Tommee T's The Day Baby Was Born & Giveaway

*updated with winner, below*
Fable's feet, hours old

A few weeks ago, some friends of mine at Tommee Tippee launched a new web app called "The Day Baby was Born" which they asked me to share with you guys. It's a really cool way to create a digital Baby Book for those of you, who like me, suck at them and most other things crafty, and because I think Tommee Tippee rules (they recently sent us a huge bottle + breastfeeding care package for the babes), I wanted to return the favor and introduce you guys to their cool (free) baby-book maker for the mamas-to-be in the house. (And no, I was not compensated for this post.)

A few (sob!) snaps from the days my babies were born:

Archer, moments after his birth, May 23rd, 2005


Fable Luella: 10 Minutes Old
Fable, moments after her birth, October 2nd, 2008: (birth story, here and here.)
Cuddle Bug

Awesome. To find out more, go here. In the meantime, I have a kick-ass giveaway today, care of Tommee Tippee for a new and/or expecting mama. Behold a newborn feeding care package that will include the following items:


ED: I realize some of you are anti-formula, so if you should win this giveaway and want to switch out the formula dispenser for something else, we can make that happen fo sho. I plan to mainly supplement with formula this time around because I have little choice in the matter but totally understand and respect the "breast is best"ers. Moving on!

To win all of the above? Tell me when your baby is due (or when he/she was born)... Or you can just tell me about your day. How is your day? Mine? I'll be honest. Stressful. I'm stressing the fuck out. I'm pacing around the house like a dog before an earthquake, staring at photos of my kids as newborns and crying like an insane person.
Archer, one day old
Hip Hop Fable
Fable, one day old

...But more on that later. In the meantime, go forth! And win an awesome giveaway! And don't forget to include your email address! As for me? I'm going to attempt some prenatal yoga to help mellow my harsh.


ed: winner to be chosen via next Thursday, September 8th


Updated: Congrats to commenter #401, Leslie! And thank you all for participating in this giveaway! Best of luck and much love to all!



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Grace Marie | 1:32 PM

what a stellar giveaway.
I hope the yoga help help helps.

I'm 7 months pregnant and due November first and sitting here holding my insanely clingy 11 month old wondering where the little babe is going to fit in.

maybe some yoga here too.

missamandabear | 1:32 PM

My baby is due January 29, 2012 and we couldn't be happier!

amandajwaldron at gmail dot com.

lisa | 1:35 PM

Oooh - this would be so awesome to win. I am due Oct. 19 but am wondering how that is possible considering I don't feel like I can handle this for much longer. I can't wait to meet my little guy! (Don't know how you're doing it with TWO babes in there!)

Goth, Hippie, Baby | 1:36 PM

My baby is due in February! February 7th is the latest due date, but its changed 3 times now, so I'm just saying February 2012.

M | 1:36 PM

I would love to win this. I'm due January 28th, 2012.

Angela | 1:41 PM

March 20, #4 coming to a house with three girls. Let the crazy commence!

Anonymous | 1:43 PM

Great Giveaway!

I am due on March 5, 2012, and I have a little boy who was born on July 14, 2009. We are very excited!

Congrats on the twins!

email is mistyhall02 at yahoo

Rachael | 1:43 PM

This would be awesome to win. I'm almost exactly one week ahead of you, due with our second on Oct 9th.

Robin | 1:44 PM

Wow, what a blessing to have Tommee T on your side. I am not currently pregnant but my husband and I are currently starting our third cycle of IVF to try and have our first child.
I work in childcare so I have seen these bottles first hand and fell in love as soon as I saw them. The bottle nipples really seem like the closest to nursing which I plan to do if I can. I knew these were the brand we were going with when we are blessed with our first child. In fact, we go to Babies R Us sometimes just to see what else they've come out with.
I would love nothing more than to win this giveaway in the event that we are fortunate for this next round to work.
God Bless you and your little ones and I hope those little girls come out soon for your sanity. :) I love reading your blog! Just recently came across it and am now addicted.

Kate | 1:44 PM

My son was born on December 11, 2009 and as we live far from our dear friends and family, it was just my husband and I in the hospital for delivery and first few days at home. I so cherish that intimate family time before we had our first visitors, walks up and down the hallway, me shuffling along (c-section) and my husband pushing the glass box/stroller thingy, staring into his tiny face and touching his little fingers and toes and cheeks...BLISS

Megan | 1:44 PM

My baby girl is due January 21st. My baby boy was born December 9, 2007. I was born on December 31st and have always vowed I wouldn't have babies in the cold months. Hah, that worked out well.

KristineLacefield | 1:44 PM

This is an awesome give away! I am due March 20th with my second surprise! I am so blessed and excited. My first son, is very close in age to Archer! I have enjoyed your blog for a few years now.

Aaron & Cassie | 1:45 PM

Hey! My baby was born May 16. I'm hoping your babies make their debut SOON! The waiting is the hardest part...

Brenna | 1:46 PM

I always feel bad when I come out of lurker status to enter a giveaway, but not bad enough not to do it. I'm due on March 3, 2012.

I love your blog. Can't wait to meet the new babes!

Ali Tong | 1:47 PM

Dude. I am due SUNDAY. As in, 3 days from now! WHAT! I would love to win this so I don't have to steal my sisters pump (is that gross?)

