Gone Style: October Inspiration

super cute pumpkin-patch-with-kids-appropriate fall ensemble, Anthropologie.

Now that I have a room overflowing with unorganized papers office, I've started to accumulate an inspiration board. Okay, so it's more like a "pile" of cut-outs and back-issues of Harper's Bazaar, Vogue and Elle. And, yes, I'll admit it, Teen Vogue. (Teen Vogue's fashion spreads are much more realistic in terms of normal person budgets. Don't get me wrong, I love me some Balenciaga. I also love me some Architectural Digest ocean-view mansions but aspiration and inspiration are very different ations.)

So. Anyway. I thought it might be fun to feature some "inspiration" once a month and if you guys are at all interested, I'll be happy to do a "get this look" or two for makeup tutorial vids.

ED: I know that many of you hate when I post fashion-y stuff and the truth is, at the end of the day, I'm not writing this blog for myself, so if you're into me doing this please say so or you can tell me to stop in the name of love. Clearly, the Gone Style "Five Minute Makeover" series wasn't a huge hit or else I'd have kept it up, but I do love chit-chatting about clothes and if I must do the chit-chatting privately, then that's perfectly fine with me. At the end of the day, I'm not writing this blog for myself although sometimes I manage to convince myself otherwise.

For now (for those interested) here's what's inspiring me this month:

Hair + Makeup for day:
<span class=
photo credit: Bazaar

I'm usually a smoky-eye/light on lips girl and to be honest, that's what I wore today, but I've been experimenting with red lipstick + light eye-makeup for the last few weeks and enjoying the change of pace thankyouverymuch! Red lips are totally pull-offable for everybody, so long as you back it up with casual hair and an understated emsemb. (Jeans + blazer + ponytail or, perhaps, leggings + tunic? = perfect for red lipstick awesomeness.) This is what you'll need:

Barely there eye-makeup + red lips:
Try: My favorite red is Russian Red by MAC. Been wearing it for years. It's the perfect red.
Try: Josie Maran's black mascara (this one's for a good cause and this one's my fave.)
Try: eyeshadow in light beige silver/champagne. (Sand and Vintage are great shades, also by Josie Maran. I recommend this "Eye Love You" palette for best bang-for-buck usage. It's eye-deal. Ha HA!

Apply eye-shadow all over lid and up to brow. Apply light mascara, your red lipstick and BOOM! Easy peasy. (Don't forget your bronzer. Red makes pale girls (myself included) look even paler so color your cheeks with whatever bronzer you heart. I've mentioned "10" before and I'll mention it 7978923 more times because it's my personal fave. (by: Benefit).

Messy/straight hair:
Flat-iron before bed, then sleep on it. I love straight hair for day because I usually wear a ponytail but the uber-straight thing feels too neat. This way my straights are stringy-ish and I like that in a hairdo.

Style (for day):
(we can talk night some other time.)
1. Geometric!
via Harper's Bazaar
<span class=
via Teen Vogue

2. Jumpsuits!
I would wear this jumpsuit every day if it were mine. And that silver hair is crazy sexy.

3. More is More!
<span class=
Teen Street Style via Teen Vogue
personal style via Bazaar

4. Wackadoo Footwear!
YSL Mohawk shoes? Uh, yeah.

5. Alexa Chung, dreamboat!

Looking to do some shopping this month? Here are some pretty and practical (ish) things that caught my eye:

(not really a fan of the styling but this dress with a pair of broken in motorcycle boots would be tre fab.)

Jailbird Maxi Tank Dress
This dress is on sale for $44.99. Would be way cute with a long cardigan and chubby boots.
On sale, here, $69.99

I have these shoes in denim and brown (See, here.) and I wear them almost daily. They're THE most comfortable shoes I own and everywhere I go people either tell me they love them or they hate them which I like in a shoe. Controversy makes footwear interesting.


