Tottini & GGC Present: The Final Nursery (Finally!) and Giveaway

*updated below!*
Argh, finally! Between writing the name post and snapping some pics of the FINISHED nursery, I am finally able to stand and deliver! Sorry about the wait, guys, HOWEVER I am not that sorry because today I have some exciting giveaway action. Many of you have inquired as to where things like cribs and paintings and curtain rods (oh my!) came from and I'm going to try to get to everything in this handy little (probably not so little actually) post! There are few things that excite me more than nursery design. I've become slightly obsessed, actually, and am a little sad to have a furnished space on my hands. Luckily (NOT!) we'll be moving soon and I'll have to repurpose the space, but for now, it exists here, now, finished. I designed this space with the twins names in mind a la "dreamy bohemia" chock-full of happy animals, bright florals and COLOR EVERYWHERE! I wanted it to be a happy place for the girls to grow into, so when they're three and six and even sixteen the space will still suit them. Not the cribs, obviously. But the furniture, wall-hangings, etc.
Toys: (Rody & Wooden Rollercoaster Maze) are hand-me-downs from Archer and Fable. Ottoman was purchased at Target and is great for storing diapers and wipes. (The nursery doesn't have a closet so storage is kind of an issue. The hot pink ottoman was a great/cheap solution.) Annnnnnd the Internet router remains, a reminder that not so long ago, the nursery was my office.
Changing Area:
Meet the final changing area! Information on dresser, knobs and other such changing table things can be found by clicking through the links below.
petit collage bamboo mobile (a gift from my friend Bethany) found here:
White-framed print was a gift from my friend Dana. Anthropologie purchased Zebra and Giraffe were also gifts (thanks, Grandma!). More on the twin-print can be found, here.
wooden airplane, The Little Seed (purchased several years ago)
"La Boheme" and "Reverie" records purchased on Ebay, frames from Target.
decoylab wooden owl wall clock c/o tottini (and available for giveaway today, yahoo!)
green shag rug via Bethany's garage (available to purchase at Ikea)
Crib #1
(Boheme and Reverie are currently sharing.)
crib = Oeuf Sparrow in White c/o Tottini (thanks, Tottini!)
bedding by: my mom (Hi, Bo! Hi, Arch!)
wall art/decals linked up, here
Crib #2
Elephant via Anthropologie
musical pull-toy elephant (and owl, see other crib) c/o Tottini
knobs: anthropologie
crib-side table purchased @ swap-meet
baby UGGS, a gift from the peeps @ momversation
wooden teethers c/o little alouette

rocker, thrifted
cushion via Anthropologie

I hope you've enjoyed these posts as much as I've enjoyed posting them. This is just the beginning, folks as I've got some exciting stuff in the works re: nursery interiors (not to mention an entirely new series of nursery posts when we move into our new place. Sob!) More on that soon. In the meantime, I have THIS gorgeous clock to give away c/o Tottini who rocks:
To win? Tell me something pretty. I'll choose a winner next Monday, November 14th via my buddy-ol'-pal Random Dot Org! Good luck to all and thank you Tottini for rocking so incredibly hard.


More nursery posts, here:


BONUS GIVEAWAY: Tottini is launching a content series of its own and is looking for a NAME to launch their "parenting-infant-and-toddler" series! They're offering a $100 gift card to the winner. Just go to Tottini's facebook page, "like" and comment with any and all name ideas you have. You have until midnight PST, November 14th! (ED: I just submitted "Hey There, Tot Stuff" and I'm pretty sure you could do better.)


Congratulations to commenter #224, Leah WHO JUST ANNOUNCED HER PREGNANCY OMG!

Thanks to all who commented and shared their pretty. The comments on this post made my day. Love to all!


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atout | 11:27 AM

This probably sounds nutty, but my niece has the craziest cowlick and I think it's so beautiful I want to kiss it everytime I see her.

ProudMomma | 11:29 AM
This comment has been removed by the author.
Valerie | 11:29 AM

Something pretty? My son has a very light birth mark on his right leg. I think it's fantastic.

Unknown | 11:32 AM

Our new bunny's bright pink eyes and perfectly white fur.

Kate | 11:33 AM


Rachel | 11:37 AM

I find out the sex of my friends' baby on Wednesday. I can't wait!!

Chelsi Archibald | 11:37 AM

Those beautiful baby girl's names are just amazing. Prettiest names I've heard for new babies in a very long time.

mcticktock | 11:37 AM

my son saying 'mama' for the first time, after saying 'dada' for the past 4 months :D

Ashley | 11:39 AM

Somthing pretty:
My boys are about four years apart, and the love they have for eachother is insane. Every morning my oldest runs to our room to be the first to say hi to Brady. He helps me change his diaper and get him ready for the day. Seeing them together is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen:0) ...
Your babies are amazingly cute :0) all 4 of them. The nursery is beautiful. I love how everything flows together. Thank you for the post! I'm in love with this clock

Becky | 11:40 AM

Something pretty? My 2-year-old is starting to make letter-sound connections and whenever we read an alphabet book and get to the letter M, no matter what the picture is in the book, she exclaims that M is for MOMMY! I can think of nothing more lovely than the reminder of how important I am in her world.

