Tommee T's The Day Baby Was Born & Giveaway

*updated with winner, below*
Fable's feet, hours old

A few weeks ago, some friends of mine at Tommee Tippee launched a new web app called "The Day Baby was Born" which they asked me to share with you guys. It's a really cool way to create a digital Baby Book for those of you, who like me, suck at them and most other things crafty, and because I think Tommee Tippee rules (they recently sent us a huge bottle + breastfeeding care package for the babes), I wanted to return the favor and introduce you guys to their cool (free) baby-book maker for the mamas-to-be in the house. (And no, I was not compensated for this post.)

A few (sob!) snaps from the days my babies were born:

Archer, moments after his birth, May 23rd, 2005


Fable Luella: 10 Minutes Old
Fable, moments after her birth, October 2nd, 2008: (birth story, here and here.)
Cuddle Bug

Awesome. To find out more, go here. In the meantime, I have a kick-ass giveaway today, care of Tommee Tippee for a new and/or expecting mama. Behold a newborn feeding care package that will include the following items:


ED: I realize some of you are anti-formula, so if you should win this giveaway and want to switch out the formula dispenser for something else, we can make that happen fo sho. I plan to mainly supplement with formula this time around because I have little choice in the matter but totally understand and respect the "breast is best"ers. Moving on!

To win all of the above? Tell me when your baby is due (or when he/she was born)... Or you can just tell me about your day. How is your day? Mine? I'll be honest. Stressful. I'm stressing the fuck out. I'm pacing around the house like a dog before an earthquake, staring at photos of my kids as newborns and crying like an insane person.
Archer, one day old
Hip Hop Fable
Fable, one day old

...But more on that later. In the meantime, go forth! And win an awesome giveaway! And don't forget to include your email address! As for me? I'm going to attempt some prenatal yoga to help mellow my harsh.


ed: winner to be chosen via next Thursday, September 8th


Updated: Congrats to commenter #401, Leslie! And thank you all for participating in this giveaway! Best of luck and much love to all!



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Mary | 8:38 PM

my day was pretty good. I hope tomorrow is better for you!

Alyssa | 8:38 PM

I'm soon as my body snaps back into the normal swing of ovulation and allows me to get pregnant! I'm still in that "waiting for my body to get back to normal after getting off birth control" zone that makes me regret ever taking birth control.

Despite not being pregnant currently, I would be SO EXCITED to win such an awesome giveaway! Talk about newborn necessities 101!

Alexis | 8:39 PM

This give away is amazeballs! The twins are "due" Feb 3rd but will most likely arrive some time in January..
I have been following your blog since I found out it was twins and am addicted!!!

Piggyvonninja at ca dot rr dot com

Carlyn | 8:40 PM

Am due on NEW YEARS jealous he'll get to have awesome birthday parties when he's older. Maybe he'll let me come party to make up for these 9 months without margaritas.

Melanie Routhier | 8:41 PM

What a great giveaway! I'm due with my first on Dec 16/11.

melaniejennifer at gmail dot com

Mae Bryan | 8:51 PM

Not expecting yet, but hopefully next year! My husband is already stressing about money, and this would be amazing.

Jackie | 8:52 PM

Amazing Giveaway! I'm due with baby #3 in March 2012. My day...? We could call it stressful. My daughter (oldest) is starting junior kindergarten in a couple of weeks (I've been an emtional fool too - where has the time gone?!)so today was spend lugging my two children around shopping for the "back to school" type paraphenalia.

Anonymous | 8:59 PM

Due 1/1/12! I wouldn't mind if it was a tad earlier though! First baby and we don't know the gender! Good luck with R&B- I can't wait to hear the story of their births and see their sweet faces!


tiff2698 at gmail dot com

Kila Bell | 9:00 PM

If I may I would LOVE to enter for a dear friend...she just finished Nursing school and her Bachelor's Degree on August 28th with her due date today. She is very anxious and nervous about being a working mother of two and I know this would certainly help ease her into this lifestyle! Thanks!

Shannon | 9:09 PM

Going to enter for my dear cousin who is expecting her first baby any day now. Her due date is 9/4. She is having a boy and it seems that is all our generation of cousins makes. After 4 daughters my grandma and grandpa have 6 great-grandsons and another on the way. Crazy!

Hope you hang in there. Yesterday I was looking at pics of my belly a few days before Eli was born. He was just under 9 lbs and I thought I would die, you must be miserable.

Rosanna | 9:09 PM

Our son was born May 2009 and we are expecting twins Feb 2012!!

Rosey11 at gmail dot com

Megan M. | 9:13 PM

Since my littlest one is already off the bottle, I'm entering to win for my sister-in-law who is due March 2012.

Moe | 9:19 PM

we are due with our first baby, Aubrey Rose on December 7th!

Jen L | 9:22 PM

Our second baby (a girl this time) is due the first week of December, although she's welcome to arrive anytime after Thanksgiving dinner. jmlushbough AT gmail DOT com

Becky B | 9:23 PM

Hi! Our first baby is due 2 weeks from tomorrow! Sept 16th. Im feeling pretty good except my sciatic nerve is kicking my ass (literally) I'm a little nervous but so excited!

