
pumped up kicks, size 10 (women) & 9 (child)

This next song has recently become a worldwide indie SENSATION! and the band's bassist I've known since he was practically diaper-clad. (Remember the beautiful personalized FABLE dish? His mom, Patrice made that!) Anyway, I'm proud. Everywhere I look, someone awes is kicking ass. Inspiring stuff. Go, Cubbie!

90. Pumped Up Kicks by: Foster the People


P.S/And speaking of pumped up (ass-kicking) kicks, my friends Alice & Eden wrote a book. A very funny book indeed. Quite possibly the funniest book you've never read. It's called Let's Panic About Babies and it's the PERFECT irreverently sarcastic hilarious user guide for new (and old) parents. You will love this book, I know you will. It will make you laugh out of every orifice! Pick up your copy, here! Find out more, here and congrats to Alice and Eden!