Your nursery is also lovely. I adore all the colors and artwork!

Lin | 11:40 AM

Oh the owl clock is fantastic!!!

My pretty: Maya just turned 1 and has learned to give kisses. She likes to smooch her daddy and me in turn, always making sure that she kisses us the same number of times. Adorable!

Anonymous | 11:41 AM

That clock is awesome. As is the nursery. I love it!

Anonymous | 11:42 AM

My something pretty: my house is FINALLY getting organized. ...just in time for us to try to create a baby to live in it with us. Yay!

Becky Stephens | 11:43 AM

I think this nursery is very pretty! I've loved watching it assemble, and have been inspired as I start to plan for my own!

LC | 11:44 AM

I'm a night owl so don't usually see such things, but was up early Sunday morn and saw a phenomenal sunrise. Seattle, Queen Anne hill. Only people up were joggers and walk-of-shamers!

Sheelah | 11:44 AM

My 13-month-old daughter's hair color is to dye for! :)

Dawn | 11:45 AM

My daughter picked out an adorable zebra dress to wear to preschool today:>

girl chris | 11:46 AM

My daughter turns two today. Her name is Ruby, and it's still the prettiest name I know.

Kerry | 11:49 AM

My grandmother's hands shake when she holds her teacup. But she's a fashionable woman who has always worn stacks and stacks of rings, and the shaking makes them all sparkle at once.

I told her this, and she smiled - and then spilled her tea when she tried to look. We laughed.

Ellen | 11:49 AM

Pretty is a clear L.A. day today where I can see all the way to the ocean from my office, and picture I'm frolicking in it (and pretend that it would be warm if I were to do so).

christine | 11:49 AM

your nursery is pretty!!!

Ali Renee | 11:50 AM

I love owls!! I actually made my own costume and was an owl for Halloween! As soon as I have $78 I'm def buying this clock.

Jamie Elizabeth | 11:50 AM

I did a maternity shoot yesterday with a girl who is 32 weeks pregnant with twins. She was glowing and gorgeous, light and effortless. I didn't want the session to end. I can't wait for my work day to end so I can go edit those photos.

supertiff | 11:53 AM

my grandmother passed away when i was 13, and i've always remembered her (at least a little) obsessive collecting of owls. three weeks ago, my grandpa packed up their condo in florida for good, putting together boxes of stuff for each granchild and shipping them off on their merry way to various points across the country. i appreciate the time spent, and the thought: but let me just tell you there was not one damn owl in my box. so *grumbly, but with hope* i would REALLY love that owl clock. it looks almost exactly like some of my grandmother's did. sorry to be sappy, but you know. when it comes to grandmothers and owls, all bets are off.

andrea | 11:55 AM

Random syncronocity: last night as i was coming home from visiting a sick friend an owl flew in front of my car while i was waiting at a stoplight. Pretty amazing moment.

Kimberly | 11:56 AM

I just moved to New Orleans and am living in the French Quarter. This has fulfilled my 14-year old self's Anne Rice-induced dreams.

Unknown | 11:57 AM

My great grannie collected owls, so I have a sortof owl theme going on in my house a little bit...

stargazermama | 11:57 AM

my son Calix said to me today "you burrffey (birthday)is commin mama! happy burrffey you mama, I yove you on you burrffey" so that was special and pretty! my birthday is 11.11.11 and I loooove owls!

Cynthia | 11:57 AM

my daughter told me last night that she likes hugging me a lot because my skin feels warm and squishy and because she loves me so much

Mallory | 11:59 AM

something pretty - the names of your beautiful girls... loved reading the story- and i love how much effort you put into thinking of those names, the meanings behind them and what/how the girls could grow into them. beautiful!

ps - owls are my absolute favorite (i have far too many for my own good, but i continue collecting)... so this is an amazing giveaway! i may have to buy the clock even if i don't win! :)

Anonymous | 11:59 AM

My niece is about to turn 3 and she is hilarious. Her name is Kinsy, and she has the most beautiful gray/blue eyes I've ever seen!


Melissa S. | 12:00 PM

Something beautiful? I have an amazing little man who is a loving big brother and two girls (14 months apart) that love each other immensely. I'm expecting my 4th in May. My kids are amazingly beautiful.

Fraulicious | 12:01 PM

My girl, who will be 4 on 11/11/11 and loves owls is behind me, playing a CD and singing along! A wonderful sound :)

Stacey B | 12:01 PM

What is beautiful is that I was hoping you would say you were giving away that owl clock so I could win and give it to Miss Getty Owl...and you are! Beautiful!