Rashel | 9:28 PM

i am due with my second girl on 11.6.2011. i have a 3 year old who is currently running my house.

i like you am stressed the fuck out.

today was an especially stressful day as it seems like all of my most recent days have been. i cried twice today, said fuck it all, looked at my girl and fell back in love for the thousandth time and decided i wouldn't run away (for now), was rude to my husband (ok, straight up bitch) then apologized instantly because the guilt is just to much, then he gave me a back massage (because is an outstanding man) in which i felt like i was going to cry the entire time because he is so good to me.
i am basically a mess.

winning would be so fab.


Jenn | 9:41 PM

I'm due on 9/30 but the way I've been feeling he's definitely coming earlier! I walk like I have elephantitus or just got off a horse...

Would love to get this awesome giveaway! :)

cck_mom at yahoo dot com

The Green Goat | 9:48 PM

My sister is due in a few weeks, but she is already dilated to 1! I don't think she is going to make it much longer. Yay BABIES!

Maggie | 9:50 PM

Full disclosure? I'm not pregnant, but my best friend is, and I'm hosting her shower. This would make for an excellent gift basket along with all the hand-made items I have for her. She is due November 7th, and I can't wait to meet her little nugget!

Anonymous | 9:51 PM

LOVE tomee tipee from the having used it to care for other people's kids side....

I'm due in exactly 19 days. My mother wings her way into town in exactly 23 days. Thinking about the possibility of her being in the same geographic location with a functional mouth when I give birth scares the shit out of me, and so I'm being very unladylike and actively exploring homeopathic induction agents with my midwife. Including yoga.

email is

Katy | 10:06 PM

I'm due Oct 5th...just starting to transition from I can't wait for it to get here Oh my gosh time is moving so slowly! into Holy Crap Balls I'm going to have another kid in a few weeks??? What were we thinking! This stuff looks very cool.

katyclem at gmail dot com

tricia | 10:19 PM

I am due February 18th with my first and just signed up for a prenatal yoga class. It sounds like a great way to relax. Maybe it will help calm some of my more emotional moments.

I think all twin (and more!) mamas are amazing. I can't imagine carrying more than one baby.

Don Mills Diva | 11:38 PM

Love this giveaway - my baby is due January 10th!

Serena | 11:57 PM

I am due 4/22/12! (Almost 7 weeks now.) We plan on breastfeeding, but that is only going to work part of the time--I know once I go back to work I'll have to pump. (I haven't even had the baby, and I'm already dreading going back after maternity leave! LOL)

writtenbliss | 11:58 PM

We're still TTC, so no due date. My day was spent peeing on ovulation predictor sticks waiting for a positive! I'm being 100 percent serious.

Caitlin | 12:00 AM

March 3rd - my first. I'm totally freaked out.

Anonymous | 12:43 AM

My baby is due Feb. 2, 2012. Love your blog!

MrsWhitesides | 12:55 AM

Hi :). I'm Amanda. My babe is Lily, born Dec 6. We plan to have one more, and could never afford to buy this gift package, but would use the shit out of it.


Btw- I adore you Rebecca :)


Abby | 1:04 AM

It is 4 am and I am in pre labor and can't sleep really hoping this kid comes today or tomorrow.

MAV | 3:46 AM

My baby is due in the next 2 years or so and hopefully my wife will be the one birthing it. Howevs- my dear, dear friend back home just found out her baby GIRL will be here in 5 months and I'm commenting on her behalf. They already have 2 wild boys 3 and 2 so this precious girl will likely not have one photo taken in the first 18 years or so of her life.

Robin | 3:52 AM

My son was born on February 15. Almost a Valentine's Day baby, but not quite!

Beth Noel | 4:02 AM

My first was born 12/30/08 and my newest was born 8/9/11. Two boys! Lots of fun ahead :)

Congtrats, Rebecca! Can't wait to read about your new babes.

Lee | 4:15 AM

My amazing #3 is due on March 6, 2012, though likely to make an appearance sometime in February!

Tirzah | 4:28 AM

My baby is due Dec. 26th! The time is flying by at an insane rate...

Meghan | 4:38 AM

Baby is due March 24th 2012.

Billie | 4:42 AM

My babies were due August 23, 2005 and October 19. 2008. My sister is due March 23, 2012. Can't wait to "meet" Rillie and Billie!

~ Billie ~

Chantel | 4:45 AM

My baby sister is due January 10, 2012 and this is her first child. She plans to breastfeed him and I'm supporting her as much as I can. We're so excited for her little guy's arrival!

Shannon | 4:54 AM

I am due December 9th with my first and am a combination of beyond excited and scared sh*tless :) Putting the nursery together in the next few weeks!

dqsmms | 5:26 AM

I am 33+ weeks pregnant with one single girl who's starting to feel like a bunch. And we have a little girl born May 25th 2005. I am also breastfeeding challenged for similar reasons... Will attempt it again, but it didn't work so well the first time around.

Adina | 5:28 AM

My baby is due December 6th (if you ask my highly-regular last menstrual period, or my homebirth midwife) and December 13th (if you ask my backup OB). While we are still grieving the unexpected and sudden death of his big sister T just over a year ago, we are all terribly excited for this bundle of boy (especially his older sister Yeti, who is almost five and tickled to have a brother).

Lauren S. | 5:33 AM

Our twins are due 3.17.11 and are already freaking out.

Unknown | 5:36 AM

I am due on November 6 with my second baby boy! I am scheduled for a c-section at 37 weeks though because of major complications I had following the birth of my first baby boy. Only 6 weeks to go, and we are so excited to introduce our toddler to his baby brother!

Mrs.T | 5:43 AM

My day is awesome because I'm leaving for vacation tomorrow!

