Okay. SO. I have been trying to find the You Tube video/ live performance of David Bowie singing Kooks because it's my all time favorite song about fatherhood. Unfortunately I have been on a mission for weeks to find the damn video and have found that no such thing exists SOOOO I am including the lyrical workings of David Bowie and his song, "Kooks" written for his son, Zowie Bowie (Heh) and sure to make the world weep. (Or maybe it's just me.)
If anyone has any way to find this video (live performance or otherwise) or even a link to the MP3, please let me know. I'm really bad at this stuff and if you are not familiar with the song, is pure perfection on a platter:
[CHORUS (x2)]
Will you stay in our Lovers' Story
If you stay you won't be sorry
'Cause we believe in you
Soon you'll grow so take a chance
With a couple of Kooks
Hung up on romancing
We bought a lot of things
to keep you warm and dry
And a funny old crib on which the paint won't dry
I bought you a pair of shoes
A trumpet you can blow
And a book of rules
On what to say to people
when they pick on you
'Cause if you stay with us you're gonna be pretty Kooky too
And if you ever have to go to school
Remember how they messed up
this old fool
Don't pick fights with the bullies
or the cads
'Cause I'm not much cop at punching other people's Dads
And if the homework brings you down
Then we'll throw it on the fire
And take the car downtown
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Of course, the runner up to awesome Dad songs is Ben Folds' "Still Fighting It"
(sniff)... About Dads and sons and growing up and love and, and, and... enjoy.
Happy Father's Day to all the Bowies and Bens and Dads with some seriously quirky and rock n roll love for their littles. High-fives all around. Happy day.
Happy Father's Day Part II: Bowie & Ben
Posted by
Sunday, June 18, 2006

I LOVE Ben Folds. In fact, when I was away at Governor's School before my senior year of high school (nerd camp), we wrote, rehersed, and performed a musical to that CD.
"Still FIghting It" was most definitely included and was coreographed to include male ballet dancers.
Okay, so it was a lot better than it might be sounding!
actually, that sounds pretty awesome to me.
the musical was a blast. get 400 teenagers contained on a small college campus, take about 50 of them who are bored senseless, and have them find a CD they find to be world changing, and fun ensues.
the best was "rockin' the suburbs". we mercilessly mocked george w. bush, as we decided it was his theme song.
What, no 'Cat's in the Cradle'?
Totally. I love "Gracie" as well. Shit always makes me cry. He performed "Brick" and then "Gracie" one after another... had the audience a blubb'rin. Good stuff.
Sorry to say that I've never heard that song or seen the video - but I love it! Actually, I'm kind of glad I didn't know it when I was younger, without kids it may not have had the same impact as it did tonight. Plus, I'm super hormonal. Now I'm off to try and find Gracie. Thanks for sharing!!!
I was going to say I put Gracie on my Fathers day post on my blog. I have never heard 'Still Fighting It' but I feel all warm and gooey now knowing that he's written 2 songs about his son and daughter. I always felt a bit guilty loving Gracie so much when I have my lovely son too.
I just found kooks on this site that I use. I could download it for you and if you have itunes then I'll send it to you.
Lemme know
have you heard Paul Simons new song to his daughter??
Both Still Fighting It and Gracie are two of my BF favorites.
I played the video and watched it with Dave and we both cried. Beautiful!
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