Liz | 1:47 PM

Mine was born 9/10/08, but here's hoping for another date to add in the near future :-)

Creativechaos | 1:47 PM

I'm not pregnant but I am in the process of becoming a foster parent. My day has been crazy! I'm in the process of moving EVERYTHING (minus big furniture) from childhood bedroom in MA to my FIRST ever apartment in IL via snail mail and a large suitcase. This whole thing is so scary but definitely what I want to do.


Mrs. Z | 1:47 PM

Our first baby is due April 15, 2012. This would be the first baby related item that we acquire, yikes!

Meghan | 1:50 PM

Baby the 3rd will be here via c-section Sept. 30th. Other kiddos were born on Sept. 9th and Sept. 20th. That's going to be a very expensive month for birthdays next year.

danaraven | 1:51 PM

I'm due on September 7th...which is...holy hell...6 days from now. EEEEK!

Heather719 | 1:53 PM

My babies were born back in May of 2006 & July of 2008- and they aren't so much babies any more!

Should I be lucky enough to win, I'd give everything to my kid's amazing nanny. She's been with our family since my oldest was 4 months old and is a beloved member of our family. Sadly next week is our last week with us as she's finally expecting her own baby- a little boy, due on Dec 19th!!

After suffering a 2nd trimester miscarriage last year, her dr's told her she may never carry to term, but so far so good!

Lacey Jane | 1:53 PM

!!!!!! Awesome giveawayyyy!!!!! I am due on April Fools Day, 2012 with my first. I am wicked excited.

Little Miss Moi | 1:54 PM

My baby is due on Tuesday! Today is my last day of work! I am lying in bed in dark old australia pondering what to wear for my final day.

This isn't really an entry because I'm not sure that tommee tippee or you envisaged sending a breast pump system to Oz, but I just had to share my jubilation (which to be honest is rather muted as I've been awake since 4.30am).

Barb | 1:54 PM

I'm due on Labor day (which is in 4 days!) I keep waking up in the morning and thinking "today's the day" and then it isn't. Wah wah. I hope you can feel some calm during this crazy waiting game time. I feel ya, sister.

SuperT | 1:54 PM

# 3 is due on St. Patrick's Day--March 17th! My other two were born in July 2005 and August 2008.

colerose | 1:56 PM

I am not pregnant, but a dear friend JUST had a baby girl and they could really use this!!

Bex H | 1:57 PM

I'm due with my second in April 2012. In that lovely violently ill stage right now! Winning this might take the edge off ;)

Linsey | 1:57 PM

What a great giveaway! I'm due February 14, 2012 with our first!

Anonymous | 1:59 PM

I'm officially 12 weeks along tomorrow morning, and my first scan is on Tuesday, which, I guess, means we get to start telling people... Estimated date is March 17, but if I can control the universe with my mind (HA) I'm hoping for March 21, which is my late father's birthday.

mpk042 at gmail dot com

Jess | 2:00 PM

my baby is due jan. 26, 2012. our anatomy scan is tomorrow and we can't wait!

Mari | 2:00 PM

Fun giveaway! My day included a visit to the doctor -- perfect blood pressure and a great baby heart rate. Our pumpkin is due Oct. 30, seven years to the day that my husband and I met at a Halloween party.

Meghan | 2:01 PM

I am due on September 26th. Starting to pace the house too!

weskislow at gmail dot com

Dranrab | 2:02 PM

My caffeine buzz wore off hours ago and I am barely able to keep my eyes open at work. I read that listening to music or watching a funny clip can help you stay awake. I've been listening to Violent Femmes all afternoon and have watched as many YouTube clips of "funny animal videos" that my sanity can handle.

Winning something would be sweet!

Love your blog!

danielle | 2:02 PM

First baby due 2-7-12! These days I'm just excited to start showing and LOOKING pregnant. I'm sure I'll regret that statement in 5 months. widjet22 at gmail

LizHuntley | 2:03 PM

I'm due on November 27 with my first. What an awesome giveaway!

lisagreenb | 2:04 PM

Is this why we just had that jolt of a quake;)???
Not commenting to win but just want to delurk in time to wish you a safe and peaceful birth. Thank you for taking us along the journey with you!
Lisa G in Woodland Hills

JachiCue | 2:04 PM

My baby is due September 5th, holy cow, that's Monday!! We're in the waiting part of this game now.

Miranda | 2:05 PM

I'm due January 19 with a son, to join my daughter who is 2 1/2. Just passed the 1/2 way mark!

Glenda | 2:06 PM

I'm not pregnant, but my best friend is pregnant with a girl due Dec 22...woohoo...if i win she'd get the gift!

Jen | 2:06 PM

I'm due Oct 14th and really wish the little one would get his foot out from under my ribs.

Laura | 2:07 PM

I'm due tomorrow! (9/2/11)

mekarual at gmail dot com

Unknown | 2:09 PM

That digital baby book is AWESOME! I wish I would have known about it a year ago...That's the only way my kids would have gotten a baby book.

Shelley | 2:12 PM

Our little bundle of joy is due to arrive on March 24, 2012! We're more than excited to welcome she or he into our little family!!

Janelle | 2:13 PM

Jealous! I want a baby. Maybe next year. In the meantime, I have about 5 pregnant friends and this stuff would be an awesome gift!! (Or I'd just hold on to it until its MY TURN)...either way...Awesome!