This is on super sale and adorable. You'd seriously wear this every day. Er, I would:
shadowsleeve cardigan, $39.95

...Maybe with this (which is also on sale) but probably not. I can't tell. I'd have to try it on:


This next one isn't on sale but someday it will be and I will be waiting. I'd for sure pair this with my black and white striped leggings, updo (smoked-out eyes, no doubt) and massive gold earrings because sometimes more is more:

This one's for Fable because she's madly in love with owls right now:

Personal Style: An Update

Hi. I'm back. This is what I'm wearing today, inspired by "geometrics" with a pinch of "more is more." I try to dress for comfort and not-take-myself-too-seriously-ness. It's like personal therapy.
shirt-dress: salebin at local boutique (by Something Else.)
(Hal bought it for me because he has great taste.)
leggings: American Apparel
socks: American Apparel
boots: thrifted
hair: flat-ironed yesterday, slept on last night
I'm having so much fun, here!
ride the train.

My friends at Josie Maran are offering you guys a 15% discount until midnight tonight (Friday). Use code gonechild at the register. Thanks, Josie & Polly!


carrie murphy | 1:48 AM

i like these types of posts, liked the 5 minute makeover ones, as well.

Michelle | 4:20 AM

Please do more of these... I need some inspiration.

Beth | 5:01 AM

I agree, I love these posts.

Ashley Parker, 2008 Class Reporter | 5:21 AM

I love these posts! And I totally liked the Gone Style and 5 minute makeover ones too. Boo for those who didn't.

tlr | 5:31 AM

I like the fashion posts even though I could never pull them off. I have trouble taking those crazy fashion shots and translating them for real life though. It would be helpful if you posted a mag pic and then a photo of your translation from your closet. I love seeing your outfits. And Fable's too.
Or possibly give suggestions for those of us who do not look like you (tall,thin and young). Ya know, something to keep you busy when you're bored. : )

Susan Russell | 6:05 AM

I like these posts too :) I fear I will fall into the 'frumpy mom' category!! These posts will help me steer clear for sure :)

Susan Russell | 6:05 AM

I like these posts too :) I fear I will fall into the 'frumpy mom' category!! These posts will help me steer clear for sure :)

Dory | 6:08 AM

I think your style is what draws me to your site. I love seeing what inspires other people Keep doing it

Marie-Ève | 6:15 AM

Yes, please.

Anonymous | 6:17 AM

I am de-lurking to tell you I WANT and NEED you to continue your fashion inspiration posts - they are super fun and smart.

Tanya | 6:21 AM

I love your fashion posts! And I really digged the 5 Minute Makeovers too. They also give me inspiration and someday, when I lose about thirty pounds of "baby weight", I hope to be cool again and dress with some style. Keep 'em coming!

Missy | 6:30 AM

I like the gone style posts! I'm always up for new makeup ideas. and the clothing inspiration is fun! Please keep it up...

Carly | 6:32 AM

I love the fashion/make-up posts! I vote to not chitchat about clothes in private! Also, I totally know that girl in the Need dress. Small world.

AbbieBabble | 6:40 AM

I see that I'm not the only one who never comments but is commenting to say that I LOVE the fashion posts! I'm definitely experiencing some clothing boredom now and seeing your inspiration is doing wonders for my own.

tina | 6:41 AM

please don't stop with the fashion posts! i love the make-up videos, too. more please.

Red Stethoscope | 6:46 AM

I love your fashion posts too! I also adore how you dress Fable :)

Lora | 7:15 AM

I love your style posts!

Anonymous | 7:28 AM

I really love these posts i love ur style!

Kristie | 7:29 AM

Loooooove fashion posts! Especially AFFORDABLE fashion posts. I mean, I love Lucky and Allure and all that, but c'mon!? $500 handbag? $1000 dress?! Who has that kind of money, because it's definitely not me.

I don't know if this applies to everyone who didn't like the makeup videos, but the reason I didn't watch them is because I normally read this blog through an RSS feeder at work and I tend to stay away from videos on the internet at my desk. I love that you suggested colors/brands to try in this post though. I'm writing them down! : )

MonoCerdo | 7:33 AM

I love the style posts and really liked the 5-minute makeover, too. It's a fun change of pace. I particularly like the posts when you focus on your own fashion, but these inspiration pieces with links to the actual items are fun too 'cause we can play along.

Anonymous | 7:59 AM

Definitely love love love love love

don't stop

get it get it

suzanne | 8:02 AM

Just wanted to echo everyone else who is a fan -- I like these!