Gina | 12:03 PM

One of my best friends is pregnant with her first little girl and I would LOVE to get her some street name art but it doesn't appear the site is working... :( I think this is the best gift! Original and goes with every nursery. Could you tell me if his site has moved...

Des | 12:03 PM

My son too a poo in the toilet on his own. This is coming after months of wiping poo out of his underwear.

Ashley | 12:03 PM

Something pretty: my dogs when they're freshly bathed (so rare, so happy!).

Katie | 12:03 PM

something pretty = my 10 month old son's enormous grin when he sees me first thing in the morning. Love the nursery and the girls are beautiful!

Amy | 12:06 PM

My morning sickness is finally gone. Yay!

Krystan | 12:07 PM

Something pretty is my beautiful baby girl playing with her beautiful collection of stuffed animal owls and trying to figure out how to say the word "owl," which currently comes out as "aaawwwwwl." This would be a beautiful addition to her room!

Elissa L. | 12:07 PM

This morning my 6 year old daughter asked me if I was scared when I had her. I told that I wasn't because Daddy and Nana (my Mom) were there with me. I told her that her Nana and her Daddy were the first people to ever see her and she said "Oh that's why I love them both the most". It is true, she is very much a Daddy's girl and I have never seen anyone adore someone as much as my daughter loves her Nana.

Becca | 12:09 PM

Something pretty...fall leaves, cannot get enough of the pretty colors!

shelly | 12:12 PM

My pregnant friend is having a version today and I'm thinking happy, pretty, nice thoughts for her and you should too.

dennfinn | 12:12 PM

Something pretty is the little scar that is forming between my son's eyebrows from one of his countless "learning to climb" tumbles, reminding me that he is, truly, my son. Scar pretty? Oh yes, indeed.

Rochelle | 12:12 PM

My 27 month old toddler, Ryan, asleep in his bed at naptime. The cheeks are too much to bear with their beauty!

Amy | 12:13 PM

Love your nursery-it is so unique!

For something pretty, my 8 week-old daughter is smiling more and more everyday and it melts my heart.

"i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)"


Tasha | 12:14 PM

We decided to name our baby girl a really pretty name (but I'm paranoid and won't share yet until she's born.

Catherine McNeur | 12:14 PM

We just planted a tiny elm sapling in front of our house. It's got that whole awkward new tree look to it, but I think it's awfully pretty and can't wait to see it grow.

Nannette | 12:14 PM

When looking at pics of your beautiful new babes, my 8yr old Wilhelmina (my "Archer", the sage of the fam) said "they aren't exactly the same on the outside but their hearts are identical". *swoon*

Nicole D | 12:17 PM

My friends baby boy who I just met for the first time. He is finally recovered from the heart transplant he got at 6 weeks.

Courtney | 12:18 PM

Something Pretty: your nursery fabrics inspired me to make my own bedding and curtains - bedroom makeover!

Stephanie | 12:20 PM

I love that clock and your nursery and your babies are precious!
Pretty: My daughter makes the cutest scrunchy faces. She is 9 months old.

marlene | 12:20 PM

my youngest is never without her owl stuffed animal. he is named "chook", after an owl that lives on my grandmother's island in croatia :)

nicole | 12:21 PM

I love that clock!

Now, for a owl story: Last October, my husband and I got married at his stepfather's home, which sits on a former plantation that belonged to his grandfather. On the property, there was an original cotton gin. Inside, everything was covered in dust, but you could still see the machinery and imagine it in working order. In one of the uppermost corners of the gin, there lived an old white owl with a massive wingspan! It was so majestic, sitting there, overlooking the place. If spooked, it would take off in flight - such an incredible sight! Sadly, in April, a tornado swept across the land and the cotton gin was reduced to rubble, none of it was salvageable. We're not sure what happened to the owl ("our owl"). Hopefully, he moved on before the mass destruction. Animals are instinctive and resilient like that. But - anytime we see any owl decor, we try to scoop it up, to remember our owl. He was a beaut! This clock would be a happy tribute.

Thanks for the chance to win. The babes nursery is a perfect mix of "dreamy bohemia!" Well done! xo.

priscillapants | 12:23 PM

pretty is the overcast sky in austin, tx today. being a northeast transplate, i never thought i'd say this, but we needed a break from the sun. despite it being 78 and humid, from inside i can pretend it's a cold fall day.

Renee | 12:27 PM

The prettiest I know right now (and I'm positive will remain for the rest of my life) is my newborn daughter's name - MILLA new love. Thanks!

megan | 12:28 PM

My youngest daughter has a congenital cataract (don't worry, it is tiny and doesn't obscure her vision) and I kid you not, it looks like she has a twinkle in her eye, which is beautiful!