My daughter is 10 months old and I love these TT products! If I win, I will give them to my neighbor who had twins a few weeks ago.

Adrianne | 5:44 AM

My baby was due YESTERDAY! Come on, baby!!! :) So far my day is a lot like yesterday....upset stomach, tired, and not enough contractions.

Suzie | 5:52 AM

What an amazing giveaway! Our second baby is due February 11th! We find out the sex in a couple weeks! Squeeeeeeee!

Anonymous | 5:59 AM

This is awesome, and YOU are awesome! I don't know how you do it!

I am not pregnant and my son is almost 5 (which I'm still in complete denial about), but my younger sister is due with her first on Sept. 20th.

Parenting is the hardest easy job in the world, and no matter how prepared you think you are, it will always end up kicking your ass, and you will always go back for more.


Melissa | 6:01 AM

My baby was born 4.28.11. You might ask why I am entering this giveaway in that case. Well, my twice used pump is beyond "on the fritz". It is being held together by a rubber band. At the same time i am worrying about supply dwindling, so i need that pump to keep everything in working order.

My day is mixed. Pros - we are successfully putting the little dude to sleep with one arm out of the swaddle and minimal resistance. Cons - he has been waking at 4:30, which is very early. Also, the hubs is going out of town for the weekend. I am tired just thinking about it.

iskry | 6:06 AM

I'm due on March 6, which happens to coincide with my birthday. Pretty humbling though, because it's a reminder that it's not just about me anymore (which is also scary as well, as selfish as that may sound). This is my first child and leading to a lot of first everything, which is making my panic because I'm packing and getting things ready to move, while my boyfriend is out working with his dad running businesses so I've been alone with my thoughts all summer (when I'm not passed out from exhaustion). Life is interesting and I'm navigating my way through all the hormonal rushes and changes in moods as best I can.

Monika (monikab_2000 at hotmail dot com)

Julie | 6:07 AM

What a great giveaway. My first baby is due December 1st.

Erin Snow | 6:07 AM

I'm due in February with my second . . . I'm a weird combination of super anxious and super happy!

Anonymous | 6:08 AM

I would love to win this for my sister who is also pregnant with twins. They're due in December.
My day is good...Friday at work. Could be better if it were the weekend already but I can't complain! :)

G. | 6:08 AM

Wow...that all sounds amazing! Our first baby is due the day before Christmas. We found out yesterday that we are having a girl. Its interesting to wrap your head around the idea that that "thing" kicking you is now more like a person, a baby girl:)

.:misskari:. | 6:10 AM

I am due January 24 with my second and my first is going to be turning two years old December 18th. :) I was actually just watching my belly dancing around.. I am sure yours does a lot of dancing with two baking in there!

Brenna | 6:11 AM

This is amazing! I am due March 26th, 2011. It's my first. I feel like I'm flying blind. But we are SO EXCITED!!

bribrough | 6:15 AM

Fun giveaway! I'm due Sept 24 - starting to get really excited! My email is briana.Brough at gmail dot com.

Rhi | 6:23 AM

I'm due November 8th with my first. We're so excited but still have SO much to do.

Jen | 6:24 AM

Baby Mason is due on Christmas day!

Instead of my day, I'll focus on my week. Went back to work - I'm a teacher - and have been having a hard time getting my preggo brain to operate at work. I feel so flighty and lost, and it's freaking me out! I have to work for a few months yet before the baby gets here, and man, do I hope my brain cooperates a bit!

Sarah | 6:26 AM

Yay!! This would be awesome!

Due at the end of January, and if my husband gets his way, we will find out the sex next week :)

Tasha | 6:27 AM

My baby girl is due on January
3rd. But I was two weeks late with my baby boy so who knows when she will make her appearance!

Also, please take some time to chill. I can only imagine the freaking out that is occuring in your brain right now but it will all be WELL! It will all be well.

You got this.

chrryblssmgirl | 6:34 AM

my (twin!) sister is due September 17th with her first baby.

chrryblssmgirl at gmail

Maggie | 6:36 AM

My baby is due March 30th 2012. What a great give away!

maggiejow at gmail dot com.

Anonymous | 6:39 AM

I am pregnant with twins, and my 40 week due date is Dec 9 but my more accurate due date (when the Dr.s will give my babies their eviction notice) is around Thanksgiving!

Jenski | 6:42 AM

My babe was born on June 29th. I hope the yoga helps, I can't imagine the stress of anticipating twins.

Nakia | 6:46 AM

I love giveaways!

Baby number 2 is making their debut into our household on February 25th. I'm convinced that today willl be a fabulous day despite the fact that it's only 6:45am and I've been up to pee four times already.

Hope the yoga helps tames your restlessness.

Ellen Colberg | 6:47 AM

What an awesome giveaway! My daughter was born on June 2, 2010, and my hubby has been asking for another one since she was a few months old. so, I guess #2 will be in the works soon. Love your blog!

Amanda M | 6:54 AM

We have just found out we are having a baby at the end of April. Still processing, but starting to get excited!

katie | 6:55 AM

Due end o' November for baby number two. Having a ho hum day around here. Need to get more done!

katie | 6:56 AM

Yoga, always help! I hope you can destress. My days good. Is Friday thank fucking god. Enjoy the holiday weekend. I am going to enjoy rearing my toddler.