Katie | 2:14 PM

I am due April feels so far away but I'm sure the time will fly. In any case, this would be our very first baby stuff, which would be super exciting :)

Clarabella | 2:15 PM

Can I enter for my dearest dearest friend? She is due New Year's Eve Day, but I'm hoping for a New Year's Day baby. She is my son's godmother, & I love her dearly, & would love to have such a fancy giveaway win to bestow on her.

Kailee | 2:15 PM

My babe was born June 3, 2011. He is the best, most wonderful thing in the entire world!

You give birth to lovely, beautiful babies! Can't wait to see Rice/Rhythm & Beans/Blues!

Helen Amanda | 2:15 PM

WOW! I am due March 7th with our 3rd (and not 4th though your own surprise made me paranoid for WEEKS until I could get that vag-asound) What a lovely giveaway!

helenamanda at g mail dot com

Shawna | 2:17 PM

My baby (my first and hopefully not my last) was born a mere 103 weeks ago (YES, I had to us a calculator). She'll be 2 in one short week, on 9/8.

Alyssa | 2:22 PM

I'm due November 3rd, but not expecting to actually give birth until the middle of the month... My first was VERY late :p

Anna | 2:24 PM

My 3rd baby will be due 3.12.12. I got to take a nap today, and ate some egg rolls, both of which rocked. Small victories, right?

Hot Stuff | 2:25 PM

Our first child, a girl(!), is due November 4th. We are excited and nervous beyond words!

A Very Berry Blog | 2:25 PM

Our first precious bub was born April 7th. He's our light, the best part of every day

Kimberly | 2:26 PM

Our baby girl is due November 22nd. I'm hoping she'll be a little early so she won't always have to share her birthday with Thanksgiving preparations. My birthday is the 13th and I'd love it if we could share that. :)
kirbycolby at gmail dot com

Captain Underpants | 2:27 PM

Oh wow, what a huge give-away!

I'm due Friday April 13th...another fire sign in the house if we're lucky! We haven't got anything for the little sea monkey yet and figure I won't until it resembles a land mammal more than an aquatic mammal. Our first babe and we're so pumped about it. I hope the yoga helps.

marianne.gregoire at gmail dot com

Kelsey Geist | 2:29 PM

My baby is due February 6th 2012. First baby for my and my husband of almost two years.
Can't wait to be a Mommy!!!

Crystal | 2:30 PM

This is such a great giveaway! I am busy chasing my 18 month old and due with girl #2 Sept 22nd. I know she will be here so soon but in many ways I feel unprepared. It's always a nice reprieve to read your blog and know I'm not the only one feeling gigantic and exhausted. I'm cheering for you over here, thanks for sharing your journey!

c_calanca at yahoo dot com

Mel | 2:32 PM

Can i just ask that Hal wear that plaid shirt again for the twins birth? Its only fair since he wore it for Archer and Fable....

Vee | 2:33 PM

First Baby is due April 25! Considering, for years, we were under the impression hubby wasn't able to have children, we are beyond ecstatic! Surprise! :)

Anonymous | 2:34 PM

oh my goodness they both came out so beautiful! My little man was definitely beautiful but he was all smooshed and pointy :)

Cindylou76 | 2:35 PM

What an awesome giveaway!

My second daughter was born in February. NINE years after my first. Talk about a shock. I remember climbing the walls though and the relief I felt once she was here. Hang in there! :)

Doggy Mama | 2:36 PM

I'm due February 29th with our IVF baby, yay Leap Year baby! Right now my day has equaled being unnecessarily stressed out by baby gear. Why so much? What do I need? Why am I worried this early? AHHHHHH!

onedoggymama at gmail dot com

Abigail | 2:39 PM

Not pregnant, but would love to win this for a friend!

Kelly Utah | 2:41 PM

I'm due on September 26 with number two and let's just say that I'm much better at being a mom when they're outside of me. You know you're trouble when your OB calls about a concern and when you ask, "what does that mean," they answer, "I'm not really sure, this isn't in the books."

Say what?

Nicole | 2:44 PM

My second babe was born June 14th and we LOVE tommee tippee bottles! They are great for breastfeeding moms who need a break!

Unknown | 2:46 PM

When I first opened this up in my browser I thought you were going to announce that your Bebe's were here!

My little Pie was born April 18 and it was probably the 2nd most empowering and hardest thing I have ever done (1st was my son, born 7 years earlier). Born on her exact due date in late autumn (here, it's the first day of spring!) in my living room. Today... I'm thinking that 1 coffee a day is not enough to combat this sleep deprivation. I don't know if coffee and nursing mix so much though. Hmmmm.

natalie | 2:47 PM

our first little one (who still doesn't have a name) is due september 7...holy crap!

nataliemue3 at gmail dot com

natalie | 2:48 PM

our first little one (who still doesn't have a name) is due september 7...holy crap!

Eryn | 2:49 PM

my baby is a month old, born July 29 2011. I can't believe she is a month already! it goes by so fast.

Heather | 2:50 PM

My baby boy was born August 5, 2011 and we are loving every minute with him!

Anonymous | 2:51 PM

Love the newborn pictures!
I am due w/ baby #2 on Sept. 17!! 2 weeks to go.
amy0716 at yahoo dot com

LauraLowe | 2:51 PM

My baby is due Monday (Labor Day ;)), but getting induced tomorrow evening!! This would be INCREDIBLE to win!
Side note - your last week of post totally spoke to me in the
Am I ready? HELL YES! Am I ready? HELL NO! Am I ready? HELL MAYBESO!