Janel | 12:30 PM

My little girls like to hug each other now. It's really sweet and pretty.

Mama | 12:31 PM

LOVE THE NURSERY!!!! We have a pair of those same Uggs.... LOVE THEM ALSO! The wear so nicely. we are going on our 3rd season of them and they still look great. My girl is not much of a grower... ha ha ha!

Anonymous | 12:32 PM

A group of starlings is called a murmuration.

Mary | 12:33 PM

That clock is adorable! Hmm...something pretty? Last week, when I walked outside all of the lawns were coated with a thick layer of frost. Everything sparkled and gleamed in the sunlight, so I happily danced my way across the garden leaving a trail of green footprints amidst the white.

Missy | 12:33 PM

My best friend Lara just found out she is pregnant with twin girls!! I am overjoyed... and can't wait to help her with the babies rooms... I am going to try to steer her in the PRETTY ROOM corner!!! ha ha BTW... I LOVE OWLS!!! Got my friend owl baby stuff actually...

Whitney | 12:37 PM

I woke up this morning to find my 3 month old twin boys reaching across their crib holding hands! It just melts my heart!

Ali Tong | 12:38 PM

oh, something pretty? My 2 month old son has just started smiling and singing along when my husband plays his guitar. its the cutest/sweetest thing I've ever seen in my life.

Shannon | 12:39 PM

My 2.5 year old son is going though a princess phase. He makes up beautiful songs and does ballet for me every morning. I love him. I asked my husband if I could buy him a tutu because he is obsessed with them. My husband's reply: "honey, you don't ever have to ask me a question like that." "Of course you can."

Pearl | 12:41 PM


Emily | 12:42 PM

I don't know if this counts as "pretty" but my two-year-old is obsessed with owls. In fact, "owl" is one of the few words he will actually say. He's going to be a big brother in March and it would be nice to have something so special for his "big boy" room! :)

Sarah P. Henry | 12:42 PM

something pretty: my 3-year-old saying, "you say, 'i love you, gray' and i'll say, 'i love you too, mama.'"

i always oblige.

(also lovely, my word verification: whish, which i have just created a definition for: a whispered wish)

ilovethemidwest | 12:44 PM

I'm expecting my first and am just getting into the thick of envisioning his/her room. That's just pretty to think about and pick out! Things I hope will suit him/her and that I'll look back on and smile.

Eileen | 12:45 PM

pretty~ the colorful leaves on the trees outside my office window, against a clear blue sky. :)

Garden Street Zoo | 12:45 PM

Something pretty? The way my son's eyes stand out against the blue-grey wall color in his newly decorated nursery, which by the way, could totally rock that adorable owl clock.

Evi | 12:48 PM

Your nursery is awesome... so much color and unique things! Love the clock!!

Unknown | 12:56 PM

Something pretty, this picture of my 11 day old baby. She's 5 weeks now and already looks so different.

Rachel | 12:56 PM

Something pretty? My daughter's blue-green eyes. Just the teensiest bit of her dad's asian eye features, my long eyelashes. She is gorgeous.

Amy K | 12:56 PM

I love owls! I even have an owl tattoo :D

Rachel | 1:00 PM

I have a 9 month old son named Archer. After deciding on the name, I was googling it in hopes of finding other awesome people with this awesome name.... and low and behold, I found GGC. I've been reading you religiously ever since. That's been over three years ago, and I wouldn't know what to do without my daily dose :)

LindseyLS | 1:01 PM

My little girl Epperly learned to clap recently. It makes me laugh and want to cry every time she does it now. :)


Shannon | 1:02 PM

Totally silly, but the newly snow capped mountains in our area are beyond beautiful. My little guy has an owl and fox woodland theme going on his room AND we were just discussing how sadly every clock in our house is digital. Mr. Owl would be a perfect fit here!

Sarah | 1:05 PM

I have a collection of little animals from all over the world--a snail from France, an elephant from South Africa, a cow from New York. They were all gifts from people I love, and are the prettiest thing in my room.

Blythe | 1:07 PM

Pretty is my son's blue eyes, turning green. Delight.

Jen | 1:07 PM

My something pretty... this week my baby is the size of a pineapple, which I think is pretty cool! (7 weeks or so to go!) Plus, the nursery is woodland themed and that clock is perfect with a capital P!

lori_r8 | 1:08 PM

Your nursery is adorable! My daughter says "pity" instead of "pretty" cute!

Noelle Spooner | 1:16 PM

That clock is a hoot! ;) prettiest thing in my life right now are my little dude's blue eyes.
That nursery? LOVE!!

lunafina | 1:17 PM

My daughter is obsessed with Lisa Loebs kid song called A Cold in my Nose...unfortunately..what ends up coming out of her mouth when she sings it Loudly in public is "coke in my nose a coke in my nose...i got come in my nose..."