Carla | 7:01 AM

Hello - first time commenter. I have been following you since you first started on Babble (and now you're back!). Can't wait to see the post when the babies arrive. You will do great! I love your
blog(s)! I have a 2 year old son and we have been trying very hard to give him a sibling, hopefully soon,I would love twins.

kati | 7:02 AM

First baby was born on June 23, 2009. Penelope is just over 2 now, and if you ask her what's in her belly she will tell you it is a baby.

The next nugget is due on Feb 5, 2012. It is both way too far away, and way too soon.

And, my day is fabulous!

Leigh | 7:03 AM

I'm expecting a baby boy on 11 Jan! Between having my daughter last year in Sept (they'll be 15 months apart) and a miscarriage in Feb and now being pregnant, I've only NOT been pregnant for 3 months since Dec of 2009! I'm a stay at home Army Wife and will most def have my hands full, this system would come in very handy.

Ann | 7:08 AM

I am not pregnant, but my sister in law just had her little bundle of joy on Wed. She is really trying hard to breastfeed, but is having trouble so I know the pump and bottles would really help her. (I don't think she bought any bottles thinking everything was going to run smoothly).

She went to the hospital on Tuesday b/c of high blood pressure and was induced Wednesday morning. The only excitement was that in the middle of pushing the dr. was pulled away to preform an emergency C-section and they asked her to stop and hold it (how do you do that?), but she did...and beautiful little Emma was born @ 9pm.

Jme | 7:10 AM

I had my 3rd baby boy on December 15th 2010, and have been looking for a pump and bottles so I can start him on them, this giveaway is awesome!

Bridgitt | 7:10 AM

My day is also stressful - My son (born December 27th, 2010, making him 8 months old) is being a pain in the butt while I attempt to work (I work full time - three days at home with him, 2 days from the office while he goes to daycare with his big sister (born 10/17/2009). I work in Finance and HR so the beginning of the month is stressful anyway. And to top it off, I am recovering from Mastitis.

I am not sure if I am eligible since I don't have a newborn (8 months isn't a little baby anymore :( but if I am I would love this - my breast pump has gone through 4 babies (my 2 and a friends 2) and has seen better days. Since at 8 months I still haven't gotten my milk regulated, a working breast pump is very important to prevent engorgement when I'm away from baby!

Awesome contest!


Cameron | 7:11 AM

My baby girl is due November 18th. This is our first and we are so excited and could totally use everything in this giveaway!! Thanks so much.

Ali | 7:15 AM

I'm due 11/15 with my first. What a great giveaway for a new mom!

Amy | 7:15 AM

Love your blog and just bought your book, actually. I'm due with our first babe in November. These 9 months are going warp-speed and I'm freaking a bit...

Ali | 7:16 AM

What a great giveaway! I'm due with my first 11/15.

Kayla | 7:17 AM

I would love to be able to do prenatal yoga, however, it makes me feel insanely awkward and silly. LOVE the baby pictures!!

I'm 6 months pregnant!! Leo is due December 9th and I cannot wait to be his mother!

EriStapes | 7:19 AM

I'm due February 7th! Hoping to find out if I'm carrying a girl or boy next Friday.

Anonymous | 7:22 AM

HI! My Baby is due Dec 20th and my first is going to be 3 in one week!
I would love a new and clean pump, since i work my pump is an essential part of my life.

whitney | 7:25 AM

My first baby is due February 11! We are so excited and nervous! Just found out that 2 of my girlfriends from high school are pregnant too!

whitneyskinner at hotmail

Lori | 7:25 AM

My latest baby isn't due until the end of March. I've also got a son born in June 2005 and a daughter born in January 2007. It's been a long time since I've had a bitty baby in the house, should be interesting.

Jennifer | 7:30 AM

Awesome giveaway and website. My 3rd baby boy is due on November 24. My other two were born 10/3/01 and 4/7/04. Yes, that's 7 1/2 years since my last baby was born so I could definitely use some new fangled gear. My day is ugh. I have to stop working so I'm going from feeling "YEAH!" to "oh no". I hope your day gets better/less stressful soon!

dna | 7:32 AM

My baby was born May 14, 2011. I love Tommee Tipee!

beyond | 7:38 AM

my first was born four weeks ago!

Unknown | 7:38 AM

We are expecting our first daughter on November 16th! Couldn't be more excited!

sarahmccourt at gmail dot com

BiggestLurkerEvar | 7:40 AM

I am not pregnant now but my husband and I are ready to take the plunge into the unknown.

Wow giveaways bring out all the lurkers eh?

Wrynn28 at yahoo dot com

Alison | 7:44 AM

My little Poppy flower was born Aug 2...and my son was born shortly after Fable, on Nov 1, 2008. Looks like we are on the same unprotected sex schedule! (that was a little weird, sorry, I blame new baby brain).

Jenna | 7:51 AM

My little one is due on November 9 and omigosh, I'm just so excited! It's been a stressful pregnancy (concieved via IVF) and I'm just grateful that the baby is doing well. And I'm glad you and the girls are all doing just fine too!

Dara | 8:03 AM

I have a very dear friend that is preggo & would LOVE to win for her - she's due in February :)

Love your blog - thanks for keepin' it real (and for the awesome give away!)

silver_roxy_915 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Stewzie | 8:04 AM

The babe is due 11-13-11. We're hoping she comes 2 days early because seriously? 11-11-11? Total rockstar birthday...

Steph | 8:06 AM

I am due Dec 7 with my second girl. My first was born July 14, 2009. She can't wait to meet her "baby hermanita!"