More like, hell, I don't know.
kind of way. Because that? Is how I feel.

lauranlowe at gmail dot com

shelly | 2:51 PM

I'm entering for my friend who has a baby due around November 25th. Her husband's name is Tommy, so she must win this! And, she's going to be a Working Mama so I think all the supplies would go to great use!

Beth | 2:54 PM

Baby is due 11/18/11!

My day has been exhausting. I spent 2 hours at Buy Buy Baby last night and I was so overstimulated by all of the bright colors and noise and shiny things that I have no idea how a baby handles those kinds of toys. I'm 30 and I couldn't deal with it.

beth at bethwagner dot me

Stacy | 2:54 PM

I am going to be a first time Mamma...due February 13, 2012. My husband and I am beyond excited!!

I absolutly love reading your blog!!

email: starzstacy at yahoo dot com

Jacquie | 2:55 PM

Our little guy is due October 2!! AHHH!! Can't believe how soon it is now! :)

matt.jacquie at gmail dot com

roisin | 2:56 PM

awesome giveaway. I'm due on November 4th. This will be my first baby. (yaaay!/ahhhh!)

JB | 2:58 PM

My baby boy Greyson was due on Sept. 18, but instead jumped the gun and was born on Aug. 7. He's my wee peanut, going on week 4 at the NICU. He has a big brother Micah, due Sept. 28, but again jumped the gun and was born on Aug 19th.

k.chap | 3:00 PM

I'm due with our first baby on October 15th, this would be a great giveaway to win!

Sable | 3:00 PM

My sons were born 6-6-08 and 2-26-10 and we're currently giving #3 another try (we lost a pregnancy in February). Here's hoping to needing a feeding system VERY soon!!!

Unknown | 3:02 PM

I hope your day gets better! My due date is October 24. It can't come soon enough!

mommica | 3:04 PM

Aww! Archer and Fable still look the same!

I had my second daughter May 31st. I have all the pumping gear I need, but the bibs and bottles would be sweet.

mommica at mommica dot com

Sara | 3:07 PM

Due Match 14th 2012. and my day way alright, but tiring.

jill | 3:12 PM

What a wonderful giveaway! My second child is due 2/6/12. I already have a 2.5 yr old son. Hang in there mama. You are my pregnancy hero right now.

Not to be creepy, but I have realized recently that we live on the same street! Hello, neighbor!


Elizabeth | 3:12 PM

My babies (twins! Yay! And like you!) are due Easter 4/8.

Jasmine | 3:14 PM

I'm due 1st Nov with my #1 son.

I'm spending my way waddling to the fridge, cruising etsy and worrying about finances post- baby.

Anonymous | 3:17 PM

I'm due October 8th, that's 5 weeks! yikes! Today I'm fighting a losing battle with the hormones. whomp-wah.

Spencer Family | 3:19 PM

I'm due Sept. 12...but they're inducing me next Tuesday. Why? because I'm measuring small. I know, hate me. It sucks though b/c who knows why she and me are measuring small and what the heck is going on! A little scary to think about so lots of yoga and distracting going on over here!

norah | 3:19 PM

My best girl was due on 4/27, but came on 3/1. I had preeclampsia, so they did a c section when I was at 31 weeks. I tried not to freak and often referred to her time in the NICU as her "out of body gestation". Today she turned 18 months and is the most kick ass completely bald little sweetheart ever.

Cassie | 3:20 PM

Great giveaway!

Our little guy is due December 17th, can't believe how fast it's coming!!!

Cassie | 3:22 PM

I'm due on Oct 27th(!!!) Also, as I watch your belly progress only a week or so ahead of mine, I can only glare enviously at your beautiful unbestretchmarked skin when I look down at my angry striped one (seriously? You can get NEW ones? I weigh less with this one than I did my first... how does that work exactly?)...

One other thing - love how your little Archer and Fable looked so much like themselves even at days old. So sweet. Already little characters waiting to emerge. :)

Raychelle | 3:24 PM

What an amazing giveaway! I'm due 2/18/12 with my first & can't wait!

My email: rgeggatt at gmail

Anonymous | 3:25 PM

I'm due at the very end of December, so we're either have a Christmas or New Years baby!

My day has been kind of sucky-allergies are driving me crazy and I can't take my normal combination of meds. It's also the move-in day for our apartment complex, so there has been much thumping and banging and other such noises as new tenants move into the building. But there has been some good in my day-I cleaned out the pantry and feel very satisfied staring at my now well-organized cupboard.

KellyDove | 3:25 PM

My baby is due April 16 and this looks like a great app and a great package. I have a one-year old and have still not put together any kind of book about his first year. Definitely need a push!

APGM | 3:30 PM

Baby's due Oct 7 :)

e-mail: angelapatriciag (at) gmail (dot) com

Meghan | 3:32 PM

Our (surprise in a big fat way) 3rd (and final - the others are 3 and 1) baby is due on February 27. We're hoping for the 29th because that would just be so cool ... but, really, we'll be happy regardless (of course).

sweetone624 | 3:37 PM

What a great giveaway package, my niece was born April 13th of this year. We are hoping for our time to come soon. It continues to be a long, stressful and hard time for us.

sweetone62406 at hotmail dot come

Andra Brock | 3:37 PM

What a cool giveaway!