Unknown | 8:08 AM

Love these posts. Love Love Love. Please keep them up! You have fabulous style, which I'm hoping is transferable by blog. :)


Ashley | 8:08 AM

I love your style posts! I think we have a similar aesthetic so I always enjoy seeing what's on your radar.

I also love all of the makeup-related posts, but I may be biased since I am also fair-skinned with brown hair, so what looks good on you will probably also look good on me. I know that you love Josie Maran, but I would love to see you reference other brands as well. For instance, I'm super excited to test out the MAC lipstick that you mentioned today. It's always hard to find a good red!

Please keep the style posts coming! I think it makes you more of a lifestyle writer than a straight mommy blogger, and as a fellow late-20-something, I really appreciate that.

Sara B | 8:10 AM

I love how you did the first part of it (the Bazzar breakdown). It's great to see the names of good colors. :) And I'd love to see 5 minute makeup how-tos.
The rest where I just kind of skimmed over and could skip. I really liked what *tlr said: "I like the fashion posts even though I could never pull them off. I have trouble taking those crazy fashion shots and translating them for real life though. It would be helpful if you posted a mag pic and then a photo of your translation from your closet. I love seeing your outfits."


Awesome. Thank you. Got a lot of neg feedback in the past so wanted to make sure this wasn't a time-waste for you guys and me guys. Glad you dig!

Translation outfits = great idea, tlr. I just always end up feeling ridiculous posing for Hal or the mirror, especially with all the serious style bloggers out there with their SLRs and non-husbands taking their pictures. I do have a great geometric ensemble I'm wearing today. (Black minidress with a thousand shapes and colors) paired with leggings, ankle boots and a pony. Fun, happy clothes that are practical for the coffee shop AND for kid 'lovin on.

Chanel | 8:17 AM

You can always make those kinds of 'boards' that your making online on the internet on a site called 'polyvore.com' I love it and make sets constantly.

I love the blog! Although I'm [definitely] not a parent I love your brand of honesty and love shines through your blog.
Your writing is amazing. Your the first person to make me believe parenthood doesn't suck. Your a mother but you've obviously kept your autonomy. It seems to me your still you..just better. Inspiring? Si! Apparently there [can be/is] life after family making! Swanky :)

Ahh the power of words. Keep up the good work & keep the great outfits coming! And keep dressing Fable as adorably as you do :)

-Chanel, Just Another Childless Reader

eskimojo | 8:18 AM

Personally I love the posts where you model things yourself... you're such a cool mama and (for me with chillens in the future) inspiration for cool, calm and collected parentling fashion.

Posts like these are great but I like the connection of seeing you in the clothes! (though get that you can't always be buying new shit!)


Thank you, Chanel. That really means a lot. Kiss. Polyvore is something I've tried to figure out how to use and I always end up messing it up. I'm not very smart at those boards. Then again, it was years ago when I tried to use them, perhaps I should revisit? Yes, I think I should. :)

Catie | 8:32 AM

Love, love, love these posts! You always look so put together and I need that kind of inspiration.

Leslie | 8:37 AM

I love these types of posts! I love your normal everyday stuff too! I fell in love with your blog from the moment I started reading it because you are a very talented writer & I love the mix between fashion and everyday stuff. I say keep the occasional/weekly fashion bits.

Anonymous | 8:45 AM

I love these posts, I loved the five minute makeovers, I love the fable fashion, and I especially loved the photos of what you were wearing on a specific day and how you brought that outfit together and where you had bought the pieces. please keep it up!

Catherine | 8:47 AM

I live in the Midwest and love to see your style posts. It's interesting to see what's going on in LA fashion-wise. Not that I could ever pull it off. People here in St Louis would look at me like I was crazy! :)

heather | 8:50 AM

I vote keep the fashion/makeup/etc posts. I like to know what the trends are, but I can't myself read all the magazines.

You do all the research and tell me the top 10 things I should know about or that you like. Your style rocks.

mallory m | 8:57 AM

love your style, so seeing the inspiration behind it all is great! i say keep with these posts


I love, love, LOVE your style posts! You got me out of my 5-year make-up rut, for one thing. And personally, I really like the "I'm taking a picture of myself in the mirror" outfit pictures. (Probably because I identify with that much more closely than the perfect pose/fancy camera/flawless lighting thing.)