Lori H. | 8:06 AM

Our second baby is due on February 3, 2012.

loriprincess at hotmail dot com Don't that e-mail address in college. :)

DeafMomWorld | 8:21 AM

Wow, what an awesome giveaway and I'd love to win that for my best friend! She's having her first baby after a year or so of trying. I am thrilled out of my mind for her and her husband, finally achieve their dream of having a child. She's due on November 9th. I have two kids of my own and look back to when they're babies and I just melt. Today has been an interesting morning at least, both kids are in school and my heart squeezes every time they go to school and how can they be growing up so fast and think about having a 3rd but life would be even more crazy. ;) | 8:23 AM

Our babe was born two years ago this September 26th. Birth complications led to the near-death of both of us, so I'm extra-always grateful (or try to be!) of the time we have together.

sonja | 8:27 AM

thanks for hosting this giveaway! :) when i first saw the photo i thought that perhaps the twins were here? :)
my husband and i are trying to get pregnant with our first right now... perhaps this month? we'll find out in a few days...! would love to win this!

Emily Robson | 8:31 AM

I am due on December 15, 2011. This is my first babe and I am trying to get my shit together. The whole pumping thing seems a mystery, but I am going to give a good go!

Also, I am taking inspiration from your maternity wardrobe. The high waisted leggings from American Apparel changed my life!

I cannot wait to see R&B!

Carolyn Williams | 8:33 AM

My first baby is due to arrive in late December! Can't wait to meet the little one!

Emily Robson | 8:35 AM

I am due on December 15, 2011. This is my first babe and the whole breast feeding/ pumping thing, but I am determined to give it a good go!

Also, I am taking inspiration from your maternity wardrobe. The high waisted leggings from American Apparel changed my life!

So excited for R&B!

emilyarobson at gmail dot com

Laura Straubing | 8:39 AM

I am entering this for a dear friend whose due date is on March 4th. After 3 years of being unsuccessful and dealing with monthly heartbreak, their first round of IVF worked and they have a new baby on the way!

court | 8:42 AM

Very cool! Stuff I am assuming I will need. :) My due date is January 24, 2012. Thanks!

Nicocabre | 8:45 AM

Hello! I'm totally excited to post a comment (I'm a dork) :-) I'm 24 weeks pregnant with twins (Boy/girl). We have a 12 year old which we had very early (I was 20) so I feel like we are starting all over again! Your writing has helped me more than you could ever know. When we found out we were having twins (total shock!) I walked around like I was in a zombie trance for a couple of weeks. We are still freaking out that we will be responsible for TWO tiny little lives by Christmas! Thank you for your wonderful words, I totally love your site! Nicole

Shelby | 8:53 AM

Not preggo but I have a friend who could really use this! And congrats on growing you fam!

Sam | 8:56 AM

My day is OK so far, thanks for asking! I'm sorry you are stressed, but I don't know that I wouldn't be, too. I hope the yoga helps. Maybe the stress is your body sensing and and telling you that the moment for R & B's arrival is drawing closer. I can't wait to see if you'll get two little Virgos or if all 3 of your girls will be Libras! :-)

We are about to be TTC so no birth stories to share yet, but this is a great giveaway! (Babies need lots of "stuff" huh?)

Abbe | 8:56 AM

I always get discouraged when I see how many others have commented, but I've got nothing to lose. Due 10/10/11 with my first - a boy. I released energy with a workout this morning, and we're coming up on a 3-day weekend, so I'm feeling pretty good. abbesol [at] hotmail [dot] com

Sarah | 9:00 AM

GREAT giveaway! Good luck to you and much grace and relaxation in the upcoming weeks! xx

Lauren | 9:02 AM

My baby is due February 1! My day - I've had two strangers call me to remind me to get shit done. I just can't remember to do anything, I want my brain back. But I'm excited about having this sweet baby in a few months and I'll look back and think this was all worth it.

corie | 9:07 AM

Amazing giveaway!! I have a 10 month old but I'd love to win this and share it with a friend. Today we're packing to go see my MIL for Labor Day weekend.


Anonymous | 9:14 AM

Awesome giveaway. I could use this...

First baby due date is November 30. Right now I have a hand-me-down crib (sans mattress), a hand-me-down stroller and a few outfits. Oh dear.

I am so excited to meet the little gal, but also think I'm in denial, because I can't find the motivation to buy anything for her....

I don't plan to use formula, but would be happy to donate that part of the prize if I won.

Thanks for the awesome opportunity! Love your blog as always!

Meg B

Sarah L. | 9:15 AM

LOVE this giveaway! Baby boy Callum is due November 22(ish).

Nicole Holst | 9:16 AM

My 1st is due on March 25!

Brandi M Walsh | 9:17 AM

I'm just past the halfway mark!! Due January 16th with baby #4.

S | 9:18 AM

This is an absolutely amazing giveaway.

My son was born almost 11 weeks ago, on June 19th, and he's growing way too quickly! (They always do, don't they?)

Anonymous | 9:20 AM

My third little girl is due January 6th. The first two were born 9/11/00 and 8/19/06.

Anonymous | 9:21 AM

My third little girl is due January 6th. The first two were born 9/11/00 and 8/19/06.

Jess | 9:28 AM

I am 22 weeks along with twin girls! My latest "due date" is December 26th but there's no telling when these babes will make their debut.

I'm stressed but oddly resigned. I am so excited to have these girls in our life and this giveaway would really help.