My first child was born April 5, 2010 and we are currently not NOT trying to concieve. Not to sound dramatic, but I nearly died from sepsis after my son was born, so I had a longer recovery time and therefore wasn't able to provide breastmilk (something I desperately wanted to do). If I win this, I will make SURE it goes to good use with the next one.

Anonymous | 3:39 PM

My friend is due this weekend! And if I won, I would be giving her the prize.

Lauren | 3:41 PM

What an amazing giveaway, and what adorable babies! My twin girls are due January 9, but they'll likely arrive in December.

Andi | 3:44 PM

That is a beautiful give away! I've bene lustily eyeballing their stuff.

I'm due April 15th. (I'm guessing. Because, you know.. Haven't gone to the doc yet. I AM A PROCRASTINATER!)

lobsterandi at the domain name

Laura | 3:51 PM

I'm due October 24th with our first baby. I'm a nutritionist and today I started scheduling patients for the second to last week before I have the baby - and I'm freaking out a little! Excited but - whoa - it's soon! Time to get a crib already!!

Anonymous | 3:55 PM

My son was born February 1, 2010, and I'm due with our second September 20, 2011. carmensebert (at) gmail (dot) com

Josie | 3:57 PM

My first was born Oct 21 '07 and #2 is due on Dec 23! I would love to win this awesome prize :)
josie.ambler at

sarah | 4:02 PM

My mom remembers seeing Tommee Tippee cups in her kitchen cabinets when she was a kid in England.

Isahrai | 4:04 PM

I'm due Oct 15 and just started putting the "list" together of things I need. The first baby things arrived 2 days ago so I'm finally realizing that I'm not just growing a bouncy kicking "thing" in my belly but there's going to be a baby! There was about 3 minutes of panic and now it's pure excitement.

cgeds | 4:05 PM

Hey there hi there. My very first child is due on March 5th 2012, which, in writing, seems all the more real.... My boss kindly offered me her breast pump but I would very much appreciate my own as you can imagine!
(And my day has been fine thank you. Go see Almodovars The Skin I Live In. But maybe not so much if you're already on the anxiety tip.... )

Monica E. | 4:07 PM

Love this! I'm not pregnant yet, but hopefully not too far off!

moincalhuang at gmail dot com

Angela | 4:08 PM

My first babe is due Dec 6/11 and we can't wait! We found out at the 20 week anatomy scan that he will be born with a complex heart defect, so we'll be temporarily relocating at around 37 weeks to be closer to the experts and wait for labour. I desperately want to breastfeed but may have to pump for him, and any way it turns out, this giveaway would be ideal! My day was a good one, there are good days and bad days anticipating what he/we will have to go through, but overall we're hopeful. Hang in there mama!
ajdepner at gmail dot com.

Megan | 4:09 PM

I'm due with my first on the 20th... Two and a half weeks! aaahhhh!!
I loved reading about your mum getting ready to come and stay with you guys. My mum is flying here (Australia) from Canada to be here to help and I'm so excited. Like your mum, my mum has been crafting like crazy. I think most of her suitcase will be filled with little crocheted sweaters!

megan_e_snelgrove at yahoo dot com

Anonymous | 4:15 PM

Antea is due January 9. I have just started feeling her kicking. I wish I had a portable sonogram machine so I could see her every day and make sure she is ok. I always wonder what she is doing all day. I wish I could go inside my tummy and hold her in my arms.
I look forward to your twins as well - I check your blog every day! You are the coolest looking pregnant!
(email mariadsilveira[at] gmail[dot]com)

Annie | 4:16 PM

I am due January 17 with our first child. We just saw him/her again on an ultrasound yesterday. Pretty amazing stuff.


Laurie | 4:19 PM

what an awesome giveaway! Due date September 6th (so any time now!) with my second little boy. 1st little guy's 2nd birthday is today (Sept. 1st).

Really enjoy your blog!


Anonymous | 4:24 PM

My day was better than the awful that has plagued me all week.

Abby's Mum | 4:26 PM

I'm 32 weeks pregnant with my second child, a boy. I have 3.5 year old girl who is so excited to be a big sister! I just spent me afternoon drawing halloween pictures with crayons, being attacked by lego tigers, and dancing with a tutu on my head. Life is good!

Abby's Mum | 4:29 PM

prego brain alert! I forgot to tell you that I'm due on October 26th :)

Dianne | 4:30 PM

I scheduled my c-section this week for November 17th!!! Can't wait!!! Hope you've been feeling good :)


Kalen | 4:30 PM

Our second baby (a surprise) is due November 5th. He'll join his then 17 month old sister and we would love to win this package to offset some of the costs we're going to face raising 2 under 2... especially because I'm going to try (really hard) to breastfeed this time around.

Mrs. Beach Bride | 4:35 PM

My baby boy was born on October 23, 2010! This is an amazing giveaway, I never enter these because I don't think I'll win but this one I HAD to enter!