Anyway, thanks for this! I needed some inspiration today. And keep 'em comin', si'l vous plait!

Kim: | 9:20 AM

Likee!! More please!

Nadalie | 9:21 AM

I LOVE your fashion/beauty posts as well as the 5 minute makeovers! You are so stylish and have such a unique, eclectic taste! Please keep the fashion coming, j'adore the inspiration!

Veronica Vaughn | 9:26 AM

I LOVE your style and all your tips! Please continue! :)

Kate | 9:30 AM

Keep these posts coming!

Meg | 9:47 AM

I love your style posts! I also loved the 5 minute makeovers. I liked that it got people from outside LA involved. Please keep the style posts coming.

FYI - there is a sale on gilt.com for DwellStudio kids. I tell you this because there is an art smock and an art kit with an owl print. I thought of Fable when I saw them.

Kitty Conner | 10:08 AM

I like style posts. Not necessarily the specific clothes/shoes/accessories but the overall sense of style, of what's fashionable for the writer. Trends that are emerging and what's slowly going to stick around as a new classic.

The thing about style posts (not just you, just in general) are that even at non-craycraytown price points, things still feel unattainable. Which makes me more likely to skim through. To not comment or link-click.

You and I lead very very different lives and what is stylish and practical for you is often not for me. (As a super-short, slightly chubby, very very fair Midwesterner who works in a hosptial sporting scrubs, I'm just not going to need the same adorable (open-toed) shoes or sweater dresses as a slim, dark-haired WAHM who lives in southern California, you know?)

Which, in the end, isn't really a vote against style-posts. Just maybe an explanation from one very specific corner about why I might not pay as much attention to them as I do to others.

Amy K | 10:14 AM

The skirts with the rounded bottom (like the top picture) look a little too much like adult diapers to me. Jumpsuits and high-waisted trousers have also been hitting the streets of Seattle, and after seeing them on real live people and not size zero models, I'm pretty convinced that two less flattering fashion statements have never been designed. They're like mom jeans for the fashion forward.

Even though I'm being extra bitchy today because I don't like this season's fashions much, I love your posts on fashion, especially the hair and makeup tips. God knows I need some tips.

Unknown | 10:25 AM

Yes, please keep it up with the fashion and beauty posts!! I adore them and I love that you remind me that fashion and mamahood mix well.

Love the tip about flat-ironing before bed. I'm always trying to figure out how to get that messy-straight look. Thank you! Plus, you always make me want to cut full bangs again. Might have to do it!

tlr | 10:27 AM

Me again. I would love to see a pic of your outfit today because that geometric thing is screaming "fugly" to me - but you are probably totally rocking it. I like the casual self-poses in the mirror too. You're a Mom - who has time for anything else?! Besides, the more posts from you, the better - I check in a lot!
Am now trying to decide on an outfit to meet with K teacher because my son is being bullied already. Do I go suburban and appear old and serious or try to be hip (difficult for a 41 yo upstate NYer in suburbia). I also am walking there with my 22 mo girl) and having freakin' hot flashes so any fashion suggestions to keep me cool???
Thanks. xo


Hey, TLR. Updated just for you. :)

Jennie @ Modern Mamaz | 10:46 AM

Love the white dress and pink heels! HOT!

JillyL | 10:51 AM

I like these better than the 5-minute makeovers. I would love to see more pics of how you translate the inspiration to everyday.

Up | 10:56 AM

Don't stop with the fashion posts. It's hard to emerge from babyland and gather inspiration from current trends, but I loved gazing through your pics. And I'm fully picking up a copy of Teen Vogue next time I'm at the store.

Jen | 11:05 AM

Adding to the chorus of please keep posting the fashion stuff!

Steph | 11:07 AM

I like fashion and make-up and always like reading what you have to say about yours. Keep it up!

The Hojo Family | 11:27 AM

love, love, love the fashion posts! And I love seeing how you put the looks together on yourself!

andrea.d | 11:43 AM

I love your style! More fashion and makeup posts, please! I love seeing your outfits because they are creative, but you can actually move around, get down and play, and be yourself in them.

