Eat Well: TLC w/WWW (featuring LDW)

The following post was written by my mom, WWW. Thanks, mom!
cherry pie in the making

Saturday I told Rebecca that I probably wouldn’t be writing a post this week. I have been in Bowling Green, Ohio since a week ago Tuesday, helping Rachel move into her awesome apartment (converted from a 1880’s hotel) as she prepares for grad school. I had originally planned on returning home on Sunday, but unfortunately Rachel’s back went out—as in, she could not MOVE—trying to lift a bookcase full of books (I know…my girls think they are Superwoman!) So…I am staying a few more days until I am sure that she can function on her own. She is generally being a good sport about being laid up at such an important time, but today when I dropped her off at the music school for her orientation (she still is having a hard time maneuvering a car and is in no condition to walk the mile from her apartment) she annoyingly told me it reminded her of being in junior high. At the same moment the words came out of her mouth, we saw another grad student whose parents were actually WALKING her into the building; I told Rachel it could be worse.

So… back to not posting. This week’s fruit is navel oranges but I didn’t think I would have time or inspiration to come up with orange recipes being away from my cookbooks and my kitchen. (8 navel oranges are inside of Rebecca right now according to which I think qualifies as a large bag and justifies a LOT of sympathetic stares). So I called Rebecca and told her no post. And then last night, Larry proudly sent me these pictures and that’s when I changed my mind. Larry had had picked a large number of vegetables from the garden, and had actually beautifully prepared and COOKED them to go along with some refried beans I had left him in the freezer.

Rachel and I were jumping up and down with glee at the sight of these photos and of course we had to forward the pictures to Rebecca who was also jumping up and down dying laughing at how FUCKING adorable my father, LDW, is. This is Rebecca by the way, back to you, Wendy...
Iphone pictures 683
Iphone pictures 684
Iphone pictures 685
I know this doesn’t sound like a big deal, but you have to know that Larry has NEVER cooked anything on the stove in the 33 years we have been married except scrambled eggs (which, I might add, he does really well).

So the two girls were calling each other to giggle about how ADORABLE they thought their dad was and I called Larry to tell him how PROUD we were of him for cooking such a wonderful (and beautiful) meal for himself. And that magical moment along with the fact that I have been cooking like mad here in Ohio, stocking Rachel’s freezer full of healthy food, lead me to realize that I could let the oranges go and write about something else, something I have been wanting to write about for awhile.

I had a friend tell me the other day that she thought that feeding people is one of my languages of love. I never thought about it before but I think she is right. Whenever people come over, I am suddenly inviting them to eat—lunch or dinner, or tea and a snack. One of my great joys when the kids were growing up was feeding them and their friends. And probably the hardest adjustment for me when they moved out was missing the constant waves of hungry teenagers plopping in our kitchen for a meal. With all of this extra time here in Ohio, I have been enjoying helping Rachel adjust to her new life by giving her a freezer full of home-made food. When Rebecca had her babies, I did the same for her and will again when the twins come. I have a list of favorite foods I cook for this purpose, all of them are recipes I have shared with you before. All of these foods freeze well but also are great to bring to the home of someone you love if they have been laid up or need a little bit of home cooking to cheer them up.

My favorite TLC recipes

2. (meat-free) Split pea soup:


And one last thing… to those of you who live in the Michigan/Ohio area, how lucky you are to have Michigan tart cherries to use for cherry pies! Rachel found this recipe when she was at U of Michigan and it's amazing!

Ok…I am off to make another cherry pie before I have to pick Rachel up from her orientation. I think the smell of that luscious pie will cheer her up!!



Glenda | 7:19 AM


Your mom is amazing! She reminds me so much of my own mom (she passed in 2004)

My mom loved to cook and feed you as soon as you walked in the door. When I had both my kids she came for 2 weeks (I lived out of state) and she'd cook and clean. Nothing like your Mama's food and desserts all made from scratch. All made with LOVE!!!

Rebecca | 7:30 AM

I agree! I love cooking for people for that same reason, but being a vegetarian, my carnivorous family won't let me cook for them. Sad face.
BTW, ditto on the spaghetti squash with marinara and black bean soup, I've tried both recipes and they were both delish!

TKTC | 7:39 AM

THis has to be one of my favorite WWW posts to date. It's an actual treasure trove of healthy recipe ideas and I feel compelled to once again agree that you, RW, are so lucky to have been eating this way your whole life. You know that, we know that, I'm just so excited WWW wants is willing to share!