Ashley | 4:46 PM

Due September 7!

elise | 4:46 PM

march 6, 2012...omg i'm really doing this again :)

kimberly | 4:49 PM

well, i'm not exactly due anytime soon... in fact i'm ovulating TODAY and hoping tonights magic worked. been trying for about 5 month and hoping after this months clomid dose this is my lucky month! crossing fingers and trying to win the baby staples!!!

congratulations by the way... you look beautiful and i am waiting with such anticipation to hear more from you every day!

kimberly.bohnel at gmail dot com

leah.hung | 4:54 PM

My twins are due Nov 6th and that is SO not going to happen. Mid to late October is a more realistic date. But I must admit I like freaking people out when they think I am due any day now, and I say no Nov 6th wait a beat and then tell it's twins.

Anne Golden-Vazquez | 5:01 PM

My baby is due March 14, 2012. I am already stressed the f out with worry after losing my first pregnancy in February. However, got to see the little one today on the ultrasound and it was wiggly and jiggly non-cooperative for the NT scan. Looking like a stubborn one for sure!

Type (little) a aka Michele | 5:04 PM

My youngest was born 6-8-10, and we pink puffy heart Tommee Tippee! I had to supplement, and he had intense spit up and reflux and these bottles helped so much.

If I won, I'd keep the sip pie cups and give my friend ( who is due 1-22-12) the rest.

typelittlea at g mail dot com

17 beats. | 5:09 PM

Our little girl is due on Halloween ! SPOOKY !

Liesel | 5:09 PM

We are transferring two little embryos in to my uterus in a few weeks. I hope these are things I will be able to use in the very near future! But, in an effort to not jinx myself, I have several very pregnant friends due (one with twins too!) soon that could very much use this too.

As for my day? I'm also working hard at not freaking.the.fuck.out. IVF takes it out of you, I tell ya.

Amy | 5:14 PM

I could really use a breast pump. My 3rd is 8 months old - too late to invest in a new one. I never thought I could pump before, but now I think I was doing it wrong. Thanks for the chance!!

amyeaustin at gmail dot com

Habbala | 5:18 PM

I am due 11/11/11!

And today I am feeling annoyed at the dental office lady who looked at me and said "So, he's going to be a big baby, eh?" I just stared at her.

Ashley | 5:19 PM

I'm due October 2nd with my very first and have yet to buy any of that stuff! Ah! Pick me! Haha


Unknown | 5:20 PM

after about a year of infertility struggles we are expecting miracle #2 on Feb. 5th!

Caitlin Robinson | 5:23 PM

My day has been splendid, thankyouforasking. What a fabulous giveaway. My 5 month old would love the shit out of those babas. Caiteebee at AOL dot com. Can't wait to see little R and little B.

katie Chapman | 5:26 PM

Im due Oct 15th with my 3rd! just came across your blog a few days ago and am in love! thinking that your blogs in the months ahead may just be my sanity!

Martha | 5:29 PM

I've totally ben looking for a good online baby book! I must run to dump memories soon - my Archer is 21 months old and I don't have his milestones written anywhere :( He was born on November 29, 2009. I wish I was pregnant again, but I need to finish grad school first!

Deidre | 5:37 PM

what an awesome giveaway!

I am 20 weeks preggers and I am due January 8th. I still feel as if this isnt real. My little girl (after two boys) is already spoiled. The poor little thing ;)

Leah | 5:41 PM

Hip, hip, hooray! (Or tip, tip, tooray?) My super awesome first-ever little one is due Nov. 23ish. And I'm totally overwhelmed by all the baby stuff we're supposed to be stocking up on.

Britany | 5:44 PM

This giveaway is incredible!

It would be so, so helpful to my husband and I. Our first child is due May 9.

Weird fact: My child is due May 9, two weeks after April 25 (my birthday), which is two weeks after April 11, my mother's birthday, which is two weeks after March 28, her mother's birthday. Bizarre, eh?

My email is britanyaball at gmail dot com.

Fingers crossed!

Melis | 5:50 PM

I'm due w/ baby #3 on November 13 but if these insane Braxton Hicks continue injust might have her this weekend!

Caitlyn | 5:53 PM

My baby is now too old for all of that. She was born October 26, 2009. However I'm hoping for another as soon as I can, and free stuff always rocks :)

Keara | 5:55 PM

Oooh this would be great for my first baby (boy) (estimated arrival date: November 12!)

keara.flaherty at

Carol | 6:02 PM

Oh wow...this is an awesome giveaway!! I have been stressing over what kind of pump to it really something to stress about...probably not!!
I'm due October 10th...a week before you...but likely not ;)
my email address is | 6:02 PM

I am due in 3 weeks, just found out baby is breech, I am group b strep positive, trying (at 37 weeks) to find a dr. To deliver the baby (had midwives but this is now beyond their scope) all this after a first all natural not even iv delivery with my 4 year old. I am so unprepared and not wanting a c-section... Maybe bottles would help me!!

Jos | 6:03 PM

EDD Dec 22nd!!

Lilybett | 6:11 PM

Due with my first on 3rd of January, 2012, right smack-bang in the middle of an Australian summer.

If those outside the US can enter, my email is:

elizabeth dot j dot paton at gmail dot com

Whitney | 6:17 PM

I have 4 week old twin boys. My day was challenging, both boys have some kind of stomach virus that causes diarrhea and makes for fussy/grouchy babies. I just feel so bad for them! I am blessed enough to have an amazing mom who came over to help me today or else the three of us would have ended up in a corner crying together!