We are still trying to correct that.. ;)

Anonymous | 1:17 PM

Something Pretty: The trees turning into fall! Love it!

Unknown | 1:19 PM

My son recently started telling people, "I love you so much" with a great emphasis on the "so." It is precious!

Little Gray Pixel | 1:20 PM

Aw, this clock would look awfully pretty in my daughter's nursery. It's owl-themed, with lots of vintage owls and wood-print owls.

And your nursery is a-ma-zing.

t. | 1:21 PM

Love. Love it all. I will tell you what's pretty: a mama's heart. Nothing more gorgeous about the love she carries within.

Great style, Bec. But you knew that already.

Erin + Erich + Liam | 1:23 PM

My 2nd little one is due in just 3 short weeks! I couldn't imagine my heart being big enough to hold any more love after having our beautiful boy 2 years ago, but I am finding out that it is more than possible. My heart is bursting at the seams and we haven't even met our little baby girl yet!

Nicole Pullen | 1:25 PM

I absolutely love how you decorated the nursery, I'm going to keep this in mind when I decorate my own!

I'm photographing my friend's 14 month old this week for her Christmas cards, and I'm beyond excited about it :)

AMD | 1:27 PM

It's a beautifully warm November day here on the East Coast. I'm lucky enough to work close enough to the ocean that I was able to fit in a walk on the beach during my lunchbreak.

robin | 1:34 PM

Your nursery is pretty! Also, the view from my living room window :)

Annika | 1:39 PM

Whenever my son (5) is unhappy, my daughter (not quite 2) runs over and pats him. It is beautiful.

Megan | 1:42 PM

Something three year old son likes to hug my big pregnant belly and then touch his belly to mine.

Katie | 1:43 PM

Pretty is the pb&j smeared across my 2-year-old's cheeks as she eats her lunch beside me. Is it just me or does every parent love watching their kids eat? katrina[dot]glazier[at]gmail[dot]com

Birdie | 1:43 PM

The sound of laughter from my 7 month old daughter. She laughs and then I laugh and then we are both laughing for no reason!

Anonymous | 1:43 PM

something pretty is my tabby cat named Birdie who thinks she is a human child and named after my obsession of all things birds and owls.

Anonymous | 1:44 PM

Something pretty? This name for that owl: Oiseau. It's French for bird and sounds like wah-zoh. What's even cooler is the true pretty, the pretty WITHIN...the name. It is the only word I know with all five vowels and only one other letter and when people see it, some think it says "Oh, I see you!"
Clever beauty is my favorite pretty.

Amy E. | 1:45 PM

Took a walk by the ocean today and noticed all the icicle plants turning red around the edges. Lovely contrast with the roiling ocean.

Melissa | 1:45 PM

My daughter's ginormous hazel eyes are the prettiest thing!

Meg | 1:47 PM

I'm coming up on 5 years of dating my guy (recently my fiance!). These have been beautiful years of growth, fun and learning together. Also, he's very pretty and we really need a wall clock.

Sky | 1:48 PM

Nothing prettier than my 6 month old who is just learning to give kisses. So sweet :)

Katharine | 1:53 PM

Daylight savings giving an extra hour to spend with my husband and puppy!

smitchpdx | 1:54 PM

The blazing orange and red leaves on the trees in front of our house on this crisp fall day...that's awfully pretty.

miabirdie | 1:56 PM

The autumn here in Southern Indiana has been spectacular, the trees exploding in reds and golds. Sparrows are dive-bombing bugs and each other outside my window.

Anonymous | 2:03 PM

My girlfriend is the biggest thrifter ever and she is always finding the cutest things for my home. She has an extensive (mostly vintage) owl collection and I would love to be able to return the favor by giving her something awesome!

Lisa Young | 2:05 PM

My 18 month old daughter, Olive is obsessed with owls! The sound of her sweet little voice saying "Owl! Owl! Whoo, Whoo" is extremely pretty. That clock would be so fab in her nursery.

court | 2:12 PM

Something pretty? your nursery! I am 6 months pregnant and we just signed on a house -- big steps happening all at once, but I am so excited to get a bigger place to get nesting. :)

Kris | 2:15 PM

Gorgeous nursery - love, love, love all the colors. =)

Financial pretty = a credit card statement with a big, fat zero in the balance column.

Sappy pretty = the artwork my son brings home from his early childhood class. He's on the autism spectrum, and I'm so proud of him for being able to sit at a table with other kids & unfamiliar adults, and focus his attention on one little sheet of paper.

Micaela | 2:17 PM

Something pretty: the illustrations of Tomi Ungerer. I've had the good fortune to work with him, and he is truly a character and a unique spirit! I love the copy of Moon Man peeking out from the bookcase.

Brava on the nursery -- it is truly gorgeous and I've already bookmarked it to serve as inspiration when I'm ready to design one someday. In the meantime, I would love to give the owl clock to my best friend's son, who, at age two, is obsessed with owls!