Megan | 12:06 PM

OMG, I heart your style and makeup and hair posts...please don't stop doing them. Although your style is way more rad then my own (Kansas does not equal LA, unfortunately), I love the inspiration and want to see more!

Kate | 12:36 PM

I really like the fashion posts, especially this kind with links that I can just click to shop through! I'm not so much of a makeup girl, but in limited quantities I can even enjoy a little makeup info now and then.

It's fun to see how you pull these looks off. Some of them I could, others I wouldn't dare.

Oh, and I have to laugh b/c your 'pumpkin patch' outfit would be like my 'ooh la la, look how dressed up I got today, aren't I so put together?' outfit.

Meg | 12:47 PM

I totally misread that whole passage, because I just read it in Meg speak and was like, "Of course you're writing for yourself, do whatever makes you happy and we'll be happy, you go girl! ... Oh wait."

Yeah. Let's have you write for yourself. You like it, I'm in. I'm probably into more things that you'd think. Achem.

Yay fashion. Sometimes you make me buy things, the end.

Amber | 1:37 PM

I like your style posts too. Keep them up!

Tea | 1:40 PM

I'm also putting my hand up to say that I love all of your fashion-y posts!

Catherine | 2:08 PM

I LOVE your style posts. Especially when there are owls. And snoods. More, please!

Ruth | 3:20 PM

I love it! Keep the fashion-y related posts! xo

leaner | 3:33 PM

Loved the 5 min makeovers and love these type of posts. Is inspirational for me and my frumpines. (PS, I started reading your blog after a tute you posted on eye make-up. I never did master it, but I was hooked on your blog!)

rebekah | 3:35 PM

i love the fashion posts!

mom2monkeysx3 | 3:37 PM

Love the fashion posts. i hope you continue to do them.

Olivia Singleton | 3:45 PM

I looved the Gone Style 5 minute makeovers! I had dreams of someday being the subject of one.

Izze | 5:07 PM

love love love these posts. please don't give them up. have zero time to do any fashion or makeup searches myself, so count on you to help inspire. love your tutorials too. as previously requested i would really like it if you could do a quick "messy bun" tutorial. i have my own way, but need a new method. i've tried all the handy dandy type gadgets the drug store sells but none of them work. are you just using bobby pins?

Deborah | 5:38 PM

I too am de-lurking to say I love the style and makeup posts. And the Eat Well posts too. I read your blog for your beautiful writing, pictures and interesting content. I was assuming that you haven’t done "Five Minute Makeover" cause it must have been a ton of work. I loved those! Keep stylin for us please!

Candice | 6:02 PM

I love your style posts. For me, they're like an inspiration shortcut since I don't have the time to read as many magazines as I used to. I would love to see more styles posts. :)

I think it's a great way to (re?)connect with your muse, too, as you no longer write about Archer. We are always our first inspiration. :)

Mrs. Q. | 6:40 PM

I love these posts. I'm stuck in suburbia where "fashion" consists of Ugg boots and yoga pants. Since becoming a SAHM four years ago, my fashion sense has atrophied to *weep*...

I wish I asked for a makeover! I'm heading to a wedding tomorrow and having big doubts about my outfit. Cap-sleeve graphic black and white dress looking a bit too prim... Should I stay 'classy' with no hose and high peep-toe sling-backs or funk it up with black hose and ankle boots? It's in Maine, so I think I may just wear my wellies...


Gosh, weddings are tough. It depends on the wedding. Night wedding = prim. Day wedding = funk it up. I'd add colorful tights if you have them instead of black, though. Bright pink? Electric blue?

Mrs. Q. | 8:29 PM

I have bright plum tights that may be fun. But it's a night wedding, so I was leaning toward prim/dressy... BUT the ceremony is outdoors. IN MAINE! I may have to wear tights just so I don't die. And a blanket.

Desiree | 9:32 PM

I LOVE your style posts -- you're SO in my head.

cora d | 9:50 PM

More fashion - yes, yes, yes!

I just had a super fab idea (or I think so) - I won one of the gift certificates to Old Navy, right? Well, what if we use it to do a Gone Style?!? I loved that series but never nominated myself because I didn't have an event or special occasion. But I could use a Full-time, Expectant Mom makeover. What do you say?!?