I also had a breast reduction about 2 years ago. I tried breastfeeding/pumping and supplementing for the first month. I just quit pumping last week. I could only produce about 4 oz of breast milk a day, no matter how much I pumped. With two babies that meant each baby got about 2 oz a day of breast milk. I had a really rough postpartum period and finally decided that I could be a better mom if I was stressed about trying to feed two babies and pump. It was a tough decision but I have felt so much relief since I stopped pumping. Thanks for sharing your story! It is great to hear from someone else who tried breastfeeding/pumping after a breast reduction.

Rachel | 6:17 PM

I'm expecting #3, but my first girl on October 15. I would love to win this giveaway - thanks for the chance!

rachel_covert at hotmail dot com

lastdogz | 6:20 PM

What an awesome giveaway! Thanks for hosting it. I'm due October 26 and am possibly going for a VBAC. My doctor said I have a good pelvis, which is probably the first and last time I'll hear that. I'm terrified! Congrats to you on such a healthy pregnancy, and may the rest be just as uneventful.

Clandestine Road | 6:21 PM

What a great giveaway! My friend, who just had a baby, would love this.

Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

Anonymous | 6:26 PM

Our first was 1/31/10 with hopefully three more babes yet to come... Trying for number 2 any time now. :)
Tlverdi AT

Dave | 6:33 PM

I'm hoping my baby will be due in June. Or perhaps July. If not, my best friend is due in 2 months and I'm sure she would love this!

Bekah | 6:34 PM

I am due Oct. 12! So...I am about a week ahead of you...although I think R&B are definitely going to make an appearance before my little guy does!

Indigo Children | 6:35 PM

Our baby is due November 28th! What an awesome giveaway.

Addie | 6:39 PM

Our first baby is due December 19, 2011!

Ashley | 6:41 PM

Babe is due Jan. 16th. It is our first so my days are full of excitement and freaking out. Especially today when I started calling places about day care! But I know it will all be worth it the day I get to hold this little guy in my arms!


Jenna | 6:42 PM

Due February 29th with twins...shock of our lives!

Kayley Maybe | 6:56 PM

I am due with my second November 14. My first was born on September 14, and we were married August 14, so I feel like the 14th is my lucky day! very excited to have a little brother joining his big sister soon, and would love some loot to celebrate!

kayleymaybe @ gmail

sarahhill | 6:57 PM

My first baby girl was born April 6 of this year. Hard to believe she's going to be 5 months old soon!

Anonymous | 7:02 PM

i might have the latest due date posted here as i just found out i am pregnant, due date is may 6th! these bottles look awesome, what a great giveaway.

jackiecopeland at yahoo dot com

Mariel | 7:07 PM

I'm 14 weeks pregnant, due March 2. I have had a day overshadowed by a two-week-long headache, but it got better after work when I scored several cute maternity outfits at a consignment sale!

marielporter2 at

Unknown | 7:11 PM

Sometime around Thanksgiving. Trying not to put a date on it.... I hear it makes it easier. So far, not so much.

Tasha Imajin | 7:12 PM

Wow, there are a lot of pregnant mamas out here reading your blog! I'm due with my first on February 17, 2012. My mom just pointed out today that it's about 5 and a half months from now and I had a little sweat attack. I guess we should start buying stuff?! I would love to have this starter kit.
tasha dot haley at yahoo dot com.

Unknown | 7:13 PM

Baby Girl is due soometime around Thanksgiving. I'm hoping I can at least enjoy the meal, I love me some faux turkey. It's mm mm delicious.

ilovethemidwest | 7:13 PM

I'm due February 2, 2012 with our first and would adore this and use the hell out of it! Best wishes on the birth of your babes, I hope it goes well for you and them!

Nancy M | 7:13 PM

No kids yet for me, but a friend is expecting twins in late November (we both love your blog!).

I had a pretty good day! :)

Unknown | 7:19 PM

Wow, your babies were gorgeous from day 1!

Awesome giveaway. My girl is due in one week -- September 8th! I'm trying to do what I can to get her here this weekend, though.

michiedl at gmail dot com

Marisa | 7:23 PM

My son was born August 3 and we're just about to figure each other out. Yup, any day now!

Christopher and Marcille | 7:24 PM

What a grand give-away! My baby was born May 18th, 2010, but we are trying for number two now :)

marcie14 at hotmail dot com

Charlotte de Wynter | 7:24 PM

My bubster is due October 17th...only the one though!

Liz | 7:25 PM

Baby #2 is due 12-3-11!

scopesandsneaks | 7:28 PM

Due March 18th! I could definitely use a new pump. My dog's eaten three!

-sarahterez at gmail

Hyatt | 7:28 PM

Our 1st daughter is expected right around Thanksgiving. hyattff2003(at)yahoo(dot)com

Anonymous | 7:29 PM

entering for my wife, she is due in october and would love to win. Thanks.

Nol's Mama | 7:30 PM

My little man was born April 15th. He is 20 weeks old tomorrow and it blows my mind everytime I look at him. Side note - I just finished Rockabye (on my kindle! The best thing for a new mom) and it was awesome! So....refreshing. Good luck with the babies - you will be great.

Cheryl | 7:35 PM

Currently TTC and cannot wait for good news!! Enjoy your last few weeks of being pregnant.

cheryl626 at hotmail dot com

-AY | 7:39 PM

Due December 14th with my second, a boy. After a day of soccer practice, pre-school orientation and buying school supplies, I'm hoping my new baby is laid back and along for the ride!

