GGC Q Without the A (Because There is No A In WTF)

The following questions were collected over the weekend from some very puzzled googlers. At the risk of getting in way over my head I'm not going to even begin to try to answer. BUT I do know that the answer to number 5 is an astounding YES! (I rubbed mine in 8th grade and VOILA!)

1. How do I trick my girl into a threesome?

2. Where to Bury my Placenta?

3. How do I ask someone to insert my tampon?

4. How do I become a man?

5. If I rub my boobs will they grow?

Dungeons and Dragons on NYE. What? Everybody's doing it. Psh.
The Truth about Dads and Moms: Dads make the mess. Moms clean the mess up. Any questions?
Mommy & Me is Not For Me: More on Mommy & Me class being my own personal hell.



Anonymous | 9:07 AM

Wow we get some strange ones but crap. Don't you just want to find #1 and smack him over the head?

Anonymous | 11:39 AM

Hey girl

I thought you might find this article interesting:

I'm very interested to hear your take on "grups" - heh heh

Anonymous | 3:06 PM

I'm no expert, but I'm guessing that on numbers 1 through 4 vodka is the answer.

As far as #5 goes yes they will, but you have to watch our for sweater nymphs created by the tit friction.