Justine B | 2:21 PM

I just bought the cutest Owl Salt and Pepper shakers for $5 at Pier 1. An owl wall clock like this would be so great in the kitchen with them!

Helen Amanda | 2:22 PM

LOVE LOVE LOVE all the colors!

My something pretty of today is this hand-made bird necklace. Not for sale, no, someone just made it for a person he loves.

Carly | 2:28 PM

Now that my daughter is eating solid foods, we wake up every morning and sit at the table with our bowls of warm oatmeal. It's such a simple thing, but I look forward to it so much that I jump out of bed these days!

Txbrenna | 2:31 PM

The quilt my grandmother made for my baby girl that fits her room perfectly is sweetly pretty to me.

Jenny Rae Rappaport | 2:33 PM

I love the nursery!

How's this for pretty: My 3.5 month old daughter is named Cora Minami. Cora, of course, as derived from coral. And Minami, which means "beautiful waves" in Japanese. We like the ocean, what can I say? =)

Here's what it looks like written out in Japanese, which is even prettier than the English!


Annie | 2:34 PM

My 4-month-old baby boy is just the prettiest thing I've ever seen.

Marissa | 2:35 PM

Love that this room works for older kids as well!

Kristy | 2:35 PM

My barista did an impromptu magic trick for me. Not conventionally pretty but it made me smile!

Unknown | 2:37 PM

I'm in love with your attention to details, always offering something wonderful to look at. The nobs are my something pretty for the room, always offering Bo and Rev a slight distraction when needed. I dig it. Well done.

Anonymous | 2:37 PM

The first snow of the season sure is pretty and magical.

Jennifer & Grayson | 2:39 PM

My son smiles at me now. This has been happening for two weeks.... The greatest 14 days of my life.

Christina @ busybmommy | 2:42 PM

Tell you something pretty?

This morning I awoke spooning my 3 year old son whilst my 7 year old spooned me. We were like a stack of measuring cups...warm and together on a chilly Monday morning. It was a moment of pure bliss.

ahm | 2:44 PM

Adrienne Segur's classic fairy tale illustrations! Are pretty to the max!

Love the blog! Thanks for everything!

Unknown | 2:47 PM

My daughter, who is two days older than Bo & Rev, is trying so hard to have girl talk with me. She gets all excited and then I get all excited and so on. It's a beautiful thing indeed!

Lindsey | 2:48 PM

Something pretty? The new house that we just purchased! Of course, once I get it decorated the way I want it to be. And of course my son's baby blue eyes.

Christy | 2:56 PM

Watching my daughter play with my old Cabbage Patch Babies from my childhood and loving them as much or more then I used to.

Dara | 2:57 PM

Pretty is my beautiful niece when she smiles & talks... she's figuring out that whole vocal cord thing.

Beautiful clock, Tottini!

L.L. | 2:57 PM

Something pretty - the pink, infant size Ralph Lauren cardi I scored for only a few bucks at the thrift store this past weekend. I am so obsessed with dressing my little lady, due in 3ish weeks.

Hyatt | 2:58 PM

My pregnant wife!

Andi | 3:00 PM

I'm in my new house after a long move, and even though all of our junk is in boxes, the floors are dusty, and my back is broken... It is so beautiful to see!

Our first house. Our home. I can't wait to start living here.

DreamGypsy | 3:03 PM

something pretty ~aurora borealis~

Melissa | 3:12 PM

That owl clock is killing me softly, Smalls.

Crap. That was lame even for me.


Holly | 3:17 PM

Freckles are pretty, and so are eyelashes. :)

Unknown | 3:24 PM

Something pretty...well- after 9 long-ass days in the dark (with 2 littl eone sunder 4) we got our power back 2 hours ago- if that isn't pretty- I don't know what is!?

Tara | 3:27 PM

something pretty? r&b's nursery! swoon!

lonek8 | 3:30 PM

well, as I was reading this post all three of my kids are holding hands and dancing together. That's pretty pretty

Jessica V. | 3:31 PM

My something pretty? The way my dog's eyebrows get so long that they touch her snout. Gotta love a scottish terrier.

Lydia | 3:33 PM

My six week old son's eyes...they're laughter, wisdom, contemplation, joy, wonder, love...I'm in love.

melanieandbrad | 3:43 PM

My nieces went through a phase where they either wouldn't kiss you or would wipe the kiss away. They still do that for some people, but not me. They allow kisses from me and they give the sweetest hugs, too. | 3:44 PM

That owl is super pretty. My girls (2 & 5), love owls - Ask them what an owl says - : "whoo whooo, whoo cooks for yooou?!"

Layla | 3:45 PM

Something pretty? I met my friend's newborn this Saturday and he is beautiful.