Kristen | 10:49 PM

Hate those YSL mohawk shoes, lol. But I just saw them somewhere else... oh yes, a DIY version, here: http://cupcakesandcashmere.com/semi-diy-suede-fringe-pumps/

Kim | 10:55 PM

UGH WHATEVER. I am not at all into fashion, but I adore your fashion posts. You make it fun-times and not-too-serious-like and unpretentious.

So there. Love it. Love it all.

Nicola | 2:16 AM

I love the fashion posts Bec. They actually make me pay attention to clothes I wouldn't normally consider.

elena from greece | 3:17 AM

it s nice that you remind us that we can have style in our lives even though we lack time.
i loved the personal style part!

tlr | 5:58 AM

Thanks for the update!
OK - could probably do the shirt dress and boots but horizontal stripes on my legs just ain't happening.
I did see a mom at school yesterday and thought she was so cool. She had on shorts, button down shirt with sleeves rolled up, scarf, brown combat type boots and socks. Totally stood out amidst the T's and yoga pants/sweats and I loved it!
Thanks for the inspiration. Watcha wearing today???

lucy70 | 6:06 AM

The geometric via teen vogue are u sure u didn't get the image from an eighties mag...

ERM | 6:58 AM

I love when you post about fashion and makeup!
I loved the make-up tutorials; they were awesome and realistic. Don't take it away! Maybe a mix of content is a good compromise for readers.

Thilie | 7:30 AM

i like your fashion posts and the make overs :) I also like that molly shoes!

Rebecca | 7:48 AM

I love GoneStyle! I totally love your taste, I just wish I could dress like that. I'm not very good at putting outfits together, plus I live in DC, where people look at you funny if you're wearing something that's not from J. Crew. Keep it coming! =)

Molly | 12:13 PM

love love love don't stop

sam | 12:23 PM

i loooove love love fashion posts by you! please keep doing them!!

Sarah | 12:38 PM

You and I have completely different styles (read: I am wearing a cardigan, pearls & loafers right now), and I think that your fashion posts are neat-o. They are fun and show a side of you that is not solely focused on being a mother, but on being a woman. Hooray to you for being such a lovely and gracious example of how we may all enjoy each other's company, even though we may appear to be so different.

Alexia | 1:18 PM

love this!!

Anonymous | 1:30 PM

Hi-- Loyal reader here. Delurking to say that I don't like the fashion posts:(. I'm only letting you know because you asked-- I feel like I'm being mean, but I wanted to be honest. Best!

Wendy | 4:38 PM

I love your fashion posts, especially the way you link to specific pieces and products. Keep em comin, please!

Unknown | 6:34 PM

these posts rock because inspiration is always good. keep it up. i liked the 5 minute makeovers but they seemed really time consuming and.... i can read, its okay, i like it.

Sarah | 8:25 PM

I didn't read the whole post (but you mention lipstick! and eyeshadow!), because I wanted to be sure I left this comment:

I *love* the fashion-y and makeup-y things.

My makeup (at the ripe old age of 38) is so much better thanks to you (and Josie Maran).

Reading your blog has done for me what years of reading fashion magazines has not been able to do: feel cuter!

So, please keep chit chatting about fashion here if having one superfan reader is enough to do so.

Love, Sarah

ann marie | 9:25 AM

I could never pull off any of these looks as I am 41 and not even close to being hip, but I had fun looking at these pics. And you have really nice hair.I covet your hair. Oh, and I also I enjoy your blog.

Missey | 9:27 AM

I love the fashion posts...I always need an idea or two to update my existing wardrobe or on how to remix it. Have you ever checked out the flickr group wardrobe_remix pool? Great spot for fashion ideas on a budget!

Restless Mama | 10:44 AM

I love your Gone Styles! So I vote "Yes!"

lonek8 | 10:58 AM

please never stop the Gone Style posts - I love them. i seriously want to be you in another life when I'm cool and stylish. thanks for helping those of us with less natural gifts for fashion!

Diane | 11:27 AM

I always enjoyed your five minute makeover videos, the only problem was we never saw the end result, which is always the most fun. I know that makes it even more time-intensive, though. You totally need someone to sponsor you to make those :)

I like your style posts, too, but I prefer ones like the denim one you did — more coming from a personal perspective than a fashion one; but that's probably just because I find high fashion kind of alienating.