K Foxman | 7:40 PM

Love this giveaway! Perfect timing, since I have a new niece as of 2 hours ago, Lela. Can't wait to meet that beauty in a month or so. And thanks for the yoga reminder, may be just the thing I need!
foxman.k at gmail(dot)com

OL | 7:42 PM

My babes were born 3/8/06 and 9/12/09... currently hoping to add a third date to our family calendar! I absolutely love your blog, and can't wait for the news of your two newest members! :)

AndreaB | 7:43 PM

Is Hal wearing the same shirt in both pics?

Ariel | 7:47 PM

I'm due with our first baby on December 27th. Lately everyone has been asking if the baby is a boy or a girl, and it's been fun to tell people we've decided not to find out. Also, I decided today that I should cut my hair SUPER short, and I'm totally thrilled with it.

Anonymous | 7:48 PM

The fabulous 18th of October is my due date!

Harmony | 7:50 PM


This giveaway would be amazing. With our first baby due in January 2012 we have had more downs than ups due to medical and financial stress/strain. Despite this I feel hugely blessed to have my husband by my side with my baby on the way.
Thankyou also for some inspired reading!

Jack's Mama | 7:51 PM

I'm not pregnant again yet, working on convincing the hubs....but I have a 2 year old and i love tommee tippee, they have the best plastic/rubber bibs! So i will def have use for these products again soon, or I am the director at HOPE in Northern Virginia,, the website kind of sucks but we are a teeny tiny non profit that helps pregnant women, we give them almost everything they need for the first year of their child's life, including many many bottles and pumps too! So i could always pass this gift on to my expecting/new mothers in need!
lcrane815 at gmail dot com

Vanessa | 7:53 PM

My baby is due today 2nd September 2011. My morning was great...girly catch up. Now I'm back at home and frustrated and anxious once more. Really over it and impatient to meet my baby boy. Love the recent posts. I felt like I was reading my own journal.

Holly | 7:55 PM

I'm entering for my sister who is due in April with baby #4. Another niece for me! :)

Jeanne | 7:56 PM

Due October 26th but definitely feeling like I should be due NOW. So much bigger than the first time around! Wishing you a happy healthy labor and birth!

Krysta Nicole | 7:58 PM

I'm due February 1st with my first baby (so excited)! was exhausting! It was my 2nd day of school (teaching 24 first graders) and we had a lockdown the last hour of the day. So thankful that tomorrow is FRIDAY!!!

Love checking your blog and can't wait to read about your experiences as a mama of four!

Brenda Hoskin | 8:03 PM

I am due with my second Feb 27, and would LOVE to win this package...I borrowed most of this stuff from my sister the first time around.

c a l e y 2 2 @ h o t m a i l . c o m

Amanda | 8:04 PM

Mine is due November 27th!

Corrie | 8:09 PM

I have no babies... but my first nephew is due in 11 days!

Ashley | 8:10 PM

I know it is lame, but my sister is trying so hard to get pregnant right now and she would love this, but she doesn't "do blogs". She is incapable but she is a very amazing and capable mother. And my day is not nearly as stressful as yours, so I can not complain.

K | 8:10 PM

Due : Dec 20.

My day: Stressful and overwhelming. But then I got my hair highlighted, ran through the TacoBell drive through, where my pepsi tasted like spearmint, so I detoured through Starbucks and got a white chocolate mocha frap. Which tasted like a white russian minus the alcohol obviously) So as of right now I'm on a "crappy food and starbucks high" so all is right in the world.

Hope your tomorrow is better :)

email :

Donna J. | 8:10 PM

My baby was born on May 12th!

K | 8:12 PM

Due : Dec. 20. (I think I've had a new DD every ultrasound...)

My day was stressful and overwhelming but I ended it with Taco Bell and Starbucks (my pepsi tasted like Spearmint - so the only logical step was to pull in the starbucks and get something from there)

Hope you have a better day tomorrow :)

email :

K | 8:13 PM

(yeah just noticed the needs to be approved thing - I thought the post was lost when I signed into my google acct. Not trying to cheat! Sorry!!!!)

LiciaLee | 8:15 PM

I've always wanted to try their things, but they were always too expensive. My baby girl just turned one, but we are planning on trying for another very soon, and I would LOVE to try these bottles. Clara NEVER took a bottle, and I always wondered if she would like these, but I couldn't justify the cost for ANOTHER bottle that she would just scream at. :D. alicia morris 2008 at gmail . com

Anonymous | 8:31 PM

my baby was born november second, two thousand and six...he will be five this year. (tear, sob)
BUT- much to my delight, my husband and i have just agreed to begin the process of proactively attempting to add another to this little family of ours.
heres to hoping tonight is that night, and he/she will be born 9 months from today...making his/her birth date (approximately)

Carlyn Templeton | 8:32 PM
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Carlyn Templeton | 8:34 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.
Justin and April | 8:35 PM

this is an awesome gieaway! I have a soon-to-be 3 year old little girl and we're expecting a baby boy 11/11/11. Hope I win!

Nikki | 8:36 PM

I've got a lovely lady friend who is pregnant (twins!!!) and I'd love to win for her! And, I had one of *those* days, just sayin', since you asked. :)
Hope R&B treat you well in the home stretch!

Proseandconverse at gmail dot com


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