Karrie | 3:47 PM

Motherhood has been a transformation of the best kind for me. Once a wild, drunken, destructive, punk rocker girl on a rampage, and now 2 perfect babies later I am an extremely happy and satisfied woman who lives life with purpose. Pretty awesome.

Libby | 3:58 PM

I have a friend who is so glowingly beautifully pregnant that it almost ALMOST makes me want to have another one.

Instead, I will just admire her :)

eliza | 4:04 PM

pretty = moonlight shining through the orange leaves in my backyard tonight.

Jenn | 4:06 PM

Something pretty? My daughter has the prettiest dark brown eyes ever and she would love to say "HOOO HOOO" at this clock (which I would actually give to my sister since she is obsessed with owls).

Ashpdx | 4:06 PM

Prettiest thing- my sister's French bulldog's face. Seriously, she is a cutie. I would love the owl clock.

chantalart | 4:07 PM

My four year old daughter asked me about what happens when you go "up through the top of the air". When I told her about outer space she said, "Ooh!! Can we go there?" I was enchanted.

Kate | 4:11 PM

Something pretty would be my 13 year old daughter Alaura who loves animals and has recently found owls to be great! thanks for the chance.

trista | 4:13 PM

My eight year old holding my eighteen month old's hand and walking down the sidewalk.

trista | 4:14 PM

tristamj(at)hotmail dot com

dreadybetty | 4:17 PM

I'd love the clock for my Amelia Morning. Love the names you chose!

RSilvies | 4:21 PM

My dear friends Jenna and Sue flew in from across the country for my baby shower this past weekend. I am so blessed to have these ladies in my life!

Haley | 4:23 PM

After a year, I'm finally getting my condo organized and decorated. I'm starting to feel like it's pretty. I would love to put that clock in my son's nursery!

Sarah | 4:36 PM

My little girl's beautiful blonde curly hair.

Anonymous | 4:39 PM

I love owls... that is the best clock! Something pretty? Actually waking up to the sunrise and not to darkness now that daylight savings has passed!

Julia | 4:41 PM

The whole world.

Roxanne Carter | 4:43 PM

the roundness of the moon

redlands1 | 4:44 PM

Pretty? Your family is it! Also, my baby nephew just started with the belly's pretty too!

Anonymous | 4:47 PM

Northern Lights!

Anonymous | 4:53 PM

I think my baby son is quite pretty. He arrived a day before your girls, on September 12th.

His name is Rafael Moon.


jessse k | 4:55 PM

The fall leaves all around my house, my son helping with the fire wood, the fire in the fire place, fall....

Karen | 4:56 PM

Something pretty= 25 first graders who missed me while I was absent at a meeting for a day--missed me like I had been gone for ages. :-)

Anonymous | 4:59 PM

Yesterday my husband and I got together with our two closest couple friends and had our three babies together for the first time…all born in the same year. One born into the family in the usual way, one freshly adopted newborn and one (ours) who is with us through foster care. It was so lovely to see the three of them together…and how much all of our lives have changed in the past year.

Courtney | 5:07 PM

The imprint of my son's ear on the inside of my arm after his nursing might be the prettiest thing I have ever seen

Anonymous | 5:09 PM

something beautiful? My 6 year old daughter sometimes runs into my room in the morning and says with urgency *Mommy I gotta tell you something!* and every time I think it's something ultra important... so I wake up, and she'll hug me and go *I love you!*

KatyD | 5:10 PM

When my 5 month old son wakes up from his naps he goes "Hoo hoo hoo!" until someone comes to get him and then he smiles the biggest, most amazing gummy smile! We call him our "little hooter", among other awesomely goofy nicknames : )

candace | 5:11 PM

I love the owl clock and the prettiest things I know are my two daughters! Adeline 1 and Emma 3!

Emily | 5:12 PM

My best friend just did her entire nursery with an owl theme. This awesome clock would fit in perfectly!

Ellie D | 5:19 PM

Something pretty is the way
The sun shimmers on the ocean
When the world is between day
And dark

Something pretty is babies's eyes
Deep blue, watching and wide
Taking it in like old souls wise

Pretty is a girl eighteen
Stepping out on her own
Away from her home
Finally, fittingly free

Something pretty is life
Lived day by day
With whimsical fancy and love

Anonymous | 5:23 PM

I've recently begun collecting cloth diapers for when I have children next year. I've purchased a lot of owl themed items- a cloth diaper by GroVia, a onesie, and a wipes case. :) This clock would be gorgeous in the nursery!

Alisonian | 5:34 PM

Can a smell be pretty?! The fireside candle from Bath & Body Works is ridic!

Rebe S. | 5:38 PM

I am OBSESSED with owls...I have an entire wall literally covered in framed owl art, and several shelves covered with owl figurines, and part of my left arm covered in an owl half-sleeve tattoo...okay, you get the picture. That clock would be an awesome addition to my collection, and it would be even more special to know that it came from reading your blog!

spatulater | 5:42 PM

My 2 year old's blonde hair!