April | 9:31 AM

tentative c-section date is nov 4th! this is such an awesome giveaway, thanks for hostessing :-D

Megan | 9:32 AM

My little girl is due Dec. 15, 2011. I can't wait! I just had to do a 2hr glucose test, what a horrible test, especially when you still have morning sickness...

ec | 9:38 AM

cahoonie #4 is expected the first week of february. we are totally psyched.

derincahoon at hotmail

Stefanie | 9:39 AM

I am due on 11/23 (the day before Thanksgiving) with my little butterball. She is our first! Lot's of excitement!

CP | 9:51 AM

My baby is due January 27. We find out next week if we are having a boy or girl! Great giveaway...thanks! | 10:17 AM

My day's pretty rad! Just had lunch with my mom and sis, and it's feeling like Fall up here in the Northeast. Hope today's less stressful for you and the babes. Thanks for hosting giveaways like this!

Wading Patiently | 10:21 AM

So my day has been great... leaving for vacation in a few hours. This will be a meaningful present... I love Tommy T bottles... and babies are certainly in my future... someday :-)

joannawade1 (at) gmail (dot) com

Rene | 10:21 AM

I'm not due with anyone, yet. Contemplating getting knocked up with # 2, which is far more intimidating than the first go round.

Keep on keepin' on, GGC!

Biondini | 10:28 AM

Baby number two is due Feb. 9, 2012. Baby number one, Meadow, is nine months old today. (Yes, two was a big accident!)

The Platt Pause | 10:31 AM

I am due on October 4th. All I can say is 10-4, over and out! Naw...I consider myself very fortunate. This first pregnancy of mine has been going very smoothly (knock on wood). I wouldn't say that I love being pregnant, but this little girl of mine is treating me well. She even kicks me in the ribs when I begin to slouch!
Anyway, I am excited and nervous about parenthood -- I don't know what to expect, and feel okay with that. Like a lot of things in life, I will take it as it comes.
On a side note, Rebecca, reading your blog has allowed me to laugh out loud and not feel as stressed about this thing called motherhood. Your humor is addictive and your devotion and love to your children - born and unborn is inspiring. Wishing you well in the coming days/weeks!

Anonymous | 10:33 AM

I'm due with my second on April 29. We're both super excited.

afwsprag at yahoo dot com

Carrie H | 10:38 AM

I am due on December 1st with my 1st. :) I have a 13yo step-daughter who is so excited to have a baby brother. I'm doing okay-ish. I'm not sleeping well, just waking up in the middle of the night, wide awake and can't get back to sleep. Sigh...

laurie c | 10:38 AM

i'm due with my first baby on nov 6th. can't wait! =)

Warrior Woman | 10:45 AM

What a fabulous giveaway! Good luck to you. You are going to rock! Due January 2012.

Mindy | 10:46 AM

I just found out! Due at the first of May :)

cora d | 10:48 AM

Oh girl. This will soon all be a distant memory.

So, I'm not due, but my friend is - 12/22 - and I'd like to win this for her. First kid, a girl. She and her husband are so delightful. And he's finishing up grad school to become a grade school teacher. And he's British, delightfully so.

My day is going pretty great. I read the blog White Whine and now often remind myself just how wonderful I've got it.

Heather R. | 10:54 AM

I'm due December 3rd! My email is hpaulus at hotmail dot com.

Shara B | 11:06 AM

My 2nd baby girl will be two months on Sept. 8. She is two years a part from my two year old. I return to work at the end of September and I just wish time could slow down. I am really going to miss breast feeding her in the wee hours of the morning.

Enjoy these last few weeks or days with them suspended in your belly.

Melissa | 11:13 AM

Due with our first on 12/4/11, and we're so excited but overwhelmed too!! Love your blog, thanks!

melissamares at hotmail dot com

Angela | 11:17 AM

As a fellow Breastfeeding After a Reduction sister I would love to win some breastfeeding friendly bottles. And formula dispensers for that matter!

I'm due January 8th, 2012 with my second daughter.

My day couldn't be more stressful trying to get 4 graduate classes scheduled and completed before I have 2 under 2!

Anonymous | 11:29 AM

My baby boy is due 11/11/11! I will try to breast feed again (lil rough the first time around...having shitty nips does NOT help).
These bottles seem to be the bomb!

Thanks :)

Stacey | 11:38 AM

Exciting giveaway! My second was born this past July 5.

staceylmwood at hotmail dot com

Alyssa | 11:38 AM

I'm due February 7th and have a daughter who is going to be 21 months in a few weeks.

I hope you're feeling well!
My email is:
awissa77 at gmail dot com

Lori | 11:42 AM

My second little girl is due on the tenth of January, and the whole family couldn't be more excited!

Whitney and Steve | 11:49 AM

Baby due 11/29. Though, as my first one was early, and I was in L&D this week, who knows! Prayers for healthy babies to all expectant mommies (and daddies). w.anna.cox at gmail dot com.

maig | 12:02 PM

I am due a weekish before you. Oct. 8th officially, but my repeat c-section is scheduled for October 3rd, so almost 4 weeks to go!

Our summer vaca was ruined by Hurricaine Irene and we have been alternating with doing staycation activities with our so and baby #2 prep.

All the best with your pending arrivals!

My email is megnolan678 at gmail dot com.