I love the idea someone else had above of starting with you + the outfit, and explaining the inspiration (or something?); Not to sound stalky, but I'm basically more interested in you than in fashion, although you do write about it well.

Unknown | 7:56 PM

I totally LOVE your fashion posts (especially with Fable!). Keep 'em coming!

Anonymous | 9:15 PM

I like inspiration posts about fashion, despite my unwillingness to change how I dress in the last 8 years, except for small changes in accessories and once in awhile a new article, but yea, I've just had this crazy tomboy thing going on since I was like 5 and I'll be damned if I stop now! *end rant*

The point is I like fashion inspiration posts and would love to do it myself, but I want to see how yours goes first :D

Anonymous | 8:34 AM

Those striped tights are the ugliest things I've ever seen. How much of your day is spent either (a) looking at yourself in the mirror or (b) photographing yourself? Your sell-by date has passed and you don't look hot, just foolish.

MSH | 9:43 AM

Though I don't follow fashion, I love the way you interpret style and continue to pull it off despite managing your family and caring for two little ones AND working. (Those are all my excuses for not being stylish--). Keep it up. Your style and your spirit are both inspirational!

AlbertaMom | 11:46 AM

So fun! Please keep doing this - especially the affordable stuff!

Nicole Francois | 2:21 PM

I love your fashion posts, so keep them up!
I'm a fashion blogger myself. I would love it if you'd take a look:
And if you like it, keep reading.
P.S. I also have a poetry blog at quicksaidthebird.blogspot.com.
I was the one who wrote the Sonnet for the Survivors of the Second Coming for your Tales from the Recession side project you had going there for a while. If you remember that. (That=the poem. Obvs you remember that project.)

Lizzy | 2:49 PM

first time de-lurk, LONG time reader to say: I love the fashion stuff!! And I liked the 5 minute makeover ones, though I appreciate the fact that they propbably took a long time to make... Though I can never buy anything as I'm a Brit and it's all mega-expensive if I ever try. Like Anthrpologie??? AMAZINGLY beyond my paltry budget... Please don't stop, though.

Anonymous | 4:10 PM

Adding my name to the list of "Oh! Do keep the fashion-y posts up!" While we're making requests, open up comments on the music posts just so I can thank you profusely.

amy | 5:51 AM

i love your gone style posts. you make me feel a little braver, when everyone around me wears flip flops and denim capris.

amy | 5:53 AM

I love your Gone Style posts. You make me feel a little braver when everyone around me wears flip flops and denim capris.

Unknown | 9:29 AM

I love your fashion-y posts. I have no style myself so I love to see what you wear. I just wish I looked as good as you do :)

anna | 5:53 PM

Yes! I love it! Keep it up sexy!

Rebecca | 9:06 AM

Please do keep up with the fashion posts! I love getting inspiration from stylish real people who don't spend a million dollars on clothes. We're expecting a baby girl in December so I love the posts showing off Fable's clothes as well :)

Angela | 5:46 PM

I totally dig your fashion sense, as well, and I like the fashion posts. That said, I have some serious misgivings about Anthropologie and their political leanings (pretty hard core anti-gay). We all choose our battles, so no judgement, but I just can't bring myself to give them my money, however cute their stuff is.

Al_Pal | 5:31 PM

Here via APW.

To the comment that thought the Teen Vogue pic was from the 80s, yes, people who were born c. 1990 are wearing 80s fashions. Those of us who remember them from the first go-round shouldn't wear them, generally.

Pretty neat post. I haven't been a reader, but I do like to rock my own personal style, and this seems like a fun feature that I might come back for.

I know a fair few of the momma bloggers since my sister became one a few years ago, but I'm living a late-20-something lifestyle into my 30s. Because I can...well, because I want to! ;p

TexasBobbi | 11:37 AM

This was my favorite outfit of a week spent mostly in sweats.

TexasBobbi | 11:53 AM

Shopping Chic http://flic.kr/p/8QcN9t
And I love this, it is challenge me a SAHM to get out of my sweats and jeans. And wear the cute clothes in my closet.