Lisa | 5:51 PM

I'm 10 weeks pregnant with a long desired baby. Your nursery inspires me. We've chosen prints to hang up ... Baby owls. The clock would be a perfect addition.

yes yes | 5:54 PM

My best friend is something pretty, and she loves owls.

Liz | 5:55 PM

oh i love that clock. :) your nursery is so great - very different but totally awesome.

Quin | 5:58 PM

My wise, funny 4-year-old nephew calls porcupines "pine cones" and pine cones "porcupines." He says "hedge hawk" for hedgehog and calls sharks "sharps." Whenever it rains, he looks out for a rainbone. His malapropisms are always hilariously apt and impressionistic; they make familiar things seem strange and wonderful.

Bryna | 5:59 PM

My daughter has fallen in love with rhymes; this morning I rhymed to her and she said "you're a Rhymin' Simon, mama!" And I had to laugh.
Yup. Hippy, crunchy parents in love with words and our baby.

Beth | 6:05 PM

I feel pretty. And witty. And bright.

Amalia | 6:06 PM

I love the colors and patterns of this nursery!

Something pretty...

My only baby right now is my dog, but she is so pretty. Silver fur and yellow eyes. And she loves her Mama most of all :)

Anonymous | 6:12 PM

Oh my gosh, I wanted that same clock for my son's nursery (he has a woodland creature theme) but never actually got it.

Today he learned how to close the door to his room by himself (he's 1 1/2) so I guess it'd be good for him to be able to tell how long he's been in there once he learns how to tell time. LOL

christine | 6:17 PM

Something pretty. My 2 year old boy's white white teeth. I love them.

Sarah | 6:18 PM

I get to hear my baby's heartbeat tomorrow at the doctor. I love that beautiful sound.

Nicole | 6:26 PM

My daughter has these beautiful, big, green eyes! Which is amazing being that mine are brown and my husbands are blue. Now that's pretty :-).

Jen | 6:27 PM

My boyfriend had a week this autumn where owls were mating in his backyard. He described it as a combination of high-pitched squealing and the sound of throwing up. Romantic!

meekasmommy | 6:27 PM

my grandmother just emailed me to say hello, which puts a smile on my face every time!

Taxidermy Worms | 6:27 PM

Stretch marks on the belly of a woman told she would never become pregnant; lines that formed to write a different story...

Aloicoius | 6:30 PM

I think my babies are obviously most beautiful thing in my life. But I also see beauty when people serve other people. It's a snowball effect. Do something for someone else today!

Myssie | 6:36 PM

My two year old just started adding -y to everything she says. As I was scrolling through this post I said to my self "very cute owly"!
It's contagious.

Li Li | 6:38 PM

My husband has the most adorable little dimple to the right of his bottom lip that only appears while he's eating. I love it. :o)

Amber S | 6:38 PM

I just had an ultrasound at 35 weeks 4 days, and our twins are 5 lbs. 14 oz. and 5 lbs. 15 oz. Those numbers were beautiful to see!

E | 6:44 PM

Pretty is my niece Z who is just 3 months old. (She is smart too, I must add.) Her nursery has several owls in it - not planned but people gave her owls and her mama loves them. Her mama also loves Tottini. I have not given Z an owl yet ... might this be the one?

Lindsay Collins | 6:44 PM

Owls are a household favorite over here!

domestiCate | 6:49 PM

My crib-sleeping baby girl fell asleep with me in bed this morning while feeding. It was so nice to have that sleepy closeness with her.

Missmonky | 6:55 PM

My nephew, Aiden, has this amazing giggle. He's such a serious little boy but when he laughs, it's infectious. I can't help but fall a little more in love with every smile. And that's the most beautiful thing in my world.

jessica | 6:55 PM

As someone who has been watching this nursery come together from the beginning, this owl clock has been one of my favorite piece all along!

Chelcie | 6:59 PM

man! i'd use that clock, even though i'm pretty sure it's supposed to be for the smalls. as for something pretty, i'm about to go to a conference in dc and actually bought new outfits, including shoes and accessories, for it... this is a first for me. i feel girly. and one of the accessories was a long-chained owl necklace!

also, heads up! monday is the 14th. i only know this because my bday is actually the 13th and since it's a good day, i tend to try to know what day it falls on. ;)

Gina | 6:59 PM

Sibling love. Baby's honey-sweet breath. Five hours of uninterrupted sleep. ...and that owl clock is pretty too!

Jamie | 7:07 PM

This morning I was woken up by a sweet little almost-11-month's-old sweet voice calling out Mama for the first time. My heart melts :)

Kristy J | 7:08 PM

My kiddos all smiling and laughing at each other. That is so very pretty.

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