Emily | 12:07 PM

I'm due Feb. 11 and would love some formula stuff. Breastfeeding and my body don't agree so I'm actually really looking forward to not struggling with breastfeeding and just jumping straight to formula.

emilysmith_22 at yahoo dot com

stephanie Toole | 12:21 PM

Great Giveaway! My delivery date is October 11th at 7:30 am.. which means I will be up at 4:30am that morning!!

petra | 12:26 PM

My Baby (Bubbles, for now) is due on the 31st of January and I can not wait to meet him/her. Had my last scan on Wednesday and now I just have to wait.

petra.s.van at gmail dot com

jif | 12:27 PM

Due exactly two weeks from yesterday, sept 15. Can't decide if s/he is coming earlier ala the alarming constant pressure on my bladder or later ala my mother's birthing history... hopefully the former!

kschindler | 12:27 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.
kschindler | 12:28 PM

My daughter was born Feb. 28th. I'd love to have this for the next one!

kschindler | 12:30 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.
mkleblanc | 12:37 PM

I don't have a due date yet, but I hope after next month, we will! My day is awesome--off work early and finding solutions to problems I was sobbing about last night.

What a great giveaway, and such cute photos!


The Wanton Empire | 12:38 PM

I am almost 24 weeks pregnant today. Our little girl is due on Dec. 24th. Christmas baby! :)

Rachel | 12:44 PM

I'm 10 weeks along with our first. Totally weird. Even though I've wanted this for years. Due 3/28, and trying to take the days one at a time.

Heidi | 12:46 PM

Baby boy due Oct 12th. :) Only six more weeks! And I just now am finally experiencing the hormonal mood shifts. It's so bizarre.

heidi dot pardo at gmail dot com

LJ | 12:47 PM

my best friend's baby is due october 7. i would love to win this for her. we can't wait for the little boy to arrive, he's a long awaited blessing.

Anonymous | 12:55 PM


Thanks for sponsoring such a cool give away - hope you feel better soon. :)

Molly | 1:12 PM

Im due January 24 with our very first...over the MOON excited!! Thanks for the awesome giveaway! xo

meghanb | 1:14 PM

I'm due Nov. 24, Thanksgiving day with my first child - a boy.

This is a great giveaway, thanks!

vali. | 1:25 PM

My little squishy is due Dec. 13th, 2011 and it suddenly dawned on me yesterday that it's only 14 weeks away. This is forever in pregnancy time but a blink in the grand scheme. Yippee!

vali at tbgdenver dot com

Anonymous | 1:31 PM

I'm not pregnant. I'm infertile. I do have 3 pregnant sisters, though, and winning this would help take away the sting of wanting a baby so badly when I can't and apparently everyone else can...

selena | 1:41 PM

As much as I would love to be pregnant, that's not in the cards for me right now...I would give this to my amazing, beautiful friend who is due February 6th with her first. An only child like myself, who is going to need all the help we can give her!

Maranda McAllister | 1:46 PM

I just had my baby on July 30, 2011 and she will be five weeks old tomorrow! Her name is Emmeline Phoenix. I've been exclusively breastfeeding and could put a pump to good use! Thanks so much for doing this awesome giveaway!

My email address is

Jen B. | 1:47 PM

I'm due Sept. 27th... but I think she'll make her entrance sooner. You just never know.

Jen Beckwith

bonnie f. | 2:08 PM

february 5th!

The Forman Family | 2:17 PM

Five weeks from today! October 8th!!

Shawna | 2:34 PM

I am pregnant with twin boys.. Due Jan. 29, 2012... I also have a 20 month old daughter at home which makes for some interesting days. Even better we are in the process of moving to a different state and we have to be there next Friday... My house is not packed yet.. I have had one of those days so far that makes you want to start over and go back to bed... but nap time helped a lot!! :) This give away would be great to win... As I do plan on breast feeding... but with 2 I know I will want some help as well... I hope you are having a much better day than me.. :)

Jackee | 2:51 PM

I am due October 22nd with my 2nd and have been loving your posts (as I always do) since our due dates are so close!

Jenna H. | 2:52 PM

My little boy is due October 27 and this is an amazing giveaway!
jmhamlin826 AT yahoo DOT com

Tracy | 3:18 PM

Babies 3&4 are set to arrive mid March! We also have 2 girls ages 6 and 3. I can't wait to hear all of your twin stories in preparation for mine to arrive!

Kacey Haffner-Bruce | 3:34 PM

Brixton was born May 21st, 2011.. her and her sister have been very kind to her mama today!

Jessica | 3:34 PM

No due date yet but my day was spent at the clinic for 5 hours doing all the paperwork and tests to start ivf. I am mentally exhausted.

Kacey Haffner-Bruce | 3:35 PM


Beth | 3:36 PM

February 5th! Would love all the feeding loot!

Anonymous | 3:38 PM

Sure would be the cherry on top to win this swag!
I'm due on Feb. 17th 2012.
Finally a sib for our 5 yr old son...
Try not to pace & turn on your House Hunters International!

julianaellman at earthlink dot net

Unknown | 3:49 PM

Wow, I didn't realize Fable was born Oct 2nd, her birthday will be really close to the twins!!

I'm due with my second on *drumroll* 11-11-11! A little boy, named Killian. Though the due-date is super cool, I really don't want to be pregnant till then, perhaps we'll welcome him 10 days early on Halloween (sweet).