PS Love the editorial note on response to your Dad's cooking. As the daughter of a fellow scrambled egg wizard, my response would have been similarly fucking delighted :)

Rose05 | 8:05 AM

What a lovely Mama you have. That is all. : )

Lisa | 8:27 AM

My husband and I met in undergrad at BG (a little over 10 years ago). And he cooks a mean egg breakfast too.

It is a great midwestern college town. Beware the winds (such a flat campus leads to crazy Chicago like winds).

Katie Lee | 9:15 AM

I want to make every one of those recipes! I'll start today. Thank you!

Amanda | 10:15 AM

We, seriously, make your mom's black bean soup/chili at least once a month or so. It's amazing. AMAZING. I've made both vegan (actually I think the recipe itself IS in fact vegan) and meat lover's versions for friends and family and every single one has adored both versions.

All of these recipes are so awesome. Healthy, delicious and from what I've discovered very cost effective. Thank you two for putting them out there for us!

Anonymous | 10:50 AM

This post made me happy, as I started reading back when Archer was a baby and I was living in Bowling Green for 5 years getting my Ph.D. I've never commented but have loved your writing ever since! I also know the hotel-converted apartments your mom speaks of, and Rachel will be very happy there. At least she'll be used to the weather from UofM! I have a feeling she'll fall in love with the Grounds for Thought coffee house there, too.

After years away from home, I'm finally back in my hometown of Philadelphia, and while unpacking with my husband and sister last week, they asked why I still have copies of the Chicken Soup books - because Girls Gone Child is in there. Which required some more explanation....haha. Best of luck with the babies!

Kirsty | 1:46 PM

I came over here on a whim today (I love this blog just forget to look at it and was reminded by Alice at Finslippy) and whaddaya know. I live in Bowling Green, Ohio and I am good friends with the Music Chair. Let me know if you or your daughter need anything while you are here. Sorry about her back. What a bummer.

This is a great little town (and being from sunny South Africa I am a pretty tough sell! ;) (so you can see I am not too scary)


You guys are awesome! And thank you all for sharing about your experiences at BG! Kirsty, if you see my sister, give her a hug from me!

Nancy | 5:04 PM

If your mom every writes a book, I will buy a dozenzillion copies and give them to everyone I know. WENDY ROCKS!

Rebecca B | 6:59 PM

Rebecca, I think you are really great and all, but I have to say I LOVE your mom. I love to cook too and I feel like WWW is a woman after my own heart . Reading her posts makes me look forward to the relationship I hope to have one day have with my three children - girl (5), boy (2), girl (8 wks) - when they are adults. She is an inspiration for sure.

Victoria | 12:36 AM

Love your Mom and partly because she is my age! My favorite thing too was feeding my kids as they were growing up. Just like her I miss that the most. We had the best bonding time over food.

Anonymous | 6:13 AM

OMG, everything looks so good! Thank you for continuing to share your love language (that so perfectly describes it!) with us.

Now....would LOVE to see Rachel's fab apartment! Please?


Anonymous | 8:08 PM

My home town! I wish I knew to be on the lookout for www while I was home this week!

Daniella | 2:06 AM

I think it is official now: I am just in love with your mother. Or her writing? Or her cooking?
All the best!!!!

My Bottle's Up! | 5:08 AM

dear wendy,
you are absolutely splendid. i have such a special relationship with my mom and reading your posts on rebecca's blog reminds me how incredible that bond is. thank you for sharing your food, your wisdom, and your voice.

Jen | 5:56 AM

Rebecca, I think I just twitter-harassed you-but am SO excited to welcome another Falcon to the nest! BG is such a great town! I ended up coming back for grad school, getting married and staying forever (we live near Toledo now). I even was a part of the College of Music in my undergrad. She's going to love it. Well, except for those winter winds. If your sister wants any good information on local veg/farm markets shoot me an email. We belong to a CSA and they have the best produce. And the Schooners sell at several local markets too. Welcome to our corner of the world!

Kendra in Dayton | 9:41 AM

(waving up State Rt 75 from Dayton to Bowling Green). I went to college in Toledo - just a hop skip and a jump from BG). Nice to have you in the "hood." And I agree......the cherries are awesome. Loving your yummy posts! Keep them coming.

Wendy Woolf | 4:45 PM

Oh my gosh. Thank you all for your LOVING comments and the wonderful welcoming for Rachel. It's always an adjustment to be so far from home, but I know she will thrive there if you all are representative of the lovely people in BG! I am back home now so if any of you see her, give her huge hugs!

Erin | 7:15 AM

I tried the quinoa stuffed peppers last night sans the jalepenos--they were delicious! Thanks for sharing!