as of right now, no word on baby Zach...yet!) I'm a complete lunatic up in here. Update! Baby Zach has arrived! Born December 12th @ 6:46, weighing in at 8 pounds, 2 oz. Mazel Tov, BMC Fam!
Because I didn't really get the chance (nor did I have the knowledge to elaborate) the 411 is as follows: Babble.com is, and I quote, "for the new, urban parent." Citymamas and papas from around the country spilling the beans about parenting in metropolisisisisis.
I'm one of three narrative bloggers (Representing LA, ma'peeps!) Also am in company of some of the best and brightest mama-dada bloggers on the web, who make up "Stroller Derby" a Blogging Baby of sorts with a bit more bite/swear words/uncensored content. (Get ready to shit your pants, laughing, people.)

Stroller Derby contributors include MetroDad, CityMama, Dad Gone Mad, Dutch from Sweet Juniper, Alisyn from Salad Days Chronicles, Childbearing Hipster, and appropriately enough, the blog-boss-man, The Zero Boss.
Raw advice? Check. Memoirs of band, Mates of State on the road with a toddler in tow? Check. An Editor-in-Chief with chops? Check. Cynical columnists ? Check, baby. Check, baby. 1-2-3-4. Check, baby. Check, baby 1-2-3...
P.S. I'll still be blogging here, regularly. I'll just be sleeping less.
Without further ado: Straight From the Bottle!
I pointed this out to Jay but didn't hera anything...
The Stroller Baby image...THAT is Vancouver......do you HAVE any yuppy yummy mummies from Van posting for you?
hear...not hera...sigh...
And it only bothers me because it seems to be a primarily US based magazine.
go find your trendy photos!!!
The site looks absolutely fantastic! Ferreal, yo. And you're in excellent company - or should I say, they're in excellent company with you on board.
The site is great; you've already done something amazing with it!
Congratulations! I was wondering when this was launching...looks awesome!
LOVE it! Your DIY baby proofing just made me snort my wine through my nose.
great so I'll have something else to read instead of doing what I'm suppost to do (laundry) Yeah!
good for you! congrates
Thank you! :) I sososo appreciate the support.
Can you answer my question?
Why are you guys using a Canadian image?
I know I ain't in the demographic for the mag and so my opinion means naught..but I am just curious.
It is vaguely insulting to Vancouverites .
Um. I'm not the designer for babble so I don't exactly know. I think because it's a pretty city skyline? I'm a little confused by why you are insulted. Vancouver is beautiful. Everyone knows it. NY, SF, LA skylines have been played every which way. Honestly, I don't think there is a specific reason. If you're really concerned about it maybe you should contact someone at the site??? It certainly isn't an attack on Vancouver. On the contrary.
Only because Babble is an American magazine covering American stuff....
So yes we have a nice skyline..but we aren't included in the mag and you would think there are loads of pics of US city skylines...
I was just curious..I found it strange and yes.. I just might contact the powers that be.
Wow...what a cool website. Congratulations!!
Woo Hoo! Writing machine GGC, writing machine.
Ok, I am too lazy at the moment to sign in to that site, or create a username or whatever, so I'll put my comment here.
Seriously, how cute is Archer.
I've been there too, Aidan's teddy bear in my arms, mascarra streaked face with a confused compassionate kid doing all he can to comfort. So sweet.
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