My day sucks balls as well! My electric was out for 3 hours, when it finally came back on, my landlord rang the doorbell waking my 2 year old from her nap (that's my mommy time damn-it!). All he wanted to know was if I knew the power was out.... after I refrained from stabbing him in both eyes I made egg-rolls. That's my day in a nut-shell. <3

Jamie Lynn Greenwood

Sarah | 4:29 PM

Due Jan 4th, a girl! Couldn't be happier after two years trying. Also, you choose the winner on my birthday, so I think that could earn me some extra winner mojo! ;-) Absolutely love your blog!!

RachelLynn | 4:53 PM

This is fantastic! My baby girl was born May 21, 2011.

GreerAnn | 4:58 PM

my second baby was born YESTERDAY!!! my little world has just been rocked, and winning this would rock it even more so. greercaldwell at gmail dot com

Ashley | 5:03 PM

My first was born on June 1st and we'll have our second on April 1st. I'm anxiously awaiting news of the birth of your twins. You are an inspiration to pregnant women everywhere!

ashwarre at gmail dot com

Bridget | 5:06 PM

I'm due on Halloween and am counting the days!

Ida Mae | 5:15 PM

awesome giveaway!

Ugh.. I am "due" Oct 8th. But as my son came 4-5 weeks early (depending on who you ask :)That means I am prepared to go starting next week.

But hopefully this one bakes just a little bit longer...

ida_mai at hotmail dot com

Leila Gates-Wai | 5:53 PM

hello! my baby was born June 25th and I go back to work Sept 19th - Winning this would be awesome!

Alyssa | 5:57 PM

We just found out I'm pregnant, so no doctor-approved due date yet. alyssalikescookies at hotmail

Heather A. | 6:13 PM

I have never commented here before (but I think you're awesome). You've really been a shining light of pregnancy related humor for me (thank you).

My baby is due in 15 days on September 17th. I'm pretty stressed the fuck out man. I took leave from work only to find out I don't get paid for it like I thought I would. Now I get to go back to work until I go into labor. Then I'm expected to go back to work when she's 6 weeks old. It's not my job's fault. It's my insurance co's fault, and mine for not being more prepared (thanks life).

But I know it could be 100,000 times worse. I'm ok. My baby's ok. There are a lot worse things to be worried about.

Jessica | 6:17 PM

my first son was born Oct. 10 '08, I didn't realize him and fable were so close in age!
and i'm due with our second son on october 17th...(we must be due on the same day, although you'll come earlier i'm sure!) This is why I so enjoy your monday posts because that is when I move up a week:)

Anonymous | 6:19 PM

My baby is due on 11.7.11. I would love to win!

Anonymous | 6:38 PM
I had my last baby 11/29/2010, and we plan to have another one soon.

SunnyFergs | 6:46 PM

My little bean is due March 25, 2012! This will be my first and I'm freaking the ef out. But it's all so very exciting.
What an awesome prize!

Mrs. P | 7:18 PM

My first thought... Holy shit! The babies are here. Then, you bitch! Posting pics of tiny feet toying with my emotions. But this giveaway... So awesome. I'm not due, but my sister in law is with her first babe, yay! I would love to win this for her. Due date Dec. 6th.

cALyPsO | 7:19 PM

Hey sweet girl....
For a second when I only saw the baby pics, I thought you had given birth!!

My sweet baby boy was born on Valentine's Day of 2010.

He's still in his crib... he will be until he learns to climb out of it..

My day was... interesting... and productive to some point.. can I be any more vague?

We watched Monsters vs. Aliens... I thought it was cute.. baby boy was completely fascinated and did NOT want to go to sleep. Poor thing.

calypsorodeo [at] yahoo [dot] com

Mrs. Brightful | 7:22 PM

I'm due April 1, 2012. Once we start sharing the news officially, I shall be ready for all the April Fools Day comments. Enjoying no hearing them yet, howevs.

KatDinsmore | 7:34 PM

My little guy was just born 6/16. I'm totally in love with following your pregnancy!

booney209 at yahoo dot com

chisparoja | 7:36 PM

I am due 9/30/11 - ack!!! I still haven't gotten a breastpump or bottles and would love this set. What a great give away!
semantics at gmail dot com

Catelyn W. Penick | 8:02 PM

My sister has a new baby and is a Tommee Tippee Fan and a 'breast is best(er)'..I'd love to win all these goodies for her!

jenabeth | 8:03 PM

My second daughter, Persephone, was due September 9th, but was born last night, September 1st, at 11:24 PM. Induced with Cytotec, went from 3 cm to baby in an hour!

Unknown | 9:32 PM

I'm due with number two April 20th 2012. The supplies would be uber helpful since we ran our other feeding system into the ground with a very hungry little boy! Good luck with the de-stressing!!

Allison the Meep | 9:50 PM

I do not want to enter to win, as I am not planning on having any more babies, but I just had to say: Is it me being super crazy, or do Archer and Fable look EXACTLY the same as they did the day they were born, just larger versions of themselves?

I know that sounds completely stupid. Of course they look the same, it is them! But you know how most babies are just kind of blobby and don't really have much that distinguishes them? And when you see baby pictures of friends sometimes, you wonder how they were ever that lumpy baby? Well your kids look exactly like themselves. It's awesome.

And now I sound like a huge nutbag.

kristi | 10:38 PM

My baby is due in a little more than a week, September 13, 2011! He's my first child & I'm very ready for him to be here already!

Leslie | 11:24 PM

This is an awesome giveaway! My cousin is due oct 4th & this would be an amazing help for her. Does entering for the cuz count??? I know she'd be so grateful!

Jennifer | 4:36 AM

i'm 16 weeks pregnant and due January 25th. so excited!

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